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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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no reason to start myself panicking; Alice had promised。 
I hurried through my dinner; not tasting it—just feeling the ache as it slid 
down my raw throat。 Mostly I 
was thirsty; I must have drunk a half gallon of water by the time I was 
finished。 All the salt in my system 
had dehydrated me。 
I went to go try to watch TV while I waited。 
Alice was already there; sitting on her improvised bed。 Her eyes were a liquid 
butterscotch。 She smiled 
and patted the pillow。 〃Thanks。〃 
〃You're early;〃 I said; elated。 
I sat down next to her and leaned my head on her shoulder。 She put her cold 
arms around me and 
〃Bella。 What are we going to do with you?〃 
〃I don't know;〃 I admitted。 〃I really have been trying my hardest。〃 
〃I believe you。〃 
It was silent。 
〃Does—does he〃 I took a deep breath。 It was harder to say his name out 
loud; even though I was 
able to think it now。 〃Does Edward know you're here?〃 I couldn't help asking。 
It was my pain; after all。 
I'd deal with it when she was gone; I promised myself; and felt sick at the 
There was only one way that could be true。 〃He's not with Carlisle and Esme?〃 
〃He checks in every few months。〃 
〃Oh。〃 He must still be out enjoying his distractions。 I focused my curiosity 
on a safer topic。 〃You said you 
flew here Where did you e from?〃 
〃I was in Denali。 Visiting Tanya's family。〃 
〃Is Jasper here? Did he e with your'〃 
She shook her head。 〃He didn't approve of my interfering。 We promised〃 she 
trailed off; and then her 
tone changed。 〃And you think Charlie won't mind my being here?〃 she asked; 
sounding worried。 
〃Charlie thinks you're wonderful; Alice。〃 
〃Well; we're about to find out。〃 
Sure enough; a few seconds later I heard the cruiser pull into the driveway。 I 
jumped up and hurried to 
open the door。 
Charlie trudged slowly up the walk; his eyes on the ground and his shoulders 
slumped。 I walked forward 
to meet him; he didn't even see me until I hugged him around the waist。 He 
embraced me back fiercely。 
〃I'm so sorry about Harry; Dad。〃 
〃I'm really going to miss him;〃 Charlie mumbled。 
〃How's Sue doing?〃 
〃She seems dazed; like she hasn't grasped it yet。 Sam's staying with her〃 
The volume of his voice faded 
in and out。 〃Those poor kids。 Leah's just a year older than you; and Seth is 
only fourteen〃 He shook 
his head。 
He kept his arms tight around me as he started toward the door again。 
〃Um; Dad?〃 I figured I'd better warn him。 〃You'll never guess who's here。〃 
He looked at me blankly。 His head swiveled around; and he spied the Mercedes 
across the street; the 
porch light reflecting off the glossy black paint。 Before he could react; 
Alice was in the doorway。 
〃Hi; Charlie;〃 she said in a subdued voice。 〃I'm sorry I came at such a bad 
〃Alice Cullen?〃 he peered at the slight figure in front of him as if he 
doubted what his eyes were telling 
him。 〃Alice; is that you?〃 
〃It's me;〃 she confirmed。 〃I was in the neighborhood。〃 
〃Is Carlisle?〃 
〃No; I'm alone。〃 
Both Alice and I knew he wasn't really asking about Carlisle。 His arm 
tightened over my shoulder。 
〃She can stay here; can't she?〃 I pleaded。 〃I already asked her。〃 
〃Of course;〃 Charlie said mechanically。 〃We'd love to have you; Alice。〃 
〃Thank you; Charlie。 I know it's horrid timing。〃 
〃No; it's fine; really。 I'm going to be really busy doing what I can for 
Harry's family; it will be nice for 
Bella to have some pany。〃 
〃There's dinner for you on the table; Dad;〃 I told him。 
〃Thanks; Bell。〃 He gave me one more squeeze before he shuffled toward the 
Alice went back to the couch; and I followed her。 This time; she was the one 
to pull me against her 
〃You look tired。〃 
〃Yeah;〃 I agreed; and shrugged。 〃Near…death experiences do that to me So; 
what does Carlisle think 
of you being here?〃 
〃He doesn't know。 He and Esme were on a hunting trip。 I'll hear from him in a 
few days; when he gets 
〃You won't tell him; though when he checks in again?〃 I asked。 She knew I 
didn't mean Carlisle now。 
〃No。 He'd bite my head off;〃 Alice said grimly。 
I laughed once; and then sighed。 
I didn't want to sleep。 I wanted to stay up all night talking to Alice。 And it 
didn't make sense for me to be 
tired; what with crashing on Jacob's couch all day。 But drowning really had 
taken a lot out of me; and my 
eyes wouldn't stay open。 I rested my head on her stone shoulder; and drifted 
into a more peaceful 
oblivion than I had any hope of。 
I woke early; from a deep and dreamless sleep; feeling well…rested; but stiff。 
I was on the couch tucked 
under the blankets I'd laid out for Alice; and I could hear her and Charlie 
talking in the kitchen。 It 
sounded like Charlie was fixing her breakfast。 
〃How bad was it; Charlie?〃 Alice asked softly; and at first I thought they 
were talking about the 
Charlie sighed。 〃Real bad。〃 
〃Tell me about it。 I want to know exactly what happened when we left。〃 
There was a pause while a cupboard door was closed and a dial on the stove was 
clicked off。 I waited; 
〃I've never felt so helpless;〃 Charlie began slowly。 〃I didn't know what to 
do。 That first week—I thought I 
was going to have to hospitalize her。 She wouldn't eat or drink; she wouldn't 
move。 Dr。 Gerandy was 
throwing around words like 'catatonic;' but I didn't let him up to see her。 I 
was afraid it would scare her。〃 
〃She snapped out of it though?〃 
〃I had Renee e to take her to Florida。 I just didn't want to be the one 
if she had to go to a hospital 
or something。 I hoped being with her mother would help。 But when we started 
packing her clothes; she 
woke up with a vengeance。 I've never seen Bella throw a fit like that。 She was 
never one for the 
tantrums; but; boy; did she fly into a fury。 She threw her clothes everywhere 
and screamed that we 
couldn't make her leave—and then she finally started crying。 I thought that 
would be the turning point。 I 
didn't argue when she insisted on staying here and she did seem to get 
better at first〃 
Charlie trailed off。 It was hard listening to this; knowing how much pain I'd 
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