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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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Billy pulled his hand away from Jacob; and then he rolled himself through the 
kitchen toward his room。 
Jake stared after him for a minute; then came to sit on the floor beside me 
again。 He put his face in his 
hands。 I rubbed his shoulder; wishing I could think of anything to say。 
After a long moment; Jacob caught my hand and held it to his face。 
〃How are you feeling? Are you okay? I probably should have taken you to a 
doctor or something。〃 He 
〃Don't worry about me;〃 I croaked。 
He twisted his head to look at me。 His eyes were rimmed in red。 〃You don't 
look so good。〃 
〃I don't feel so good; either; I guess。〃 
〃I'll go get your truck and then take you home—you probably ought to be there 
when Charlie gets back。〃 
I lay listlessly on the sofa while I waited for him。 Billy was silent in the 
other room。 I felt like a peeping 
torn; peering through the cracks at a private sorrow that wasn't mine。 
It didn't take Jake long。 The roar of my truck's engine broke the silence 
before I expected it。 He helped 
me up from the couch without speaking; keeping his arm around my shoulder when 
the cold air outside 
made me shiver。 He took the driver's seat without asking; and then pulled me 
next to his side to keep his 
arm tight around me。 I leaned my head against his chest。 
〃How will you get home?〃 I asked。 
〃I'm not going home。 We still haven't caught the bloodsucker; remember?〃 
My next shudder had nothing to do with cold。 
It was a quiet ride after that。 The cold air had woken me up。 My mind was 
alert; and it was working very 
hard and very fast。 
What if? What was the right thing to do? 
I couldn't imagine my life without Jacob now—I cringed away from the idea of 
even trying to imagine 
that。 Somehow; he'd bee essential to my survival。 But to leave things the 
way they were was that 
cruel; as Mike had accused? 
I remembered wishing that Jacob were my brother。 I realized now that all I 
really wanted was a claim on 
him。 It didn't feel brotherly when he held me like this。 It just felt nice—
warm and forting and familiar。 
Safe。 Jacob was a safe harbor。 
I could stake a claim。 I had that much within my power。 
I'd have to tell him everything; I knew that。 It was the only way to be fair。 
I'd have to explain it right; so 
that he'd know I wasn't settling; that he was much too good for me。 He already 
knew I was broken; that 
part wouldn't surprise him; but he'd need to know the extent of it。 I'd even 
have to admit that I was 
crazy—explain about the voices I heard。 He'd need to know everything before 
he made a decision。 
But; even as I recognized that necessity; I knew he would take me in spite of 
it all。 He wouldn't even 
pause to think it through。 
I would have to mit to this—mit as much of me as there was left; every 
one of the broken 
pieces。 It was the only way to be fair to him。 Would I? Could I? 
Would it be so wrong to try to make Jacob happy? Even if the love I felt for 
him was no more than a 
weak echo of what I was capable of; even if my heart was far away; wandering 
and grieving after my 
fickle Romeo; would it be so very wrong? 
Jacob stopped the truck in front of my dark house; cutting the engine so it 
was suddenly silent。 Like so 
many other times; he seemed to be in tune with my thoughts now。 
He threw his other arm around me; crushing me against his cheat; binding me to 
him。 Again; this felt nice。 
Almost like being a whole person again。 
I thought he would be thinking of Harry; but then he spoke; and his tone was 
apologetic。 〃Sorry。 I 
know you don't feel exactly the way I do; Bella。 I swear I don't mind。 I'm 
just so glad you're okay that I 
could sing—and that's something no one wants to hear。〃 He laughed his throaty 
laugh in my ear。 
My breathing kicked up a notch; sanding the walls of my throat。 
Wouldn't Edward; indifferent as he might be; want me to be as happy as 
possible under the 
circumstances? Wouldn't enough friendly emotion linger for him to want that 
much for me? I thought he 
would。 He wouldn't begrudge me this: giving just a small bit of love he didn't 
want to my friend Jacob。 
After all; it wasn't the same love at all。 
Jake pressed his warm cheek against the top of my hair。 
If I turned my face to the side—if I pressed my lips against his bare 
shoulder。。。 I knew without any doubt 
what would follow。 It would be very easy。 There would be no need for 
explanations tonight。 
But could I do it? Could I betray my absent heart to save my pathetic life? 
Butterflies assaulted my stomach as I thought of turning my head。 
And then; as clearly as if I were in immediate danger; Edward's velvet voice 
whispered in my ear。 
〃Be happy;〃 he told me。 
I froze。 
Jacob felt me stiffen and released me automatically; reaching for the door。 
Wait; I wanted to say。 Just a minute。 But I was still locked in place; 
listening to the echo of Edward's 
voice in my head。 
Storm…cooled air blew through the cab of the truck。 
〃OH!〃 The breath whooshed out of Jacob like someone had punched him in the 
gut。 〃Holy crap!〃 
He slammed the door and twisted the keys in the ignition at the same moment。 
His hands were shaking 
so hard I didn't know how he managed it。 
〃What's wrong?〃 
He revved the engine too fast; it sputtered and faltered。 
〃Vampire;〃 he spit out。 
The blood rushed from my head and left me dizzy。 〃How do you know?〃 
〃Because I can smell it。 Dammit!〃 
Jacob's eyes were wild; raking the dark street。 He barely seemed aware of the 
tremors that were rolling 
through his body。 〃Phase or get her out of here?〃 he hissed at himself。 
He looked down at me for a split second; taking in my horror…struck eyes and 
white face; and then he 
was scanning the street again。 〃Right。 Get you out。〃 
The engine caught with a roar。 The tires squealed as he spun the truck around; 
turning toward our only 
escape。 The headlights washed across the pavement; lit the front line of the 
black forest; and finally 
glinted off a car parked across the street from my house。 
〃Stop!〃 I gasped。 
It was a black car—a car I knew。 I might be the furthest thing from an 
autophile; but I 
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