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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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it; well; we can't just ignore him。〃 
〃Weird;〃 I muttered。 
〃Very;〃 he agreed。 〃It's kind of a wolf thing。〃 
〃Huh〃 was the best response I could think of。 
〃Yeah; there's a load of stuff like that—wolf things。 I'm still learning。 I 
can't imagine what it was like for 
Sam; trying to deal with this alone。 It sucks bad enough to go through it with 
a whole pack for support。〃 
〃Sam was alone?〃 
〃Yeah。〃 Jacob's voice lowered。 〃When I changed; it was the most horrible; 
the most terrifying 
thing I've ever been through—worse than anything I could have imagined。 But I 
wasn't alone—there 
were the voices there; in my head; telling me what had happened and what I had 
to do。 That kept me 
from losing my mind; I think。 But Sam〃 He shook his head。 〃Sam had no help。〃 
This was going to take some adjusting。 When Jacob explained it like that; it 
was hard not to feel 
passion for Sam。 I had to keep reminding myself that there was no reason to 
hate him anymore。 
〃Will they be angry that I'm with you?〃 I asked。 
He made a face。 〃Probably。〃 
〃Maybe I shouldn't—〃 
〃No; it's okay;〃 he assured me。 〃You know a ton of things that can help us。 
It's not like you're just some 
ignorant human。 You're like a I don't know; spy or something。 You've been 
behind enemy lines。〃 
I frowned to myself。 Was that what Jacob would want from me? Insider 
information to help them destroy 
their enemies? I wasn't a spy; though。 I hadn't been collecting that kind of 
information。 Already; his words 
made me feel like a traitor。 
But I wanted him to stop Victoria; didn't I? 
I did want Victoria to be stopped; preferably before she tortured me to death 
or ran into Charlie or killed 
another stranger。 I just didn't want Jacob to be the one to stop her; or 
rather to try。 I didn't want Jacob 
within a hundred miles of her。 
〃Like the stuff about the mind…reading bloodsucker;〃 he continued; oblivious 
to my reverie。 〃That's the 
kind of thing we need to know about。 That really sucks that those stories are 
true。 It makes everything 
more plicated。 Hey; do you think this Victoria can do anything special?〃 
〃I don't think so;〃 I hesitated; and then sighed。 〃He would have mentioned 
〃He? Oh; you mean Edward—oops; sorry。 I forgot。 You don't like to say his 
name。 Or hear it。〃 
I squeezed my midsection; trying to ignore the throbbing around the edges of 
my chest。 〃Not really; no。〃 
〃How do you know me so well; Jacob? Sometimes it's like you can read my mind。〃 
〃Naw。 I just pay attention。〃 
We were on the little dirt road where Jacob had first taught me to ride the 
〃This good?〃 I asked。 
〃Sure; sure。〃 
I pulled over and cut the engine。 
〃You're still pretty unhappy; aren't you?〃 he murmured。 
I nodded; staring unseeingly into the gloomy forest。 
〃Did you ever think that maybe you're better off?〃 
I inhaled slowly; and then let my breath out。 〃No。〃 
〃'Cause he wasn't the best—〃 
〃Please; Jacob;〃 I interrupted; begging in a whisper。 〃Could we please not 
talk about this? I can't stand 
〃Okay。〃 He took a deep breath。 〃I'm sorry I said anything。〃 
〃Don't feel bad。 If things were different; it would be nice to finally be able 
to talk to someone about it。〃 
He nodded。 〃Yeah; I had a hard time keeping a secret from you for two weeks。 
It must be hell to not be 
able to talk to anyone。〃 
〃Hell;〃 I agreed。 
Jacob sucked in a sharp breath。 〃They're here。 Let's go。〃 
〃Are you sure?〃 I asked while he popped his door open。 〃Maybe I shouldn't be 
〃They'll deal with it;〃 he said; and then he grinned。 〃Who's afraid of the 
big; bad wolf?〃 
〃Ha ha;〃 I said。 But I got out of the truck; hurrying around the front end to 
stand close beside Jacob。 I 
remembered only too clearly the giant monsters in the meadow。 My hands were 
trembling like Jacob's 
had been before; but with fear rather than rage。 
Jake took my hand and squeezed it。 〃Here we go。〃 
When they appeared; striding out from between the trees; they weren't what I 
was expecting。 I'd gotten 
the image of the wolves stuck in my head。 These were just four really big 
half…naked boys。 
Again; they reminded me of brothers; quadruplets。 Something about the way they 
moved almost in 
synchronization to stand across the road from us; the way they all had the 
same long; round muscles 
under the same red…brown skin; the same cropped black hair; and the way their 
expressions altered at 
exactly the same moment。 
They started out curious and cautious。 When they saw me there; half…hidden 
beside Jacob; they all 
became furious in the same second。 
Sam was still the biggest; though Jacob was getting close to catching up with 
him。 Sam didn't really count 
as a boy。 His face was older—not in the sense of lines or signs of aging; but 
in the matunry; the patience 
of his expression。 
〃What have you done; Jacob?〃 he demanded。 
One of the others; one I didn't recognize—Jared or Paul—thrust past Sam and 
spoke before Jacob 
could defend himself。 
〃Why can't you just follow the rules; Jacob?〃 he yelled; throwing his arms in 
the air。 〃What the hell are 
you thinking? Is she more important than everything—than the whole tribe? 
Than the people getting 
〃She can help;〃 Jacob said quietly。 
〃Help!〃 the angry boy shouted。 His arms begin to quiver。 〃Oh; that's likely! 
I'm sure the leech…lover is 
just dying to help us out!〃 
〃Don't talk about her like that!〃 Jacob shouted back; stung by the boy's 
A shudder rippled through the other boy; along his shoulders and down his 
〃Paul! Relax!〃 Sam manded。 
Paul shook his head back and forth; not in defiance; but as though he were 
trying to concentrate。 
〃Jeez; Paul;〃 one of the other boys—probably Jared—muttered。 〃Get a grip。〃 
Paul twisted his head toward Jared; his lips curling back in irritation。 Then 
he shifted his glare in my 
direction。 Jacob took a step to put himself in front of me。 
That did it。 
〃Right; protect her!〃 Paul roared in outrage。 Another shudder; a convulsion; 
heaved through
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