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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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the。。。 Cullens〃—wince—〃of。 
They left more than half a year ago。 How can you blame them for what Sam is 
doing now?〃 
〃Sam isn't doing anything; Bella。 And I know they're gone。 But sometimes 
things are set in motion; and 
then it's too late。〃 
〃What's set in motion? What's too late? What are you blaming them for?〃 
He was suddenly right in my face; his fury glowing in his eyes。 〃For 
existing;〃 he hissed。 
I was surprised and distracted as the warning words came in Edward's voice 
again; when I wasn't even 
〃Quiet now; Bella。 Don't push him;〃 Edward cautioned in my ear。 
Ever since Edward's name had broken through the careful walls I'd buried it 
behind; I'd been unable to 
lock it up again。 It didn't hurt now—not during the precious seconds when I 
could hear his voice。 
Jacob was fuming in front of me; quivering with anger。 
I didn't understand why the Edward delusion was unexpectedly in my mind。 Jacob 
was livid; but he was 
Jacob。 There was no adrenaline; no danger。 
〃Give him a chance to calm down;〃 Edward's voice insisted。 
I shook my head in confusion。 〃You're being ridiculous;〃 I told them both。 
〃Fine;〃 Jacob answered; breathing deeply again。 〃I won't argue it with you。 It 
doesn't matter anyway; the 
damage is done。〃 
〃What damage?〃 
He didn't flinch as I shouted the words in his face。 
〃Let's head back。 There's nothing more to say。〃 
I gaped。 〃There's everything more to say! You haven't said anything yet!〃 
He walked past me; striding back toward the house。 
〃I ran into Quil today;〃 I yelled after him。 
He paused midstep; but didn't turn。 
〃You remember your friend; Quil? Yeah; he's terrified。〃 
Jacob whirled to face me。 His expression was pained。 〃Quil〃 was all he said。 
〃He's worried about you; too。 He's freaked out。〃 
Jacob stared past me with desperate eyes。 
I goaded him further。 〃He's frightened that he's next。〃 
Jacob clutched at a tree for support; his face turning a strange shade of 
green under the red…brown 
surface。 〃He won't be next;〃 Jacob muttered to himself。 〃He can't be。 It's 
over now。 This shouldn't still be 
happening。 Why? Why?〃 His fist slammed against the tree。 It wasn't a big tree; 
slender and only a few 
feet taller than Jacob。 But it still surprised me when tht trunk gave way and 
snapped off loudly under his 
Jacob stared at the sharp; broken point with shock that quickly turned to 
〃I have to get back。〃 He whirled and stalked away so swiftly that I had to jog 
to keep up。 
〃Back to Sam!〃 
〃That's one way of looking at it;〃 it sounded like he said。 He was mumbling 
and facing away。 
I chased him back to the truck。 〃Wait!〃 I called as he turned toward the 
He spun around to face me; and I saw that his hands were shaking again。 
〃Go home; Bella。 I can't hang out with you anymore。〃 
The silly; inconsequential hurt was incredibly potent。 The tears welled up 
again。 〃Are you breaking up 
with me?〃 The words were all wrong; but they were the best way I could think 
to phrase what I was 
asking。 After all; what Jake and I had was more than any schoolyard romance。 
He barked out a bitter laugh。 〃Hardly。 If that were the case; I'd say 'Let's 
stay friends。' I can't even say 
〃Jacob why? Sam won't let you have other friends? Please; Jake。 You 
promised。 I need you!〃 The 
blank emptiness of my life before—before Jacob brought some semblance of 
reason back into 
it—reared up and confronted me。 Loneliness choked in my throat。 
〃I'm sorry; Bella;〃 Jacob said each word distinctly in a cold voice that 
didn't seem to belong to him。 
I didn't believe that this was really what Jacob wanted to say。 It seemed like 
there was something else 
trying to be said through his angry eyes; but I couldn't understand the 
Maybe this wasn't about Sam at all。 Maybe this had nothing to do with the 
Cullens。 Maybe he was just 
trying to pull himself out of a hopeless situation。 Maybe I should let him do 
that; if that's what was best for 
him。 I should do that。 It would be right。 
But I heard my voice escaping in a whisper。 
〃I'm sorry that I couldn't before I wish I could change how I feel about 
you; Jacob。〃 I was 
desperate; reaching; stretching the truth so far that it curved nearly into 
the shape of a lie。 〃Maybe 
maybe I would change;〃 I whispered。 〃Maybe; if you gave me some time just 
don't quit on me now; 
Jake。 I can't take it。〃 
His face went from anger to agony in a second。 One shaking hand reached out 
toward me。 
〃No。 Don't think like that; Bella; please。 Don't blame yourself; don't think 
this is your fault。 This one is all 
me。 I swear; it's not about you。〃 
〃It's not you; it's me;〃 I whispered。 〃There's a new one。〃 
〃I mean it; Bella。 I'm not〃 he struggled; his voice going even huskier as he 
fought to control his emotion。 
His eyes were tortured。 〃I'm not good enough to be your friend anymore; or 
anything else。 I'm not what I 
was before。 I'm not good。〃 
〃What?〃 I stared at him; confused and appalled。 〃What are you saying? You're 
much better than I am; 
Jake。 You are good! Who told you that you aren't? Sam? It's a vicious lie; 
Jacob! Don't let him tell you 
that!〃 I was suddenly yelling again。 
Jacob's face went hard and flat。 〃No one had to tell me anything。 I know what 
I am。〃 
〃You're my friend; that's what you are! Jake—don't!〃 
He was backing away from me。 
〃I'm sorry; Bella;〃 he said again; this time it was a broken mumble。 He turned 
and almost ran into the 
I was unable to move from where I stood。 I stared at the little house; it 
looked too small to hold four 
large boys and two larger men。 There was no reaction inside。 No flutter at the 
edge of the curtain; no 
sound of voices or movement。 It faced me vacantly。 
The rain started to drizzle; stinging here and there against my skin。 I 
couldn't take my eyes off the house。 
Jacob would e back。 He had to。 
The rain picked up; and so did the wind。 The drops were no longer falling from 
above; they slanted at an 
angle from the west。 I could smell the brine from the ocean。 My hair whipped 
in my face; sticking to the 
wet places and tangling in
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