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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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was turned for Sam's 
Sam nodded once; his face unperturbed。 He made a brief ment in an 
unfamiliar; liquid language—I 
could only be positive that it wasn't French or Spanish; but I guessed that it 
was Quileute。 He turned and 
walked into Jacob's house。 The others; Paul; Jared; and Embry; I assumed; 
followed him in。 
〃Okay。〃 Jacob seemed a bit less furious when the others were gone。 His face 
was a little calmer; but also 
more hopeless。 His mouth seemed permanently pulled down at the corners。 
I took a deep breath。 〃You know what I want to know。〃 
He didn't answer。 He just stared at me bitterly。 
I stared back and the silence stretched on。 The pain in his face unnerved me。 
I felt a lump beginning to 
build in my throat。 
〃Can we walk?〃 I asked while I could still speak。 
He didn't respond in any way; his face didn't change。 
I got out of the car; feeling unseen eyes behind the windows on me; and 
started walking toward the trees 
to the north。 My feet squished in the damp grass and mud beside the road; and; 
as that was the only 
sound; at first I thought he wasn't following me。 But when I glanced around; 
he was right beside me; his 
feet having somehow found a less noisy path than mine。 
I felt better in the fringe of trees; where Sam couldn't possibly be watching。 
As we walked; I struggled for 
the right thing to say; but nothing came。 I just got more and more angry that 
Jacob had gotten sucked 
in that Billy had allowed this that Sam was able to stand there so assured 
and calm 
Jacob suddenly picked up the pace; striding ahead of me easily with his long 
legs; and then swinging 
around to face me; planting himself in my path so I would have to stop too。 
I was distracted by the overt grace of his movement。 Jacob had been nearly as 
klutzy as me with his 
never…ending growth spurt。 When did that changed? 
But Jacob didn't give me time to think about it。 
〃Let's get this over with;〃 he said in a hard; husky voice。 
I waited。 He knew what I wanted。 
〃It's not what you think。〃 His voice was abruptly weary。 〃It's not what I 
thought—I was way off。〃 
〃So what is it; then?〃 
He studied my face for a long moment; speculating。 The anger never pletely 
left his eyes。 〃I can't tell 
you;〃 he finally said。 
My jaw tightened; and I spoke through my teeth。 〃I thought we were friends。〃 
〃We were。〃 There was a slight emphasis on the past tense。 
〃But you don't need friends anymore;〃 I said sourly。 〃You have Sam。 Isn't that 
nice—you've always 
looked up to him so much。〃 
〃I didn't understand him before。〃 
〃And now you've seen the light。 Hallelujah。〃 
〃It wasn't like I thought it was。 This isn't Sam's fault。 He's helping me as 
much as he can。〃 His voice 
turned brittle and he looked over my head; past me; rage burning out from his 
〃He's helping you;〃 I repeated dubiously。 〃Naturally。〃 
But Jacob didn't seem to be listening。 He was taking deep; deliberate breaths; 
trying to calm himself。 He 
was so mad that his hands were shaking。 
〃Jacob; please;〃 I whispered 〃Won't you tell me what happened? Maybe I can 
〃No one can help me now。〃 The words were a low moan; his voice broke。 
〃What did he do to you?〃 I demanded; tears collecting in my eyes。 I reached 
out to him; as I had once 
before; stepping forward with my arms wide。 
This time he cringed away; holding his hands up defensively。 〃Don't touch me;〃 
he whispered。 
〃Is Sam catching?〃 I mumbled。 The stupid tears had escaped the corners of my 
eyes。 I wiped them away 
with the back of my hand; and folded my arms across my chest。 
〃Stop blaming Sam。〃 The words came out fast; like a reflex。 His hands reached 
up to twist around the 
hair that was no longer there; and then fell limply at his sides。 
〃Then who should I blame?〃 I retorted。 
He halfway smiled; it was a bleak; twisted thing。 
〃You don't want to hear that。〃 
〃The hell I don't!〃 I snapped。 〃I want to know; and I want to know now。〃 
〃You're wrong;〃 he snapped back。 
〃Don't you dare tell me I'm wrong—I'm not the one who got brainwashed! Tell 
me now whose fault this 
all is; if it's not your precious Sam!〃 
〃You asked for it;〃 he growled at me; eyes glinting hard。 〃If you want to 
blame someone; why don't you 
point your finger at those filthy; reeking bloodsuckers that you love so 
My mouth fell open and my breath came out with a whooshing sound。 I was frozen 
in place; stabbed 
through with his double…edged words。 The pain twisted in familiar patterns 
through my body; the jagged 
hole ripping me open from the inside out; but it was second place; background 
music to the chaos of my 
thoughts。 I couldn't believe that I'd heard him correctly。 There was no trace 
of indecision in his face。 Only 
My mouth still hung wide。 
〃I told you that you didn't want to hear it;〃 he said。 
〃I don't understand who you mean;〃 I whispered。 
He raised one eyebrow in disbelief。 〃I think you understand exactly who I 
mean。 You're not going to 
make me say it; are you? I don't like hurting you。〃 
〃I don't understand who you mean;〃 I repeated mechanically。 
〃The Cullens;〃 he said slowly; drawing out the word; scrutinizing my face as 
he spoke it。 〃I saw that—I 
can see in your eyes what it does to you when I say their name。〃 
I shook my head back and forth in denial; trying to clear it at the same time。 
How did he know this? And 
how did it have anything to do with Sam's cult? Was it a gang of vampire…
haters? What was the point of 
forming such a society when no vampires lived in Forks anymore? Why would 
Jacob start believing the 
stories about the Cullens now; when the evidence of them was long gone; never 
to return? 
It took me too long to e up with the correct response。 〃Don't tell me 
you're listening to Billy's 
superstitious nonsense now;〃 I said with a feeble attempt at mockery。 
〃He knows more than I gave him credit for。〃 
〃Be serious; Jacob。〃 
He glared at me; his eyes critical。 
〃Superstitions aside;〃 I said quickly。 〃I still don't see what you're accusing 
the。。。 Cullens〃—wince—〃of。 
They left more than half a year ago。 How can you blame them for what Sam is 
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