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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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〃Have you seen Jacob today。〃 The question burst from me almost before he'd 
finished speaking。 
I looked at Quil eagerly; waiting for his answer。 He stared out the windshield 
for a second before he 
spoke。 〃From a distance;〃 he finally said。 
〃A distance?〃 I echoed。 
〃I tried to follow them—he was with Embry。〃 His voice was low; hard to hear 
over the engine。 I leaned 
closer。 〃I know they saw me。 But they turned and just disappeared into the 
trees。 I don't think they were 
alone—I think Sam and his crew might have been with them。 
〃I've been stumbling around in the forest for an hour; yelling for them。 I 
just barely found the road again 
when you drove up。〃 
〃So Sam did get to him。〃 The words were a little distorted—my teeth were 
gritted together。 
Quil stared at me。 〃You know about that。?〃 
I nodded。 〃Jake told me before。〃 
〃Before;〃 Quil repeated; and sighed。 
〃Jacob's just as bad as the others now?〃 
〃Never leaves Sam's side。〃 Quil turned his head and spit out the open window。 
〃And before that—did he avoid everyone? Was he acting upset?〃 
His voice was low and rough。 〃Not for as long as the others。 Maybe one day。 
Then Sam caught up with 
〃What do you think it is? Drugs or something?〃 
〃I can't see Jacob or Embry getting into anything like that but what do I 
know? What else could it be? 
And why aren't the old people worried?〃 He shook his head; and the fear showed 
in his eyes now。 
〃Jacob didn't want to be a part of this cult。 I don't understand what could 
change him。〃 He stared at 
me; his face frightened。 〃I don't want to be next。〃 
My eyes mirrored his fear。 That was the second time I'd heard it described as 
a cult。 I shivered。 〃Are 
your parents any help?〃 
He grimaced。 〃Right。 My grandfather's on the council with Jacob's dad。 Sam 
Uley is the best thing that 
ever happened to this place; as far as he's concerned。〃 
We stared at each other for a prolonged moment。 We were in La Push now; and my 
truck was barely 
crawling along the empty road。 I could see the village's only store not too 
far ahead。 
〃I'll get out now;〃 Quil said。 〃My house is right over there。〃 He gestured 
toward the small wooden 
rectangle behind the store。 I pulled over to the shoulder; and he jumped out。 
〃I'm going to go wait for Jacob;〃 I told him in a hard voice。 
〃Good luck。〃 He slammed the door and shuffled forward along the road; his head 
bent forward; his 
shoulders slumped。 
Quil's face haunted me as I made a wide U…turn and headed back toward the 
Blacks'。 He was terrified 
of being next。 What was happening here? 
I stopped in front of Jacob's house; killing the motor and rolling down the 
windows。 It was stuffy today; 
no breeze。 I put my feet up on the dashboard and settled in to wait。 
A movement flashed in my peripheral vision—I turned and spotted Billy looking 
at me through the front 
window with a confused expression。 I waved once and smiled a tight smile; but 
stayed where I was。 
His eyes narrowed; he let the curtain fall across the glass。 
I was prepared to stay as long as it took; but I wished I had something to do。 
I dug up a pen out of the 
bottom of my backpack; and an old test。 I started to doodle on the back of the 
I'd only had time to scrawl one row of diamonds when there was a sharp tap 
against my door。 
I jumped; looking up; expecting Billy。 
〃What are you doing here; Bella。'〃 Jacob growled。 
I stared at him in blank astonishment。 
Jacob had changed radically in the last weeks since I'd seen him。 The first 
thing I noticed was his 
hair—his beautiful hair was all gone; cropped quite short; covering his head 
with an inky gloss like black 
satin。 The planes of his face seemed to have hardened subtly; tightened 
aged。 His neck and his 
shoulders were different; too; thicker somehow。 His hands; where they gripped 
the window frame; 
looked enormous; with the tendons and veins more prominent under the russet 
skin。 But the physical 
changes were insignificant。 
It was his expression that made him almost pletely unrecognizable。 The 
open; friendly smile was gone 
like the hair; the warmth in his dark eyes altered to a brooding resentment 
that was instantly disturbing。 
There was a darkness in Jacob now。 Like my sun had imploded。 
〃Jacob?〃 I whispered。 
He just stared at me; his eyes tense and angry。 
I realized we weren't alone。 Behind him stood four others; all tall and 
russet…skinned; black hair chopped 
short just like Jacob's。 They could have been brothers—I couldn't even pick 
Embry out of the group。 
The resemblance was only intensified by the strikingly similar hostility in 
every pair of eyes。 
Every pair but one。 The oldest by several years; Sam stood in the very back; 
his face serene and sure。 I 
had to swallow back the bile that rose in my throat。 I wanted to take a swing 
at him。 No; I wanted to do 
more than that。 More than anything; I wanted to be fierce and deadly; someone 
no one would dare mess 
with。 Someone who would scare Sam Uley silly。 
I wanted to be a vampire。 
The violent desire caught me off guard and knocked the wind out of me。 It was 
the most forbidden of all 
wishes—even when I only wished it for a malicious reason like this; to gain 
an advantage over an 
enemy—because it was the most painful。 That future was lost to me forever; 
had never really been within 
my grasp。 I scrambled to gain control of myself while the hole in my chest 
ached hollowly。 
〃What do you want?〃 Jacob demanded; his expression growing more resentful as 
he watched the play of 
emotion across my face。 
〃I want to talk to you;〃 I said in a weak voice。 I tried to focus; but I was 
still reeling against the escape of 
my taboo dream。 
〃Go ahead;〃 he hissed through his teeth。 His glare was vicious。 I'd never seen 
him look at anyone like 
that; least of all me。 It hurt with a surprising intensity—a physical pain; a 
stabbing in my head。 
〃Alone!〃 I hissed; and my voice was stronger。 
He looked behind him; and I knew where his eyes would go。 Every one of them 
was turned for Sam's 
Sam nodded once; his face unperturbed。 He made a brief ment in an 
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