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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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just threw us more out 
of balance。 
As the day went on; neither Edward nor Alice brought my birthday up again; and 
I began to relax a little。 
We sat at our usual table for lunch。 
A strange kind of truce existed at that table。 The three of us—Edward; Alice; 
and I—sat on the extreme 
southern end of the table。 Now that the 〃older〃 and somewhat scarier (in 
Emmett's case; certainly) Cullen 
siblings had graduated; Alice and Edward did not seem quite so intimidating; 
and we did not sit here 
alone。 My other friends; Mike and Jessica (who were in the awkward post…
breakup friendship phase); 
Angela and Ben (whose relationship had survived the summer); Eric; Conner; 
Tyler; and Lauren (though 
that last one didn't really count in the friend category) all sat at the same 
table; on the other side of an 
invisible line。 That line dissolved on sunny days when Edward and Alice always 
skipped school; and then 
the conversation would swell out effortlessly to include me。 
Edward and Alice didn't find this minor ostracism odd or hurtful the way I 
would have。 They barely 
noticed it。 People always felt strangely ill at ease with the Cullens; almost 
afraid for some reason they 
couldn't explain to themselves。 I was a rare exception to that rule。 Sometimes 
it bothered Edward how 
very fortable I was with being close to him。 He thought he was hazardous to 
my health—an opinion I 
rejected vehemently whenever he voiced it。 
The afternoon passed quickly。 School ended; and Edward walked me to my truck 
as he usually did。 But 
this time; he held the passenger door open for me。 Alice must have been taking 
his car home so that he 
could keep me from making a run for it。 
I folded my arms and made no move to get out of the rain。 〃It's my birthday; 
don't I get to drive?〃 
〃I'm pretending it's not your birthday; just as you wished。〃 
〃If it's not my birthday; then I don't have to go to your house tonight〃 
〃All right。〃 He shut the passenger door and walked past me to open the 
driver's side。 〃Happy birthday。〃 
〃Shh;〃 I shushed him halfheartedly。 I climbed in the opened door; wishing he'd 
taken the other offer。 
Edward played with the radio while I drove; shaking his head in disapproval。 
〃Your radio has horrible reception。〃 
I frowned。 I didn't like it when he picked on my truck。 The truck was great—
it had personality。 
〃You want a nice stereo? Drive your own car。〃 I was so nervous about Alice's 
plans; on top of my 
already gloomy mood; that the words came out sharper than I'd meant them。 I 
was hardly ever 
bad…tempered with Edward; and my tone made him press his lips together to keep 
from smiling。 
When I parked in front of Charlie's house; he reached over to take my face in 
his hands。 He handled me 
very carefully; pressing just the tips of his fingers softly against my 
temples; my cheekbones; my jawline。 
Like I was especially breakable。 Which was exactly the case—pared with 
him; at least。 
〃You should be in a good mood; today of all days;〃 he whispered。 His sweet 
breath fanned across my 
〃And if I don't want to be in a good mood?〃 I asked; my breathing uneven。 
His golden eyes smoldered。 〃Too bad。〃 
My head was already spinning by the time he leaned closer and pressed his icy 
lips against mine。 As he 
intended; no doubt; I forgot all about my worries; and concentrated on 
remembering how to inhale and 
His mouth lingered on mine; cold and smooth and gentle; until I wrapped my 
arms around his neck and 
threw myself into the kiss with a little too much enthusiasm。 I could feel his 
lips curve upward as he let go 
of my face and reached back to unlock my grip on him。 
Edward had drawn many careful lines for our physical relationship; with the 
intent being to keep me alive。 
Though I respected the need for maintaining a safe distance between my skin 
and his razor…sharp; 
venom…coated teeth; I tended to forget about trivial things like that when he 
was kissing me。 
〃Be good; please;〃 he breathed against my cheek。 He pressed his lips gently to 
mine one more time and 
then pulled away; folding my arms across my stomach。 
My pulse was thudding in my ears。 I put one hand over my heart。 It drummed 
hyperactively under my 
〃Do you think I'll ever get better at this?〃 I wondered; mostly to myself。 
〃That my heart might someday 
stop trying to jump out of my chest whenever you touch me?〃 
〃I really hope not;〃 he said; a bit smug。 
I rolled my eyes。 〃Let's go watch the Capulets and Montagues hack each other 
up; all right?〃 
〃Your wish; my mand。〃 
Edward sprawled across the couch while I started the movie; fast…forwarding 
through the opening 
When I perched on the edge of the sofa in front of him; he wrapped his arms 
around my waist and pulled 
me against his chest。 It wasn't exactly as fortable as a sofa cushion would 
be; what with his chest 
being hard and cold—and perfect—as an ice sculpture; but it was definitely 
preferable。 He pulled the old 
afghan off the back of the couch and draped it over me so I wouldn't freeze 
beside his body。 
〃You know; I've never had much patience with Romeo;〃 he mented as the movie 
〃What's wrong with Romeo?〃 I asked; a little offended。 Romeo was one of my 
favorite fictional 
characters。 Until I'd met Edward; I'd sort of had a thing for him。 
〃Well; first of all; he's in love with this Rosaline—don't you think it makes 
him seem a little fickle? And 
then; a few minutes after their wedding; he kills Juliet's cousin。 That's not 
very brilliant。 Mistake after 
mistake。 Could he have destroyed his own happiness any more thoroughly?〃 
I sighed。 〃Do you want me to watch this alone?〃 
〃No; I'll mostly be watching you; anyway。〃 His fingers traced patterns across 
the skin of my arm; raising 
goose bumps。 〃Will you cry?〃 
〃Probably;〃 I admitted; 〃if I'm paying attention。〃 
〃I won't distract you then。〃 But I felt his lips on my hair; and it was very 
The movie eventually captured my interest; thanks in large part to Edward 
whispering Romeo's lines in 
my ear—his irresistible; velvet voice made the actor's voice sound wea
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