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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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strange—why the adrenaline 
when there was no fear? It was almost as if it were an echo of the last time 
I'd stood like this; on a dark 
street in Port Angeles with strangers。 
I saw no reason for fear。 I couldn't imagine anything in the world that there 
was left to be afraid of; not 
physically at least。 One of the few advantages of losing everything。 
I was halfway across the street when Jess caught up to me and grabbed my arm。 
〃Bella! You can't go in a bar!〃 she hissed。 
〃I'm not going in;〃 I said absently; shaking her hand off。 〃I just want to see 
〃Are you crazy?〃 she whispered。 〃Are you suicidal?〃 
That question caught my attention; and my eyes focused on her。 
〃No; I'm not。〃 My voice sounded defensive; but it was true。 I wasn't suicidal。 
Even in the beginning; when 
death unquestionably would have been a relief; I didn't consider it。 I owed 
too much to Charlie。 I felt too 
responsible for Renee。 I had to think of them。 
And I'd made a promise not to do anything stupid or reckless。 For all those 
reasons; I was still breathing。 
Remembering that promise。 I felt a twinge of guilt。 
but what I was doing fight now didn't really count。 It wasn't like I was 
taking a blade to my wrists。 
Jess's eyes were round; her mouth hung open。 Her question about suicide had 
been rhetorical; I realized 
too late。 
〃Go eat;〃 I encouraged her; waving toward the fast food。 I didn't like the way 
she looked at me。 〃I'll 
catch up in a minute。〃 
I turned away from her; back to the men who were watching us with amused; 
curious eyes。 
〃Bella; stop this right now!〃 
My muscles locked into place; froze me where I stood。 Because it wasn't 
Jessica's voice that rebuked 
me now。 It was a furious voice; a familiar voice; a beautiful voice—soft like 
velvet even though it was 
It was his voice—I was exceptionally careful not to think his name—and I was 
surprised that the sound 
of it did not knock me to my knees; did not curl me onto the pavement in a 
torture of loss。 But there was 
no pain; none at all。 
In the instant that I heard his voice; everything was very clear。 Like my head 
had suddenly surfaced out 
of some dark pool。 I was more aware of everything—sight; sound; the feel of 
the cold air that I hadn't 
noticed was blowing sharply against my face; the smells ing from the open 
bar door。 
I looked around myself in shock。 
〃Go back to Jessica;〃 the lovely voice ordered; still angry。 〃You promised—
nothing stupid。〃 
I was alone。 Jessica stood a few feet from me; staring at me with frightened 
eyes。 Against the wall; the 
strangers watched; confused; wondering what I was doing; standing there 
motionless in the middle of the 
I shook my head; trying to understand。 I knew he wasn't there; and yet; he 
felt improbably close; close 
for the first time since since the end。 The anger in his voice was concern; 
the same anger that was once 
very familiar—something I hadn't heard in what felt like a lifetime。 
〃Keep your promise。〃 The voice was slipping away; as if the volume was being 
turned down on a radio。 
I began to suspect that I was having some kind of hallucination。 Triggered; no 
doubt; by the 
memory—the deja vu; the strange familiarity of the situation。 
I ran through the possibilities quickly in my head。 
Option one: I was crazy。 That was the layman's term for people who heard 
voices in their heads。 
Option two: My subconscious mind was giving me what it thought I wanted。 This 
was wish fulfillment—a 
momentary relief from pain by embracing the incorrect idea that he cared 
whether I lived or died。 
Projecting what he would have said if A) he were here; and B) he would be in 
any way bothered by 
something bad happening to me。 
I could see no option three; so I hoped it was the second option and this was 
just my subconscious 
running amuck; rather than something I would need to be hospitalized for。 
My reaction was hardly sane; though—I was grateful。 The sound of his voice 
was something that I'd 
feared I was losing; and so; more than anything else; I felt overwhelming 
gratitude that my unconscious 
mind had held onto that sound better than my conscious one had。 
I was not allowed to think of him。 That was something I tried to be very 
strict about。 Of course I slipped; 
I was only human。 But I was getting better; and so the pain was something I 
could avoid for days at a 
time now。 The tradeoff was the never…ending numbness。 Between pain and 
nothing; I'd chosen nothing。 
I waited for the pain now。 I was not numb—my senses felt unusually intense 
after so many months of the 
haze—but the normal pain held off。 The only ache was the disappointment that 
his voice was fading。 
There was a second of choice。 
The wise thing would be to run away from this potentially destructive—and 
certainly mentally 
unstable—development。 It would be stupid to encourage hallucinations。 
But his voice was fading。 
I took another step forward; testing。 
〃Bella; turn around;〃 he growled。 
I sighed in relief。 The anger was what I wanted to hear—false; fabricated 
evidence that he cared; a 
dubious gift from my subconscious。 
Very few seconds had passed while I sorted this all out。 My little audience 
watched; curious。 It probably 
looked like I was just dithering over whether or not I was going to approach 
them。 How could they guess 
that I was standing there enjoying an unexpected moment of insanity? 
〃Hi;〃 one of the men called; his tone both confident and a bit sarcastic。 He 
was fair…skinned and 
fair…haired; and he stood with the assurance of someone who thought of himself 
as quite good…looking。 I 
couldn't tell whether he was or not。 I was prejudiced。 
The voice in my head answered with an exquisite snarl。 I smiled; and the 
confident man seemed to take 
that as encouragement。 
〃Can I help you with something? You look lost。〃 He grinned and winked。 
I stepped carefully over the gutter; running with water that was black in the 
〃No。 I'm not lost。〃 
Now that I was closer—and my eyes felt oddly in focus—I analyzed the short; 
dark man's face。 It w
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