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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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to contemplate。 
〃I'm not leaving;〃 I said。 
〃Why not?〃 he demanded。 
〃I'm in my last semester of school—it would screw everything up。〃 
〃You're a good student—you'll figure it out。〃 
〃I don't want to crowd Mom and Phil。〃 
〃Your mother's been dying to have you back。〃 
〃Florida is too hot。〃 
His fist came down on the table again。 〃We both know what's really going on 
here; Bella; and it's not 
good for you。〃 He took a deep breath。 〃It's been months。 No calls; no letters; 
no contact。 You can't keep 
I glowered at him。 The heat almost; but not quite; reached my face。 It had 
been a long time since I'd 
blushed with any emotion。 
This whole subject was utterly forbidden; as he was well aware。 
〃I'm not waiting for anything。 I don't expect anything;〃 I said in a low 
〃Bella—;〃 Charlie began; his voice thick。 
〃I have to get to school;〃 I interrupted; standing up and yanking my untouched 
breakfast from the table。 I 
dumped my bowl in the sink without pausing to wash it out。 I couldn't deal 
with any more conversation。 
〃I'll make plans with Jessica;〃 I called over my shoulder as I strapped on my 
school bag; not meeting his 
eyes。 〃Maybe I won't be home for dinner。 We'll go to Port Angeles and watch a 
I was out the front door before he could react。 
In my haste to get away from Charlie; I ended up being one of the first ones 
to school。 The plus side was 
that I got a really good parking spot。 The downside was that I had free time 
on my hands; and I tried to 
avoid free time at all costs。 
Quickly; before I could start thinking about Charlie's accusations; I pulled 
out my Calculus book。 I 
flipped it open to the section we should be starting today; and tried to make 
sense of it。 Reading math 
was even worse than listening to it; but I was getting better at it。 In the 
last several months; I'd spent ten 
times the amount of time on Calculus than I'd ever spent on math before。 As a 
result; I was managing to 
keep in the range of a low A。 I knew Mr。 Varner felt my improvement was all 
due to his superior 
teaching methods。 And if that made him happy; I wasn't going to burst his 
I forced myself to keep at it until the parking lot was full; and I ended up 
rushing to English。 We were 
working on Animal Farm; an easy subject matter。 I didn't mind munism; it 
was a wele change 
from the exhausting romances that made up most of the curriculum。 I settled 
into my seat; pleased by the 
distraction of Mr。 Berty's lecture。 
Time moved easily while I was in school。 The bell rang all too soon。 I started 
repacking my bag。 
I recognized Mike's voice; and I knew what his next words would be before he 
said them。 
〃Are you working tomorrow?〃 
I looked up。 He was leaning across the aisle with an anxious expression。 Every 
Friday he asked me the 
same question。 Never mind that I hadn't taken so much as a sick day。 Well; 
with one exception; months 
ago。 But he had no reason to look at me with such concern。 I was a model 
〃Tomorrow is Saturday; isn't it?〃 I said。 Having just had it pointed out to me 
by Charlie; I realized how 
lifeless my voice really sounded。 
〃Yeah; it is;〃 he agreed。 〃See you in Spanish。〃 He waved once before turning 
his back。 He didn't bother 
walking me to class anymore。 
I trudged off to Calculus with a grim expression。 This was the class where I 
sat next to Jessica。 
It had been weeks; maybe months; since Jess had even greeted me when I passed 
her in the hall。 I knew 
I had offended her with my antisocial behavior; and she was sulking。 It wasn't 
going to be easy to talk to 
her now—especially to ask her to do me a favor。 I weighed my options 
carefully as I loitered outside the 
classroom; procrastinating。 
I wasn't about to face Charlie again without some kind of social interaction 
to report。 I knew I couldn't 
lie; though the thought of driving to Port Angeles and back alone—being sure 
my odometer reflected the 
correct mileage; just in case he checked—was very tempting。 Jessica's mom was 
the biggest gossip in 
town; and Charlie was bound to run into Mrs。 Stanley sooner rather than later。 
When he did; he would 
no doubt mention the trip。 Lying was out。 
With a sigh; I shoved the door open。 
Mr。 Varner gave me a dark look—he'd already started the lecture。 I hurried to 
my seat。 Jessica didn't 
look up as I sat next to her。 I was glad that I had fifty minutes to mentally 
prepare myself。 
This class flew by even faster than English。 A small part of that speed was 
due to my goody…goody 
preparation this morning in the truck—but mostly it stemmed from the fact 
that time always sped up when 
I was looking forward to something unpleasant。 
I grimaced when Mr。 Varner dismissed the class five minutes early。 He smiled 
like he was being nice。 
〃Jess?〃 My nose wrinkled as I cringed; waiting for her to turn on me。 
She twisted in her seat to face me; eyeing me incredulously。 〃Are you talking 
to me; Bella?〃 
〃Of course。〃 I widened my eyes to suggest innocence。 
〃What? Do you need help with Calculus?〃 Her tone was a tad sour。 
〃No。〃 I shook my head。 〃Actually; I wanted to know if you would go to the 
movies with me tonight? I 
really need a girls' night out。〃 The words sounded stiff; like badly delivered 
lines; and she looked 
〃Why are you asking me?〃 she asked; still unfriendly。 
〃You're the first person I think of when I want girl time。〃 I smiled; and I 
hoped the smile looked genuine。 
It was probably true。 She was at least the first person I thought of when I 
wanted to avoid Charlie。 It 
amounted to the same thing。 
She seemed a little mollified。 〃Well; I don't know。〃 
〃Do you have plans?〃 
〃No I guess I can go with you。 What do you want to see?〃 
〃I'm not sure what's playing;〃 I hedged。 This was the tricky part。 I racked my 
brain for a clue—hadn't I 
heard someone talk about a movie recently? Seen a poster? 〃How about that one 
with the female 
She looked at me oddly。 〃Bella; that one's been out of the theater forever。〃 
〃Oh。〃 I frowned。 〃Is there anything you'd like to see?〃 
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