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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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make the same mistake 
twice。 I'm here until she orders me away。〃 
I was immersed momentarily in his golden gaze。 It wasn't hard to understand 
what I'd missed in the 
conversation。 The only thing that Jacob would want from Edward would be his 
〃Never;〃 I whispered; still locked in Edward's eyes。 
Jacob made a gagging sound。 
I unwillingly broke free from Edward's gaze to frown at Jacob。 〃Was there 
something else you needed; 
Jacob? You wanted me in trouble—mission Acplished。 Charlie might just send 
me to military school。 
But that won't keep me away from Edward。 There's nothing that can do that。 
What more do you want?〃 
Jacob kept his eyes on Edward 〃I just needed to remind your bloodsucking 
friends of a few key points in 
the treaty they agreed to。 The treaty chat is the only thing stopping me from 
ripping his throat out right this 
〃We haven't forgotten;〃 Edward said at the same time that I demanded; 〃What 
key points?〃 
Jacob still glowered at Edward; but he answered me。 〃The treaty is quite 
specific。 If any of them bite a 
human; the truce is over。 Bite; not kill;〃 he emphasized。 Finally; he looked 
at me。 His eyes were cold。 
It only took me a second to grasp the distinction; and then my face was as 
cold as his。 
〃That's none of your business。〃 
〃The hell it—〃 was all he managed to choke out。 
I didn't expect my hasty words to bring on such a strong response。 Despite the 
warning he'd e to 
give; he must not have known。 He must have thought the warning was just a 
precaution。 He hadn't 
realized—or didn't want to believe—that I had already made my choice。 That I 
was really intending to 
bee a member of the Cullen family。 
My answer sent Jacob into near convulsions。 He pressed his fists hard against 
his temples; closing his 
eyes tight and curling in on himself as he tried to control the spasms。 His 
face turned sallow green under 
the russet skin。 
〃Jake? You okay?〃 I asked anxiously。 
I took a half…step toward him; then Edward caught me and yanked me back behind 
his own body。 
〃Careful! He's not under control;〃 he warned me。 
But Jacob was already somewhat himself again; only his arms were shaking now。 
He scowled at Edward 
with pure hate。 〃Ugh。 I would never hurt her。〃 
Neither Edward or I missed the inflection; or the accusation it contained。 A 
low hiss escaped Edward's 
lips。 Jacob clenched his fists reflexively。 
〃BELLA!〃 Charlie's roar echoed from the direction of the house。 〃YOU GET IN 
All of us froze; listening to the silence that followed。 
I was the first to speak; my voice trembled。 〃Crap。〃 
Jacob's furious expression faltered。 〃I am sorry about that;〃 he muttered。 〃I 
had to do what I could—I 
had to try〃 
〃Thanks。〃 The tremor in my voice ruined the sarcasm。 I stared up the path; 
half…expecting Charlie to 
e barreling through the wet ferns like an enraged bull。 I would be the red 
flag in that scenario。 
〃Just one more thing;〃 Edward said to me; and then he looked at Jacob。 〃We've 
found no trace of 
Victoria on our side of the line—have you?〃 
He knew the answer as soon as Jacob thought it; but Jacob spoke the answer 
anyway。 〃Trie last time 
was while Bella was away。 We let her think she was slipping through—we were 
tightening the circle; 
getting ready to ambush her—〃 
Ice shot down my spine。 
〃But then she took off like a bat out of hell。 Near as we can tell; she caught 
your little female's scent and 
bailed。 She hasn't e near our lands since。〃 
Edward nodded。 〃When she es back; she's not your problem anymore。 We'll—〃 
〃She killed on our turf;〃 Jacob hissed。 〃She's ours!〃 
〃No—;〃 I began to protest both declarations。 
HOUSE IN ONE MINUTE !〃 Charlie didn't bother to finish his threat。 
〃Let's go;〃 Edward said。 
I looked back at Jacob; torn。 Would I see him again? 
〃Sorry;〃 he whispered so low that I had to read his lips to understand。 '〃Bye; 
〃You promised;〃 I reminded him desperately。 〃Still friends; right?〃 
Jacob shook his head slowly; and the lump in my throat nearly strangled me。 
〃You know how hard I've tried to keep that promise; but I can't see how to 
keep trying。 Not now〃 
He struggled to keep his hard mask in place; but it wavered; and then 
disappeared。 〃Miss you;〃 he 
mouthed。 One of his hands reached toward me; his fingers outstretched; like he 
wished they were long 
enough to cross the distance between us。 
〃Me; too;〃 I choked out。 My hand reached toward his across the wide space。 
Like we were connected; the echo of his pain twisted inside me。 His pain; my 
〃Jake〃 I took a step toward him。 I wanted to wrap my arms around his waist 
and erase the expression 
of misery on his face。 
Edward pulled me back again; his arms restraining instead of defending。 
〃It's okay;〃 I promised him; looking up to read his face with trust in my 
eyes。 He would understand。 
His eyes were unreadable; his face expressionless。 Cold。 〃No; it's not。〃 
〃Let her go;〃 Jacob snarled; furious again。 〃She wants to!〃 He took two long 
strides forward。 A glint of 
anticipation flashed in his eyes。 His chest seemed to swell as it shuddered。 
Edward pushed me behind himself; wheeling to face Jacob。 
〃No! Edward—!〃 
〃e on! Charlie's mad!〃 My voice was panicked; but not because of Charlie 
now。 〃Hurry!〃 
I tugged on him and he relaxed a little。 He pulled me back slowly; always 
keeping his eyes on Jacob as 
we retreated。 
Jacob watched us with a dark scowl on his bitter face。 The anticipation 
drained from his eyes; and then; 
just before the forest came between us; his face suddenly crumpled in pain。 
I knew that last glimpse of his face would haunt me until I saw him smile 
And right there I vowed that I would see him smile; and soon。 I would find a 
way to keep my friend。 
Edward kept his arm tight around my waist; holding me close。 That was the only 
thing that held the tears 
inside my eyes。 
I had some serious problems。 
My best friend counted me with his enemies。 
Victoria was still on the loose; putting 
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