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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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Edward had said that Charlie was ready to kill me; so he must know that—that 
it was mine。 There was 
only one person who could be behind this treachery。 
〃No!〃 I gasped。 〃Why? Why would Jacob do this to me?〃 The sting of betrayal 
washed through me。 I 
had trusted Jacob implicitly—trusted him with every single secret I had。 He 
was supposed to be my safe 
harbor—the person I could always rely on。 Of course things were strained 
right now; but I didn't think 
any of the underlying foundation had changed。 I didn't think that was 
What had I done to deserve this? Charlie was going to be so mad—and worse 
than that; he was going to 
be hurt and worried。 Didn't he have enough to deal with already? I would have 
never imagined that Jake 
could be so petty and just plain mean。 Tears sprang; smarting; into my eyes; 
but they were not tears of 
sadness。 I had been betrayed。 I was suddenly so angry that my head throbbed 
like it was going to 
〃Is he still here?〃 I hissed。 
〃Yes。 He's waiting for us there。〃 Edward told me; nodding toward the slender 
path that divided the dark 
fringe of the forest in two。 
I jumped out of the car; launching myself toward the trees with my hands 
already balled into fists for the 
first punch。 
Why did Edward have to be so much faster than me? 
He caught me around the waist before I made the path。 
〃Let me go! I'm going to murder him! Traitor!〃 I shouted the epithet toward 
the trees。 
〃Charlie will hear you;〃 Edward warned me。 〃And once he gets you inside; he 
may brick over the 
I glanced back at the house instinctively; and it seemed like the glossy red 
bike was all I could see。 I was 
seeing red。 My head throbbed again。 
〃Just give me one round with Jacob; and then I'll deal with Charlie。〃 I 
struggled futilely to break free。 
〃Jacob Black wants to see me。 That's why he's still here。〃 
That stopped me cold—took the fight right out of me。 My hands went limp。 They 
fight; Paris falls。 
I was furious; but not that furious。 
〃Talk?〃 I asked。 
〃More or less。〃 
〃How much more?〃 My voice shook。 
Edward smoothed my hair back from my face。 〃Don't worry; he's not here to 
fight me。 He's acting as 
spokesperson for the pack。〃 
Edward looked at the house again; then tightened his arm around my waist and 
pulled me toward the 
woods。 〃We should hurry。 Charlie's getting impatient。〃 
We didn't have to go far; Jacob waited just a short ways up the path。 He 
lounged against a mossy tree 
trunk as he waited; his face hard and bitter; exactly the way I knew it would 
be。 He looked at me; and 
then at Edward。 Jacob's mouth stretched into a humorless sneer; and he 
shrugged away from the tree。 He 
stood on the balls of his bare feet; leaning slightly forward; with his 
trembling hands clenched into fists。 He 
looked bigger than the last time I'd seen him。 Somehow; impossibly; he was 
still growing。 He would 
tower over Edward; if they stood next to each other。 
But Edward stopped as soon as we saw him; leaving a wide space between us and 
Jacob。 Edward 
turned his body; shifting me so that I was behind him。 I leaned around him to 
stare at Jacob—to accuse 
him with my eyes。 
I would have thought that seeing his resentful; cynical expression would only 
make me angrier。 Instead; it 
reminded me of the last time I'd seen him; with tears in his eyes。 My fury 
weakened; faltered; as I stared 
at Jacob。 It had been so long since I'd seen him—I hated that our reunion had 
to be like this。 
〃Bella;〃 Jacob said as a greeting; nodding once toward me without looking away 
from Edward。 
〃Why?〃 I whispered; trying to hide the sound of the lump in my throat。 〃How 
could you do this to me; 
The sneer vanished; but his face stayed hard and rigid。 〃It's for the best。〃 
〃What is that supposed to mean? Do you want Charlie to strangle me? Or did you 
want him to have a 
heart attack; like Harry? No matter how mad you are at me; how could you do 
this to him?〃 
Jacob winced; and his eyebrows pulled together; but he didn't answer。 
〃He didn't want to hurt anyone—he just wanted to get you grounded; so that 
you wouldn't be allowed to 
spend time with me;〃 Edward murmured; explaining the thoughts Jacob wouldn't 
Jacob's eyes sparked with hate as he glowered at Edward again。 
〃Aw; Jake!〃 I groaned。 〃I'm already grounded! Why do you think I haven't been 
down to La Push to 
kick your butt for avoiding my phone calls?〃 
Jacob's eyes flashed back to me; confused for the first time。 〃That's why?〃 he 
asked; and then locked his 
jaw; like he was sorry he'd said anything。 
〃He thought I wouldn't let you; not Charlie;〃 Edward explained again。 
〃Stop that;〃 Jacob snapped。 
Edward didn't answer。 
Jacob shuddered once; and then gritted his teeth as hard as his fists。 〃Bella 
wasn't exaggerating about 
your abilities;〃 he said through his teeth。 〃So you must already know why 
I'm here。〃 
〃Yes;〃 Edward agreed in a soft voice。 〃But; before you begin; I need to say 
Jacob waited; clenching and unclenching his hands as he tried to control the 
shivers rolling down his arms。 
〃Thank you;〃 Edward said; and his voice throbbed with the depth of his 
sincerity。 〃I will never be able to 
tell you how grateful I am。 I will owe you for the rest of my existence。〃 
Jacob stared at him blankly; his shudders stilled by surprise。 He exchanged a 
quick glance with me; but 
my face was just as mystified。 
〃For keeping Bella alive;〃 Edward clarified; his voice rough and fervent。 
〃When I didn't。〃 
〃Edward—;〃 I started to say; but he held one hand up; his eyes on Jacob。 
Understanding washed over Jacob's face before the hard mask returned。 〃I 
didn't do it for your benefit。〃 
〃I know。 But that doesn't erase the gratitude I feel。 I thought you should 
know。 If there's ever anything in 
my power to do for you〃 
Jacob raised one black brow。 
Edward shook his head。 〃That's not in my power。〃 
〃Whose; then?〃 Jacob growled。 
Edward looked down at me。 〃Hers。 I'm a quick learner; Jacob Black; and I don't 
make the same mistake 
twice。 I'm here until she orders me away。〃 
I was imm
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