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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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I flinched; and spoke quickly。 〃That's all I needed。 Thank you。 For wanting to 
keep me。 I feel exactly the 
same way about all of you; too。〃 My voice was jagged with emotion by the end。 
Esme was at my side in a flash; her cold arms around me。 
〃Dearest Bella;〃 she breathed。 
I hugged her back。 Out of the corner of my eye; I noticed Rosalie looking down 
at the table; and I 
realized that my words could be construed in two ways。 
〃Well; Alice;〃 I said when Esme released me。 〃Where do you want to do this?〃 
Alice stared at me; her eyes widening with terror。 
〃No! No! NO!〃 Edward roared; charging back into the room。 He was in my face 
before I had time to 
blink; bending over me; his expression twisted in rage。 〃Are you insane?〃 he 
shouted。 〃Have you utterly 
lost your mind?〃 
I cringed away; my hands over my ears。 
〃Um; Bella;〃 Alice interjected in an anxious voice。 〃I don't think I'm ready 
for that。 I'll need to prepare〃 
〃You promised;〃 I reminded her; glaring under Edward's arm。 
〃I know; but Seriously; Bella! I don't have any idea how to not killyou。〃 
〃You can do it;〃 I encouraged。 〃I trust you。〃 
Edward snarled in fury。 
Alice shook her head quickly; looking panicked。 
〃Carlisle?〃 I turned to look at him。 
Edward grabbed my face in his hand; forcing me to look at him。 His other hand 
was out; palm toward 
Carlisle ignored that。 〃I'm able to do it;〃 he answered my question。 I wished 
I could see his expression。 
〃You would be in no danger of me losing control。〃 
〃Sounds good。〃 I hoped he could understand; it was hard to talk clearly the 
way Edward held my jaw。 
〃Hold on;〃 Edward said between his teeth。 〃It doesn't have to be now。〃 
〃There's no reason for it not to be now;〃 I said; the words ing out 
〃I can think of a few。〃 
〃Of course you can;〃 I said sourly。 〃Now let go of me。〃 
He freed my face; and folded his arms across his chest。 〃In about two hours; 
Charlie will be here looking 
for you。 I wouldn't put it past him to involve the police。〃 
〃All three of them。〃 But I frowned。 
This was always the hardest part。 Charlie; Renee。 Now Jacob; too。 The people I 
would lose; the people 
I would hurt。 I wished there was some way that I could be the only one to 
suffer; but I knew that was 
At the same time; I was hurting them more by staying human。 Putting Charlie in 
constant danger through 
my proximity。 Putting Jake in worse danger still by drawing his enemies across 
the land he felt bound to 
protect。 And Renee—I couldn't even risk a visit to see my own mother for fear 
of bringing my deadly 
problems along with me! 
I was a danger magnet; I'd accepted that about myself。 
Accepting this; I knew I needed to be able to take care of myself and protect 
the ones I loved; even if 
that meant that I couldn't be with them。 I needed to be strong。 
〃In the interest of remaining inconspicuous;〃 Edward said; still talking 
through his gritted teeth; but 
looking at Carlisle now; 〃I suggest that we put this conversation off; at the 
very least until Bella finishes 
high school; and moves out of Charlie's house。〃 
〃That's a reasonable request; Bella;〃 Carlisle pointed out。 
I thought about Charlie's reaction when he woke up this morning; if—after all 
that life had put him through 
in the last week with Harry's loss; and then I had put him through with my 
disappearance—he were to find my bed empty。 Charlie deserved better than 
that。 It was just a little more 
time; graduation wasn't so far away 
I pursed my lips。 〃I'll consider it。〃 
Edward relaxed。 His jaw unclenched。 
〃I should probably take you home;〃 he said; more calm now; but clearly in a 
hurry to get me out of here。 
〃Just in case Charlie wakes up early。〃 
I looked at Carlisle。 〃After graduation?〃 
〃You have my word。〃 
I took a deep breath; smiled; and turned back to Edward。 〃Okay。 You can take 
me home。〃 
Edward rushed me out of the house before Carlisle could promise me anything 
else。 He took me out the 
back; so I didn't get to see what was broken in the living room。 
It was a quiet trip home。 I was feeling triumphant; and a little smug。 Scared 
stiff; too; of course; but I tried 
not to think about that part。 It did me no good to worry about the pain—the 
physical or the 
emotional—so I wouldn't。 Not until I absolutely had to。 
When we got to my house; Edward didn't pause。 He dashed up the wall and 
through my window in half a 
second。 Then he pulled my arms frcm around his neck and set me on the bed。 
I thought I had a pretty good idea of what he was thinking; but his expression 
surprised me。 Instead of 
furious; it was calculating。 He paced silently back and forth across my dark 
room while I watched with 
growing suspicion。 
〃Whatever you're planning; it's not going to work;〃 I told him。 
〃Shh。 I'm thinking。〃 
〃Ugh;〃 I groaned; throwing myself back on the bed and pulling the quilt over 
my head。 
There was no sound; but suddenly he was there。 He flipped the cover back so he 
could see me。 He was 
lying next to me。 His hand reached up to brush my hair from my cheek。 
〃If you don't mind; I'd much rather you didn't hide your face。 I've lived 
without it for as long as I can 
stand。 Now tell me something。〃 
〃What?〃 I asked; unwilling。 
〃If you could have anything in the world; anything at all; what would it be?〃 
I could feel the skepticism in my eyes。 〃You。〃 
He shook his head impatiently。 〃Something you don't already have。〃 
I wasn't sure where he was trying to lead me; so I thought carefully before I 
answered。 I came up with 
something that was both true; and also probably impossible。 
〃I would want Carlisle not to have to do it。 I would want you to change me。〃 
I watched his reaction warily; expecting more of the fury I'd seen at his 
house。 I was surprised that his 
expression didn't change。 It was still calculating; thoughtful。 
〃What would you be willing to trade for that?〃 
I couldn't believe my ears。 I gawked at his posed face and blurted out the 
answer before I could 
think about it。 
He smiled faintly; and then pursed his lips。 〃Five years?〃 
My face twisted into an e
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