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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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I beard it right。 〃The odds 
are always stacked against us。 Mistake after mistake。 I'll never criticize 
Romeo again。〃 
〃But I still don't understand;〃 I said。 〃That's my whole point。 So what?〃 
〃Excuse me?〃 
〃So what if I was dead?〃 
He stared at me dubiously for a long moment before answering。 〃Don't you 
remember anything I told you 
〃I remember everything that you told me。〃 Including the words that had negated 
all the rest。 
He brushed the tip of his cool finger against my lower lip。 〃Bella; you seem 
to be under a 
misapprehension。〃 He closed his eyes; shaking his head back and forth with 
half a smile on his beautiful 
face。 It wasn't a happy smile。 〃I thought I'd explained it clearly before。 
Bella; I can't live in a world where 
you don't exist。〃 
〃I am〃 My head swam as I looked for the appropriate word。 〃Confused。〃 That 
worked。 I couldn't 
make sense of what he was saying。 
He stared deep into my eyes with his sincere; earnest gaze。 〃I'm a good liar; 
Bella; I have to be。〃 
I froze; my muscles locking down as if for impact。 The fault line in my chest 
rippled; the pain of it took my 
breath away。 
He shook my shoulder; trying to loosen my rigid pose。 〃Let me finish! I'm a 
good liar; but still; for you to 
believe me so quickly。〃 He winced。 〃That was excruciating。〃 
I waited; still frozen。 
〃When we were in the forest; when I was telling you goodbye—〃 
I didn't allow myself to remember。 I fought to keep myself in the present 
second only。 
〃You weren't going to let go;〃 he whispered。 〃I could see that。 I didn't want 
to do it—it felt like it would 
kill me to do it—but I knew that if I couldn't convince you that I didn't 
love you anymore; it would just 
take you that much longer to get on with your life。 I hoped that; if you 
thought I'd moved on; so would 
〃A clean break;〃 I whispered through unmoving lips。 
〃Exactly。 But I never imagined it would be so easy to do! I thought it would 
be next to impossible—that 
you would be so sure of the truth that I would have to lie through my teeth 
for hours to even plant the 
seed of doubt in your head。 I lied; and I'm so sorry—sorry because I hurt 
you; sorry because it was a 
worthless effort。 Sorry that I couldn't protect you from what I an。 I lied to 
save you; and it didn't work。 
I'm sorry。 
〃But how could you believe me? After all the thousand times I've told you I 
love you; how could you let 
one word break your faith in me?〃 
I didn't answer。 I was too shocked to form a rational response。 
〃I could see it in your eyes; that you honestly believed that I didn't want 
you anymore。 The most absurd; 
ridiculous concept—as if there were anu way that I could exist without 
needing you!〃 
I was still frozen。 His words were inprehensible; because they were 
He shook my shoulder again; not hard; but enough that my teeth rattled a 
〃Bella;〃 he sighed。 〃Really; what were you thinking!〃 
And so I started to cry。 The tears welled up and then gushed miserably down my 
〃I knew it;〃 I sobbed。 〃I knew I was dreaming。〃 
〃You're impossible;〃 he said; and he laughed once—a hard laugh; frustrated。 
〃How can I put this so that 
you'll believe me? You're not asleep; and you're not dead。 I'm here; and I 
love you。 I have always loved 
you; and I will always love you。 I was thinking of you; seeing your face in my 
mind; every second that I 
was away。 When I told you that I didn't want you; it was the very blackest 
kind of blasphemy。〃 
I shook my head while the tears continued to ooze from the corners of my eyes。 
〃You don't believe me; do you?〃 he whispered; his face paler than his usual 
pale—I could see that even 
in the dim light。 〃Why can you believe the lie; but not the truth?〃 
〃It never made sense for you to love me;〃 I explained; my voice breaking 
twice。 〃I always knew that。〃 
His eyes narrowed; his jaw tightened。 
〃I'll prove you're awake;〃 he promised。 
He caught my face securely between his iron hands; ignoring my struggles when 
I tried to turn my head 
〃Please don't;〃 I whispered。 
He stopped; his lips just half an inch from mine。 
〃Why not?〃 he demanded。 His breath blew into my face; making my head whirl。 
〃When I wake up〃—He opened his mouth to protest; so I revised—〃okay; forget 
that one—when you 
leave again; it's going to be hard enough without this; too。〃 
He pulled back an inch; to stare at my face。 
〃Yesterday; when I would touch you; you were so hesitant; so careful; and 
yet still the same。 I need to 
know why。 Is it because I'm too late? Because I've hurt you too much? Because 
you have moved on; as 
I meant for you to? That would be quite fair。 I won't contest your decision。 
So don't try to spare my 
feelings; please—just tell me now whether or not you can still love me; after 
everything I've done to you。 
Can you?〃 he whispered。 
〃What kind of an idiotic question is that?〃 
〃Just answer it。 Please。〃 
I stared at him darkly for a long moment。 〃The way I feel about you will never 
change。 Of course I love 
you—and there's nothing you can do about it!〃 
〃That's all I needed to hear。〃 
His mouth was on mine then; and I couldn't fight him。 Not because he was so 
many thousand times 
stronger than me; but because my will crumbled into dust the second our lips 
met。 This kiss was not quite 
as careful as others I remembered; which suited me just fine。 If I was going 
to rip myself up further; I 
might as well get as much in trade as possible。 
So I kissed him back; my heart pounding out a jagged; disjointed rhythm while 
my breathing turned to 
panting and my fingers moved greedily to his face。 I could feel his marble 
body against every line of mine; 
and I was so glad he hadn't listened to me—there was no pain in the world 
that would have justified 
missing this。 His hands memorized my face; the same way mine were tracing his; 
and; in the brief seconds 
when his lips were free; he whispered my name。 
When I was starting to get dizzy; he pulled away; only to lay his ear against 
my heart。 
I lay there; dazed; waiting for my gasping to slow and quiet。 
〃By the way;〃 he sai
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