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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第章

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suddenly and kiss me—his 
glass…smooth lips brushing against my hair; my forehead; the tip of my nose。 
Each time it was like an 
electric shock to my long dormant heart。 The sound of its beating seemed to 
fill the entire room。 
It was heaven—right smack in the middle of hell。 
I lost track of the time pletely。 So when Edward's arms tightened around 
me; and both he and Alice 
looked to the back of the room with wary eyes; I panicked。 I cringed into 
Edward's chest as Alec—his 
eyes now a vivid ruby; but still spotless in his light gray suit despite the 
afternoon meal—walked through 
the double doors。 
It was good news。 
〃You're free to leave now;〃 Alec told us; his tone so warm you'd think we were 
all lifelong friends。 〃We 
ask that you don't linger in the city。〃 
Edward made no answering pretence; his voice was ice cold。 〃That won't be a 
Alec smiled; nodded; and disappeared again。 
〃Follow the right hallway around the corner to the first set of elevators;〃 
Gianna told us as Edward helped 
me to my feet。 〃The lobby is two floors down; and exits to the street。 
Goodbye; now;〃 she added 
pleasantly。 I wondered if her petence would be enough to save her。 
Alice shot her a dark look。 
I was relieved there was another way out; I wasn't sure if I could handle 
another tour through the 
We left through a tastefully luxurious lobby。 I was the only one who glanced 
back at the medieval castle 
that housed the elaborate business facade I couldn't see the turret from here; 
for which I was grateful。 
The party was still in full swing in the streets。 The street lamps were just 
ing on as we walked swiftly 
through the narrow; cobbled lanes。 The sky was a dull; fading gray overhead; 
but the buildings crowded 
the streets so closely that it felt darker。 
The party was darker; too。 Edward's long; trailing cloak did not stand out in 
the way it might have on a 
normal evening in Volterra。 There were others in black satin cloaks now; and 
the plastic fangs I'd seen on 
the child in the square today seemed to be very popular with the adults。 
〃Ridiculous;〃 Edward muttered once。 
I didn't notice when Alice disappeared from beside me。 I looked over to ask 
her a question; and she was 
〃Where's Alice?〃 I whispered in a panic。 
〃She went to retrieve your bags from where she stashed them this morning。〃 
I'd forgotten that I had access to a toothbrush。 It brightened my outlook 
〃She's stealing a car; too; isn't she?〃 I guessed。 
He grinned。 〃Not till we're outside。〃 
It seemed like a very long way to the entryway。 Edward could see that I was 
spent; he wound his arm 
around my waist and supported most of my weight as we walked。 
I shuddered as he pulled me through the dark stone archway。 The huge; ancient 
portcullis above was like 
a cage door; threatening to drop on us; to lock us in。 
He led me toward a dark car; waiting in a pool of shadow to the right of the 
gate with the engine running。 
To my surprise; he slid into the backseat with me; instead of insisting on 
Alice was apologetic。 〃I'm sorry。〃 She gestured vaguely toward the dashboard。 
〃There wasn't much to 
choose from。〃 
〃It's fine; Alice。〃 He grinned。 〃They can't all be 911 Turbos。〃 
She sighed。 〃I may have to acquire one of those legally。 It was fabulous。〃 
〃I'll get you one for Christmas;〃 Edward promised。 
Alice turned to beam at him; which worried me; as she was already speeding 
down the dark and curvy 
hillside at the same time。 
〃Yellow;〃 she told him。 
Edward kept me tight in his arms。 Inside the gray cloak; I was warm and 
fortable。 More than 
〃You can sleep now; Bella;〃 he murmured。 〃It's over。〃 
I knew he meant the danger; the nightmare in the ancient city; but I still had 
to swallow hard before I 
could answer。 
〃I don't want to sleep。 I'm not tired。〃 Just the second part was a lie。 I 
wasn't about to close my eyes。 The 
car was only dimly lit by the dashboard controls; but it was enough that I 
could see his face。 
He pressed his lips to the hollow under my ear。 〃Try;〃 he encouraged。 
I shook my head。 
He sighed。 〃You're still just as stubborn。〃 
I was stubborn; I fought with my heavy lids; and I won。 
The dark road was the hardest part; the bright lights at the airport in 
Florence made it easier; as did the 
chance to brush my teeth and change into clean clothes; Alice bought Edward 
new clothes; too; and he 
left the dark cloak on a pile of trash in an alley。 The plane trip to Rome was 
so short that there wasn't 
really a chance for the fatigue to drag me under。 I knew the flight from Rome 
to Atlanta would be another 
matter entirely; so I asked the flight attendant if she could bring me a Coke。 
〃Bella;〃 Edward said disapprovingly。 He knew my low tolerance for caffeine。 
Alice was behind us。 I could hear her murmuring to Jasper on the phone。 
〃I don't want to sleep;〃 I reminded him。 I gave him an excuse that was 
believable because it was true。 〃If 
I close my eyes now; I'll see things I don't want to see。 I'll have 
He didn't argue with me after that。 
It would have been a very good time to talk; to get the answers I needed—
needed but not really wanted; 
I was already despairing at the thought of what I might hear。 We had an 
uninterrupted block of tirre 
ahead of us; and he couldn't escape me on an airplane—well; not easily; at 
least。 No one would hear us 
except Alice; it was late; and most of the passengers were turning off lights 
and asking for pillows in 
muted voices。 Talk would help me fight off the exhaustion。 
But; perversely; I bit my tongue against the flood of questions。 My reasoning 
was probably flawed by 
exhaustion; but I hoped that by postponing the discussion; I could buy a few 
more hours with him at 
some later time—spin this out for another night; Scheherazade…style。 
So I kept drinking soda; and resisting even the urge to blink。 Edward seemed 
perfectly content to hold 
me in his arms; his fingers tracing my face again and again。 I touched his 
face; too。 I couldn't stop myself; 
though I was afraid it would hurt me later; when
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