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蔫べば信芍靼ā―ynamic Liberation in Yogacara Buddhism。〃 JIABS; 2 (1); 1979; 44…64; 和 〃Meditation in Fa…hsiang Buddhism。〃 见 Traditions of Meditation; Peter Gregory 编辑, 1986; 15…43。
'49' 〃A Biographical Study of Tz'u…en。〃 Monumenta Nipponica; 15; 1…2 (1959) 119…49
'50' The Kanjin Kakumusho;; 未刊博士论文, Harvard; 1965。
'51' A Study of the Trimsikaa…Vijnapti…Bhasya。 未刊硕士论文,Kyoto University; 1964。
'52' Vinitadeva's Contribution to the Buddhist Mentalistic Trend; '对Trimsika的注解' 未刊博士论文, University of Saskatchewan; 1975。
'53' Madhyamaka and Yogacara: a Study of Mahaayaana Philosophies。 由L。 S。 Kawamura 与 G。M。 Nagao。Albany合作编辑、校对和翻译: State University of New York Press; 1991。
'54' Chih…yen (602…668); and the Foundation of Hua…yen Buddhism; 未刊博士论文, Columbia University; 1972。
'55' The Teaching of Fa…tsang … An Examination of Buddhist Metaphysics。 未刊博士论文, UCLA; 1979。
'56' The Samdhinirmocana Sutra: a Liberating Hermeneutic。 未刊博士论文,Temple University; 1991。
'57' Philosophy of Mind in Sixth…Century China: Paramartha's 'Evolution of Consciousness。' Stanford: Stanford University Press; 1984。
'58' 参见拙作《佛教现象学》(Buddhist Phenomenology); 其中包括对直接来自世亲文本的《转识论》的部分翻译。
'59' David Kalupahana; The Principles of Buddhist Psychology。 Albany: SUNY Press,1987。
'60'K。N。 Chtterjee: Vijnaptimatrata…siddhi。 Varnasi: Kishor Vidya Niketan; 1980 (包括 Devanagri 本)。
'61' Vijnaptimatratasiddhi (Vi。m‘satika)。 Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers; 1993 (包括 Devanagri本)。
'62'Mind Only: A Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of the VIjnanavada。 Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press; 1991。
'63' Treatise In Thirty Verses on Mere Consciousness。 Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass; 1992 (包括《大正藏》中文本的重印本)。
'64' 许多研究收入Alex Wayman的Buddhist Insight。 由George R。 Elder编辑, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass; 1984。
'65'例如,Kajiyama; Yuuichi。 〃Bhaavaviveka; Sthiramati and Dharmapaala。〃 Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sud…und Ostasiens und Archiv fur Indische Philosophie; #12; 13; 1958; 193…203; 〃Controversy between the sakara…and nirakara…vadins of the Yogacara School … some materials。〃 IBK; 14 (1);1955…56; 429…418 (26…37); 〃The Atomic Theory of Vasubandhu; the Author of the Abhidharmako‘sa。〃 IBK; XIX (2); March 1971; 1006…1001 (19…24)。
'66' Asa‘ng a's Chapter on Ethics With the mentary of Tsong…Kha…Pa; The Basic Path to Awakening; The plete Bodhisattva。 Mark Tatz译, Lewiston: Edwin Mellon Press; 1986。
'67'Herbert Guenther and Leslie Kawamura; Mind in Buddhist Psychology。 Emeryville; CA: Dharma Publishing; 1975。
'68' 更多的著作可能被提到,如:Lati Rinbochay 和 Elizabeth Napper的 Mind in Tibetan Buddhism; Valois; NY: Snow Lion; 1980。
'69' Ocean of Eloquence: Tsong kha pa's mentary on the Yogacara Doctrine of Mind。 Albany: SUNY Press; 1993。
'70' Jeffery Hopkins; Emptiness in the Mind…only School of Buddhism: Dynamic Responses to Dzong…ka…ba's The Essence of Eloquence: I。 Berkeley: University of CA Press; 1999。