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of persuasion; confidence; knowledgenay; I may almost say; of
certainty。 And I feel; for my own part; if I may take these Scriptures
in their plain obvious meaning; the doctrine of assurance is true。
But my answer; furthermore; to all who dislike the doctrine of
assurance; as bordering on presumption; is this:It can hardly be
presumption to tread in the steps of Peter; and Paul; of Job; and of
John。 They were all eminently humble and lowly…minded men; if ever any
were; and yet they all speak of their own state with an assured hope。
Surely this should teach us that deep humility and strong assurance are
perfectly patible; and that there is not any necessary connection
between spiritual confidence and pride。 '21'
My answer; furthermore; is that many have attained to such an assured
hope as our text expresses; even in modern times。 I will not concede
for a moment that it was a peculiar privilege confined to the Apostolic
day。 There have been in our own land many believers; who have appeared
to walk in almost uninterrupted fellowship with the Father and the
Sonwho have seemed to enjoy an almost unceasing sense of the light of
God's reconciled countenance shining down upon them; and have left
their experience on record。 I could mention well…known names; if space
permitted。 The thing has been; and isand that is enough。
My answer; lastly; is; It cannot be wrong to feel confidently in a
matter where God speaks unconditionallyto believe decidedly when God
promises decidedlyto have a sure persuasion of pardon and peace when
we rest on the word and oath of Him that never changes。 It is an utter
mistake to suppose that the believer who feels assurance is resting on
anything he sees in himself。 He simply leans on the Mediator of the New
Covenant; and the Scripture of truth。 He believes the Lord Jesus means
what He says; and takes Him at His word。 Assurance after all is no more
than a full…grown faith; a masculine faith that grasps Christ's promise
with both handsa faith that argues like the good centurion; If the
Lord 〃speak the word only;〃 I am healed。 Wherefore then should I doubt?
(Matt。 viii。 8。) '22'
We may be sure that Paul was the last man in the world to build his
assurance on anything of his own。 He who could write himself down
〃chief of sinners〃 (1 Tim。 i。 15); had a deep sense of his guilt and
corruption。 But then he had a still deeper sense of the length and
breadth of Christ's righteousness imputed to him。He who could cry; 〃O
wretched man that I am〃 (Rom。 vii。 24); had a clear view of the
fountain of evil within his heart。 But then he had a still clearer view
of that other Fountain which can remove 〃all sin and uncleanness。〃 He
who thought himself 〃less than the least of all saints〃 (Ephes。 iii。
8); had a lively and abiding feeling of his own weakness。 But he had a
still livelier feeling that Christ's promise; 〃My sheep shall never
perish〃 (John x。 28); could not be broken。Paul knew; if ever man did;
that he was a poor; frail bark; floating on a stormy ocean。 He saw; if
any did; the rolling waves and roaring tempest by which he was
surrounded。 But then he looked away from self to Jesus; and was not
afraid。 He remembered that anchor within the veil; which is both 〃sure
and steadfast。〃 (Heb。 vi。 19。) He remembered the word; and work; and
constant intercession of Him that loved him and gave Himself for him。
And this it was; and nothing else; that enabled him to say so boldly;
〃A crown is laid up for me; and the Lord shall give it to me;〃 and to
conclude so surely; 〃The Lord will preserve me; I shall never be
confounded。〃 '23'
I may not dwell longer on this part of the subject。 I think it will be
allowed I have shown some good ground for the assertion I made; that
assurance is a true thing。
II。 I pass on to the second thing I spoke of。 I said; a believer may
never arrive at this assured hope; which Paul expresses; and yet be
I grant this most freely。 I do not dispute it for a moment。 I would not
desire to make one contrite heart sad that God has not made sad; or to
discourage one fainting child of God; or to leave the impression that
men have no part or lot in Christ; except they feel assurance。
A person may have saving faith in Christ; and yet never enjoy an
assured hope; such as the Apostle Paul enjoyed。 To believe and have a
glimmering hope of acceptance is one thing; to have 〃joy and peace〃 in
our believing; and abound in hope; is quite another。 All God's children
have faith; not all have assurance。 I think this ought never to be
I know some great and good men have held a different opinion。 I believe
that many excellent ministers of the Gospel; at whose feet I would
gladly sit; do not allow the distinction I have stated。 But I desire to
call no man master。 I dread as much as any one the idea of healing the
the wounds of conscience slightly; but I should think any other view
than that I have given; a most unfortable Gospel to preach; and one
very likely to keep souls back a long time from the gate of life。 '24'
I do not shrink from saying that by grace a man may have sufficient
faith to flee to Christ; sufficient faith really to lay hold on
Himreally to trust in Himreally to be a child of Godreally to be
saved; and yet to his last day be never free from much anxiety; doubt;
and fear。
〃A letter;〃 says an old writer; 〃may be written; which is not sealed;
so grace may be written in the heart; yet the Spirit may not set the
seal of assurance to it。
A child may be born heir to a great fortune; and yet never be aware of
his riches; may live childish; die childish; and never know the
greatness of his possessions。 And so also a man may be a babe in
Christ's family; think as a babe; speak as a babe; and; though saved;
never enjoy a lively hope; or know the real privileges of his
Let no man mistake my meaning when I dwell