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   blood thereof; and in so doing declared his belief that without
   shedding of blood there is no remission。 (Heb。 xi。 4。)

   (c) It was Christ of whom Enoch prophesied in the days of abounding
   wickedness before the flood。〃Behold;〃 he said; 〃the Lord eth with
   ten thousands of His saints; to execute judgment upon all。〃 (Jude 15。)

   (d) It was Christ to whom Abraham looked when he dwelt in tents in the
   land of promise。 He believed that in his seedin one born of his
   familyall the nations of the earth should be blessed。 By faith he saw
   Christ's day; and was glad。 (John viii。 56。)

   (e) It was Christ of whom Jacob spoke to his sons; as he lay dying。 He
   marked out the tribe out of which He would be born; and foretold that
   〃gathering together〃 unto Him which is yet to be acplished。 〃The
   sceptre shall not depart from Judah; nor the law…giver from between his
   feet; until Shiloh e; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people
   be。〃 (Gen。 xlix。 10。)

   (f) It was Christ who was the substance of the ceremonial law which God
   gave to Israel by the hand of Moses。 The morning and evening
   sacrificethe continual shedding of bloodthe altarthe
   mercy…seatthe high priestthe passoverthe day of atonementthe
   scapegoat:all these were so many pictures; types; and emblems of
   Christ and His work。 God had passion upon the weakness of His
   people。 He taught them 〃Christ〃 line upon line; and; as we teach little
   children; by similitudes。 It was in this sense especially that 〃the law
   was a schoolmaster to lead〃 the Jews 〃unto Christ。〃 (Gal。 iii。 24。)

   (g) It was Christ to whom God directed the attention of Israel by all
   the daily miracles which were done before their eyes in the wilderness。
   The pillar of cloud and fire which guided themthe manna from heaven
   which every morning fed themthe water from the smitten rock which
   followed themall and each were figures of Christ。 The brazen serpent;
   on that memorable occasion when the plague of fiery serpents was sent
   upon them; was an emblem of Christ。 (1 Cor。 x。 4; John iii。 14。)

   (h) It was Christ of whom all the Judges were types。 Joshua; and David;
   and Gideon; and Jephthah; and Samson; and all the rest whom God raised
   up to deliver Israel from captivityall were emblems of Christ。 Weak
   and unstable and faulty as some of them were; they were set for example
   of better things in the distant future。 All were meant to remind the
   tribes of that far higher Deliverer who was yet to e。

   (i) It was Christ of whom David the king was a type。 Anointed and
   chosen when few gave him honourdespised and rejected by Saul and all
   the tribes of Israelpersecuted and obliged to flee for his lifea
   man of sorrow all his life; and yet at length a conquerorin all these
   things David represented Christ。

   (j) It was Christ of whom all the prophets from Isaiah to Malachi
   spoke。 They saw through a glass darkly。 They sometimes dwelt on His
   sufferings; and sometimes on His glory that should follow。 (1 Peter i。
   11。) They did not always mark out for us the distinction between
   Christ's first ing and Christ's second ing。 Like two candles in a
   straight line; one behind the other; they sometimes saw both the
   advents at the same time; and spoke of them in one breath。 They were
   sometimes moved by the Holy Ghost to write of the times of Christ
   crucified; and sometimes of Christ's kingdom in the latter days。 But
   Jesus dying; or Jesus reigning; was the thought you will ever find
   uppermost in their minds。

   (k) It is Christ; I need hardly say; of whom the whole New Testament is
   full。 The Gospels are 〃Christ〃 living; speaking; and moving among men。
   The Acts are 〃Christ〃 preached; published; and proclaimed。 The Epistles
   are 〃Christ〃 written of; explained; and exalted。 But all through; from
   first to last; there is one name above every other; and that is the
   name of Christ。

   I charge every reader of this paper to ask himself frequently what the
   Bible is to him。 Is it a Bible in which you have found nothing more
   than good moral precepts and sound advice? Or is it a Bible in which
   you have found Christ? Is it a Bible in which 〃Christ is all 〃? If not;
   I tell you plainly; you have hitherto used your Bible to very little
   purpose。 You are like a man who studies the solar system and leaves out
   in his studies the sun; which is the centre of all。 It is no wonder if
   you find your Bible a dull book!

   III。 In the third place; let us understand that 〃Christ is all〃 in the
   religion of all true Christians on earth。

   In saying this; I wish to guard myself against being misunderstood。 I
   hold the absolute necessity of the election of God the Father; and the
   sanctification of God the Spirit; in order to effect the salvation of
   everyone that is saved。 I hold that there is a perfect harmony and
   unison in the action of the three Persons of the Trinity; in bringing
   any man to glory; and that all three co…operate and work a joint work
   in his deliverance from sin and hell。 Such as the Father is; such is
   the Son; and such is the Holy Ghost。 The Father is merciful; the Son is
   merciful; the Holy Ghost is merciful。 The same three who said at the
   beginning; 〃Let us create;〃 said also; 〃Let us redeem and save。〃 I hold
   that everyone who reaches heaven will ascribe all the glory of his
   salvation to Father; Son and Holy Ghost; three Persons in one God。

   But; at the same time; I see clear proof in Scripture that it is the
   mind of the blessed Trinity that Christ should be prominently and
   distinctly exalted in the matter of saving souls。 Christ is set forth
   as the 〃Word;〃 through whom God's love to sinners is made known。
   Christ's incarnation and atoning death on the cross are the great
   corner…stone on which the whole plan of salvation rests。 Christ is the
   way and door; by which alone approaches to God are to be made。 Christ
   is the root into which all elect sinners must be grafted。 Christ is the
   only meeting…place between God and man; between hea
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