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1000% more open to various experiences that are available to you than when
you were making choices based on the lower three Centers of Consciousness。
This openness is beginning to let you flow and experience life in an almost
miraculous way。 Since you are open; most life situations which were a
problem to you now find beautiful solutions。 Events are seen in terms of
results and happenings instead of people’s supposed attitudes toward you。
People who have things to teach you (but from whom you closed yourself off)
can now e into your life。 Since your ego has less and less work to do as
the slave of your addictions; you are beginning to experience the whole
spectrum of your here and now。 Your perception has increased enormously。
You now have higher predictability in your thinking。 Because you have
created a beautiful; peaceful world in which you now live; you are helping
everyone around you find the beautiful; peaceful place inside。 And you can
accept help without feeling that an obligation is created。
You will begin to experience your life as one “miraculous” happening after
another。 But this transformation could have happened at any time in your life
 because you have created it simply by your constantly increasing openness
to people and things around you。 You begin to see that the miracle was
always there; but it took place in its own court  because you were too busy
hassling yourself with your addictions and trying to manipulate people and
things around you。 Life is now offering you a Cornucopia or a “Horn of
And the “miracle” of Cornucopia consciousness occurs because of three
powerful factors that automatically aid you when you substantially reduce the
number of addictions you are guarding :
1。 Since addictions waste your energy; you will now have a huge
supply of energy to use as you prefer。
2。 Since addictions blind you; you will now have clear insight into
what you should do or not do in various life situations。
3。 Since addictions separate you from others; you will now live in a
loving energy field in which people love you and help you。
As you gain insight into the Cornucopia Center of Consciousness; you will
begin to feel that you live in a friendly world that will always give you
“enough” when you live in the higher Centers of Consciousness。 You will
also begin to deeply feel that you live in a perfect world。 You will not feel it
as perfect from the limited point of view of your instant happiness when you
have addictive programming。 But your world is perfect from the point of
view of continually providing you with precisely the life experiences that you
need for your overall development as a conscious being。
A paranoid person feels that everybody is trying to keep him from getting
what he needs to be happy。 The world is a giant conspiracy to hurt him。 The
Fifth Center of Consciousness represents the opposite of paranoia。 In this
Center you experience people and situations around you aas part of a
generous world that constantly offers you everything you need to be happy。
You will begin to live more and more in the Cornucopia Center when you
experience deeper and deeper aspects of your world as a friendly; nurturing
place。 You feel at home everywhere。
Who could ask for more? And yet there is more as you grow toward the last
two Centers of Consciousness。
Chapter 12
The Fulfilling Centers
You increase your insight into your life when you realize that everything you
do or feel has a greater or lesser bearing on each of the first five Centers。 For
example; when you are eating; you are experiencing the food predominantly
from the Sensation Center as you enjoy the taste。 However; eating has
aspects that involve the Security Center; for food can serve as an emotional
crutch to make you feel secure。 And; of course; the basic nutritional value in
the food is connected with your security。 Or your food can be experienced
from the Power Center by pontificating to others as to what foods they really
should be eating to bee holy。 Your food can be enjoyed from the Love
Center as a way of accepting and loving new tastes。 Or your food can be
appreciated from the point of view of the Cornucopia Center as a further
confirmation that you live in a beautiful world that gives you everything you
need in order to live in higher consciousness。 As you grow; you will begin to
experience your food from any bination of the five Centers  or all of
In each of the five preceding Centers; you will find that you are continually
judging yourself。 In greater or lesser degree; you are paring your
thoughts and actions with a Center of Consciousness to determine whether
you are meeting the standards of the Center。 Each Center presents you with
something to do : (1) achieving security; (2) experiencing sensations; (3)
developing power; (4) attaining the ability to love and accept everyone and
everything unconditionally no matter what happens; and (5) experiencing the
friendliness and perfection of everything around you。
Even though you are not supposed to be driving yourself; you may constantly
be wondering whether you are really progressing rapidly。 You may be saying
inwardly; “Is Bob growing faster than I?” “What’s holding me back? I
thought my consciousness was at the Love Center and I just became aware of
power aspects of our relationship。” “Did I just blow it?” “Does it help to
keep a record of how many minutes a day I am on each of the Centers?”
“Should I allow myself one month to get rid of most of the thoughts of the
lower three Centers?”
You will go through phases in which you are addicted to the Love Center and
the Cornucopia Center。 You may bee impatient because you thought you
were loving unconditionally  and you find something that you could not
emotionally accept。 Then you may get the feeling。 “I’ve just got to rush this
through and then I can relax again and stop manipulating the people and
things around me。 I can really begin flowing for the rest of my life when I
work through this problem。”
Although your growth toward higher consciousness is associated with
unconditionally accepting yourself and others; you will fin
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