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aperture n。 Hole。
apex n。 The highest point; as of a mountain。
aphorism n。 Proverb。
apiary n。 A place where bees are kept。
apogee n。 The climax。
apology n。 A disclaimer of intentional error or offense。
apostasy n。 A total departure from one's faith or religion。
apostate adj。 False。
apostle n。 Any messenger missioned by or as by divine authority。
apothecary n。 One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions。
apotheosis n。 Deification。
appall v。 To fill with dismay or horror。
apparent adj。 Easily understood。
apparition n。 Ghost。
appease v。 To soothe by quieting anger or indignation。
appellate adj。 Capable of being appealed to。
appellation n。 The name or title by which a particular person; class; or thing is called。
append v。 To add or attach; as something accessory; subordinate; or supplementary。
appertain v。 To belong; as by right; fitness; association; classification; possession; or natural relation。
apposite adj。 Appropriate。
apposition n。 The act of placing side by side; together; or in contact。
appraise v。 To estimate the money value of。
appreciable adj。 Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect。
apprehend v。 To make a prisoner of (a person) in the name of the law。
apprehensible adj。 Capable of being conceived。
approbation n。 Sanction。
appropriate adj。 Suitable for the purpose and circumstances。
aqueduct n。 A water…conduit; particularly one for supplying a munity from a distance。
aqueous adj。 Of; pertaining to; or containing water。
arbiter n。 One chosen or appointed; by mutual consent of parties in dispute; to decide matters。
arbitrary adj。 Fixed or done capriciously。
arbitrate v。 To act or give judgment as umpire。
arbor n。 A tree。
arboreal adj。 Of or pertaining to a tree or trees。
arborescent adj。 Having the nature of a tree。
arboretum n。 A botanical garden or place devoted to the cultivation of trees or shrubs。
arboriculture n。 The cultivation of trees or shrubs。
arcade n。 A vaulted passageway or street; a roofed passageway having shops; etc。; opening from it。
archaic adj。 Antiquated
archaism n。 Obsolescence。
archangel n。 An angel of high rank。
archbishop n。 The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the Greek; Roman; and Anglican church。
archdeacon n。 A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese。
archaeology n。 The branch of anthropology concerned with the systematic investigation of the relics of man。
archetype n。 A prototype。
archipelago n。 Any large body of water studded with islands; or the islands collectively themselves。
ardent adj。 Burning with passion。
ardor n。 Intensity of passion or affection。
arid adj。 Very dry。
aristocracy n。 A hereditary nobility
aristocrat n。 A hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility。
armada n。 A fleet of war…vessels。
armful n。 As much as can be held in the arm or arms。
armory n。 An arsenal。
aroma n。 An agreeable odor。
arraign v。 To call into court; as a person indicted for crime; and demand whether he pleads guilty or not。
arrange v。 To put in definite or proper order。
arrangement n。 The act of putting in proper order; or the state of being put in order。
arrant adj。 Notoriously bad。
arrear n。 Something overdue and unpaid。
arrival n。 A ing to stopping…place or destination。
arrogant adj。 Unduly or excessively proud; as of wealth; station; learning; etc。
arrogate v。 To take; demand; or claim; especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds。
Artesian well n。 A very deep bored well。 water rises due to underground pressure
artful adj。 Characterized by craft or cunning。
Arthurian adj。 Pertaining to King Arthur; the real or legendary hero of British poetic story。
artifice n。 Trickery。
artless adj。 Ingenuous。
ascendant adj。 Dominant。
ascension n。 The act of rising。
ascent n。 A rising; soaring; or climbing。
ascetic adj。 Given to severe self…denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion。
ascribe v。 To assign as a quality or attribute。
asexual adj。 Having no distinct sexual organs。
ashen adj。 Pale。
askance adv。 With a side or indirect glance or meaning。
asperity n。 Harshness or roughness of temper。
aspirant n。 One who seeks earnestly; as for advancement; honors; place。
aspiration n。 An earnest wish for that which is above one's present reach。
aspire v。 To have an earnest desire; wish; or longing; as for something high and good; not yet attained。
assailant n。 One who attacks。
assassin n。 One who kills; or tries to kill; treacherously or secretly。
assassinate v。 To kill; as by surprise or secret assault; especially the killing of some eminent person。
assassination n。 Murderer; as by secret assault or treachery。
assay n。 The chemical analysis or testing of an alloy ore。
assent v。 To express agreement with a statement or matter of opinion。
assess v。 To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid)。
assessor n。 An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes。
assets n。 pl。 Property in general; regarded as applicable to the payment of debts。
assiduous adj。 Diligent。
assignee n。 One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain property and interests。
assimilate v。 To adapt。
assonance n。 Resemblance or correspondence in sound。
assonant adj。 Having resemblance of sound。
assonate v。 To accord in sound; especially vowel sound。
assuage v。 To cause to be less harsh; violent; or severe; as excitement; appetite; pain; or disease。
astringent adj。 Harsh in disposition or character。
astute adj。 Keen in discernment。
atheism n。 The denial of the existence of God。
athirst adj。 Wanting water。
athwart adv。 From side to side。
atomizer n。 An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray; as for disinfection; inhalation; etc。
atone v。 To make amends for。
atonement n。 Amends; reparation; or expiation made from wrong or injury。
atrocious adj。 Outrageously or wantonly wicked; criminal; vile; or cruel。
atrocity n。 Great cruelty or reckless wickedness。
attache n。 A subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy。
attest v。 To certify as accurate; genuine; or true。
attorney…general n。 The chief law…officer of a government。
auburn adj。 Reddish…brown; said usually of the hair。
audacious adj。 Fearless。
audible adj。 Loud enoug