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convertible adj。 Interchangeable。
convex adj。 Curving like the segment of the globe or of the surface of a circle。
conveyance n。 That by which anything is transported。
convivial adj。 Devoted to feasting; or to good…fellowship in eating or drinking。
convolution n。 A winding motion。
convolve v。 To move with a circling or winding motion。
convoy n。 A protecting force acpanying property in course of transportation。
convulse v。 To cause spasms in。
convulsion n。 A violent and abnormal muscular contraction of the body。
copious adj。 Plenteous。
coquette n。 A flirt。
cornice n。 An ornamental molding running round the walls of a room close to the ceiling。
cornucopia n。 The horn of plenty; symbolizing peace and prosperity。
corollary n。 A proposition following so obviously from another that it requires little demonstration。
coronation n。 The act or ceremony of crowning a monarch。
coronet n。 Inferior crown denoting; according to its form; various degrees of noble rank less than sovereign。
corporal adj。 Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind。
corporate adj。 Belonging to a corporation。
corporeal adj。 Of a material nature; physical。
corps n。 A number or body of persons in some way associated or acting together。
corpse n。 A dead body。
corpulent adj。 Obese。
corpuscle n。 A minute particle of matter。
correlate v。 To put in some relation of connection or correspondence。
correlative adj。 Mutually involving or implying one another。
corrigible adj。 Capable of reformation。
corroborate v。 To strengthen; as proof or conviction。
corroboration n。 Confirmation。
corrode v。 To ruin or destroy little by little。
corrosion n。 Gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration。
corrosive n。 That which causes gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration。
corruptible adj。 Open to bribery。
corruption n。 Loss of purity or integrity。
cosmetic adj。 Pertaining to the art of beautifying; especially the plexion。
cosmic adj。 Pertaining to the universe。
cosmogony n。 A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe。
cosmography n。 The science that describes the universe; including astronomy; geography; and geology。
cosmology n。 The general science of the universe。
cosmopolitan adj。 mon to all the world。
cosmopolitanism n。 A cosmopolitan character。
cosmos n。 The world or universe considered as a system; perfect in order and arrangement。
counter…claim n。 A cross…demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff。
counteract v。 To act in opposition to。
counterbalance v。 To oppose with an equal force。
countercharge v。 To accuse in return。
counterfeit adj。 Made to resemble something else。
counterpart n。 Something taken with another for the pletion of either。
countervail v。 To offset。
counting…house n。 A house or office used for transacting business; bookkeeping; correspondence; etc。
countryman n。 A rustic。
courageous adj。 Brave。
course n。 Line of motion or direction。
courser n。 A fleet and spirited horse。
courtesy n。 Politeness originating in kindness and exercised habitually。
covenant n。 An agreement entered into by two or more persons or parties。
covert adj。 Concealed; especially for an evil purpose。
covey n。 A flock of quails or partridges。
cower v。 To crouch down tremblingly; as through fear or shame。
coxswain n。 One who steers a rowboat; or one who has charge of a ship's boat and its crew under an officer。
crag n。 A rugged; rocky projection on a cliff or ledge。
cranium n。 The skull of an animal; especially that part enclosing the brain。
crass adj。 Coarse or thick in nature or structure; as opposed to thin or fine。
craving n。 A vehement desire。
creak n。 A sharp; harsh; squeaking sound。
creamery n。 A butter…making establishment。
creamy adj。 Resembling or containing cream。
credence n。 Belief。
credible adj。 Believable。
credulous adj。 Easily deceived。
creed n。 A formal summary of fundamental points of religious belief。
crematory adj。 A place for cremating dead bodies。
crevasse n。 A deep crack or fissure in the ice of a glacier。
crevice n。 A small fissure; as between two contiguous surfaces。
criterion n。 A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or conclusion。
critique n。 A criticism or critical review。
crockery n。 Earthenware made from baked clay。
crucible n。 A trying and purifying test or agency。
crusade n。 Any concerted movement; vigorously prosecuted; in behalf of an idea or principle。
crustacean adj。 Pertaining to a division of arthropods; containing lobsters; crabs; crawfish; etc。
crustaceous adj。 Having a crust…like shell。
cryptogram n。 Anything written in characters that are secret or so arranged as to have hidden meaning。
crystallize v。 To bring together or give fixed shape to。
cudgel n。 A short thick stick used as a club。
culinary adj。 Of or pertaining to cooking or the kitchen。
cull v。 To pick or sort out from the rest。
culpable adj。 Guilty。
culprit n。 A guilty person。
culvert n。 Any artificial covered channel for the passage of water through a bank or under a road; canal。
cupidity n。 Avarice。
curable adj。 Capable of being remedied or corrected。
curator n。 A person having charge as of a library or museum。
curio n。 A piece of bric…a…brac。
cursive adj。 Writing in which the letters are joined together。
cursory adj。 Rapid and superficial。
curt adj。 Concise; pressed; and abrupt in act or expression。
curtail v。 To cut off or cut short。
curtsy n。 A downward movement of the body by bending the knees。
cycloid adj。 Like a circle。
cygnet n。 A young swan。
cynical adj。 Exhibiting moral skepticism。
cynicism n。 Contempt for the opinions of others and of what others value。
cynosure n。 That to which general interest or attention is directed。
daring adj。 Brave。
darkling adv。 Blindly。
Darwinism n。 The doctrine that natural selection has been the prime cause of evolution of higher forms。
dastard n。 A base coward。
datum n。 A premise; starting…point; or given fact。
dauntless adj。 Fearless。
day…man n。 A day…laborer。
dead…heat n。 A race in which two or more petitors e out even; and there is no winner。
dearth n。 Scarcity; as of something customary; essential ;or desirable。
death's…head n。 A human skull as a symbol of d
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