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eater good of the whole over and above any single individual need。 An example of this is that any act of an ascending individual that would inhibit Earth's ascension would not be allowed in the unity paradigm。 The greater good of Earth's ascension would e before any personal issue in a human ascension and therefore prevail。
Embodying unity consciousness as a group is the next phase of development for those affiliated with SSOA。 This transition from fear…based to unity…based relations in a group are not necessarily easy; and there have been many changes in the organization as this paradigm was embodied。 SSOA will effectively re…anchor the unity…based blueprint for 'group' in the human experience as the organization embodies the next phase of the Language of Light in full。
As any group ascends; it also holds a particular vibration at large。 The group initiation process; as written of by our channels; describes the process that SSOA went through in order to embody the Language of Light as an organization。
The Spiritual School of Ascension effectively embodied the last note within the Language of Light (#48) as a group in December of 1999。 The group is continuing to spiral up in vibration。 Following the single notes in the Language of Light are what is known as 'Dual Tones' which take two of the first 48 notes of the scale and bine them to create a new and higher vibration with a new meaning。
On June 1st; the first set of Dual Tones will be added to the 'Language of Light' section on our website。 SSOA only makes this information available as they master these vibrations in their process of group initiations。 SSOA is on target to embody the last dual tone in the Language of Light (#96) during their annual event known as the Masters Conclave in September of 2000。 We anticipate that all 96 dual tones will be added to the website no later than December 2000。
The Masters Conclave event serves many purposes。 Earth Mother; the consciousness of the Earth Mother; is overseeing this event which is designed to gather a small group of individuals (200…300) to support Earth Mother in a major sector of her global initiation process。 Earth Mother is on track to embody Global Initiation 1024 in September of this year。 There is always human karma that must be released as any phase of global ascension is pleted。 The gathering serves to release all human karma necessary to allow Earth Mother to plete Global Initiation 1024。 It also allows many initiates from around the world to take major sectors of 'pletion' in their personal ascension simultaneously; thereby contributing their energy to the push necessary for Earth to ascend。
As you embody each dual tone in your personal ascension; you begin the process of ascension from the state known as Bodhisattva to what is known as Mahavishnu (or embodying 15;000 strands of DNA)。 Mahavishnu…level ascension embodies an octave higher yet in vibration from Bodhisattva。 The genetic material to Mahavishnu is still in the mapmaking process but is anticipated to be opened to humanity at large e January 2001。
Earth as a whole is most rapidly rising in vibration。 In order for humanity to keep pace and not be left behind; it is time to move rapidly forth。 We invite each of you who are ascending at this time to utilize the Language of Light to fuel your momentum forward in your personal ascension。 For those whom the concept of ascension is new; we invite you to 'Intend to Ascend。' It is through the conscious intent to ascend that ascension is brought forth in any human who chooses to do so at this time in history。 The choice to ascend means that you will cease to experience death as the oute of your life experience and will live to see a new era of peace; joy; unity and love to be born in the human experience on Earth。
Until next time; many blessings on your journey。
3。矿石与光之语单音调 Post By:2008…6…12 10:01:02
Minerals and Single Tones