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er the release of digestive enzymes when consumed。  Oregano reminds you to live in abundance and transcend the fear based thought…form of lack; releasing the poverty and greed based karma in your inheritance through forgiveness。 
Essential Oil:  Caraway 
Caraway has a nutty smell and is also an herb useful to digestion。  Caraway seeds will stimulate the release of progesterone for those suffering from loss of hormones in ascension or menopause。  Caraway will also assist in the integration of the regeneration hormonal blueprints in ascension。  Caraway is more useful perhaps to ingest than smell; but can remind you to be prosperous; manifesting all that you envision; and clearing the karma that would block your visions from ing to fruition。   Caraway reminds initiates to intend a state of prosperity。 
Essential Oil:  Allspice
Allspice is a scent often associated with the holidays and is found in holiday candles or room fresheners。  Allspice is also an herb found in pumpkin pies。  Allspice heats up the digestive system by adding more fire element to stimulate digestion。  Sometimes allspice is also found in chai tea formulas and is helpful to settle upset stomachs by triggering the digestion to heat up。  Upon an energetic level; allspice reminds you to be the larger ascending truth and the magnificent human that you are as god goddess in form。 
多香果是一种经常与假日有关的香气,可在假日蜡烛或空气清新剂中找到。多香果也是一个在南瓜饼中发现的药草。多香果升温消化系统,加入更多火元素来促进消化。有时候,多香果也在印度香辣奶茶(chai tea,也译作柴茶)配方中被发现,透过激活消化升温而帮助解决胃部不适。在能量上,多香果提醒你成为更大的提升真相,并成为你作为形体中的神与女神而所是的宏伟人类。
Essential Oil:  Sage 
Sage is often burnt as an aromatic cleanser causing the denser vibrations to dissipate in one's field or environment。  Essential oil of sage will also clarify the environment and field as well as open you up to your own intuitive knowing。  For a long time Mila wore a sweet smelling sage oil and it aided her in connecting with and better hearing her nonphysical guidance。  Sage can assist therefore in opening up to dream time and the unconscious that sits around each。  Sage reminds initiates that the body already knows its truth; all that is required is opening to your own innate knowing。 
Essential Oil:  Patchouli 
Patchouli is a lovely earthy scent that many like to wear as perfume。  The scent of patchouli shall remind you to go with the flow; or swim down stream rather than up stream in the dance of life。  In the energy flow; this is related to the water element and patchouli will assist in balancing the water element so that the field spins more easily and in greater balance。  Patchouli can also be burnt as incense and the smoke element will then help to balance the field as it enters the chakra and subtle body systems。  Patchouli reminds initiates to go with the flow and with the current of one's life rather than against。 
Essential Oil:  Cedarwood 
Cedarwood is a lovely woodsy smell that will remind you to ground unto the Earth Mother for fort and to to carry on in your ascension through tough karmic circumstances。  Cedarwood assists like sage in dissipating the denser vibrations that sit around the human dance at this time in history and particularly poisonous tones that slow down one's field。  Mila has long loved to burn cedarwood incense at events and at home due to how uplifting that the smell can be; and how useful unto her field or the field of the group in attendance。  Inhaling cedarwood either as oil or as incense also helps dissolve mucous in the sinuses; and can be used in formulas for steam baths or a face steam as a result。  Cedarwood reminds initiates to just carry on rise above your current circumstance and you will move into a new day of greater joy。 
Essential Oil:  Cypress 
Cypress is another woodsy smell that will remind you to ground unto the Earth Mother for fort and peace as well as attune to the pine tree kingdom。  Cypress is another good oil to help release mucous
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