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观音玄义 性恶问题之探讨-第章

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(裕А28) 如牟宗三對「性德」之解釋,其云:「性德者,『法性無住,
        法性即無明』(轉語為一念無明法性心) 所本具之一切法也。
        者,得也。具足本有之謂德。既言性具百界( 三千世間 ),則
(裕А29) 詳細請參第一節裕А1。而有關論證部份可參拙著《天台緣起中
(裕А30) 參裕А1有關佐藤哲英之部份及裕А5。
(裕А31) 同上 。

                           190 頁

        A Study of the Vice Problem in The Significance of
        Kuangyin Sutra

        Chen Ying…shan

        Assorciate Researcher;Chung…Hwa Insitute of Buddhist


            Of late  years; some scholars  of the Tien…tai
        school have regarded  the idea of vice as one of the
        characteristics  of the school。  In The Significance
        of Kuangyin  ‘sutra‘  the  idea  of vice  is clearly
        stated; and quite a few words are written to explain
        it。  Therefore; based  on this  fact  some  scholars
        speak  and write in support  of the theory  that the
        Tien…tai  school  is characteristic  of the idea  of
        vice。  In fact; they do not understand what the idea
        of vice really  means; arbitrarily  considering  the
        vice to be the central idea of the Tien…tai  school。
        And there  are still  some others  who are confident
        that the vice is born by nature。

            However; in accordance with the studies by the
        author; the  idea  of vice  in The  Significance  of
        Kuangyin  ‘Sutra‘  es from the idea of environing
        cause and revealing  cause。  It is a special way for
        all the flesh of gradual attainment  of the Tien…tai
        five   divisions;   leading   the   flesh   to   the
        Buddha…nature of non…environment  and non…causation。
        This  is  the  very  purpose  of  virtue  and  vice;
        different from what recent scholars understand。  For
        instance; recent  scholars  try  to  understand  the
        virtue  and  vice  of  developing   cause  in。   The
        Significance   of  Kuangyin   ‘Sutra‘;  through  the
        originality  of all dharmas。  Thus; the idea of vice
        bees the inevitability of nature…possession。。。
        nature  itself  is possessed  of
        all  dharmas  and inevitably  is inclusive  of vice。
        Those  who  are of this  opinion  believe  that  the
        Tien…tai  thought  is of nature…possession; and must
        lead  to the idea  of vice; which  forms  one of its
        features。  If we look  at such  a problem  from  the
        standpoints  of conditional causation; the mean; and
        realitythe  teachings  of the Tien…tai  school; we
        are easy to find that the nature…possession  and the
        idea of vice are contradictory to each other。

             Yet; in The Significance  of Kuangyin ‘Sutra‘
        some ideas  are stated  not so well


        that  they raise some difficulities to the theory
        of reality。

             In  order  to solve  the  problems  mentioned
        above; the following chapters intend to make a study
        of the structure  and system of The Significance  of
        Kuangyin  ‘Sutra‘; then to have an understanding  of
        the virtue and vice in developing cause; and finally
        to take  a look  at the  vice  problem  through  the
        Tien…tai   conditional   causation;  the  mean;  and

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