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A truly existent entity; how can it occur?
Even for Buddhas; it does not exist。
Thus it is irrelevant。

387。 If they are not twofold; how can
Anything have an existent entity?
If that is reasonable to you also;
Why raise further arguments?

388。 Regarding the non…functional 'aspect' of all things;
Differentiation are inappropriate。
That which is seen in all substantial entities
Is not differentiable。

389。 If owing to non…existence you claim
No reply is made to the other's thesis;
Why would you not also prove
Your own thesis which is refuted by reasons?

390。 Though the world says it is easy
To find reasons with which to refute;
Why can the errors regarding
The others' thesis not be stated?

391。 If just by saying 〃They exist〃
Things really did exist;
Why should they not also be non…existent
Just by saying 〃They do not exist〃?

392。 If a thing is not non…existent
Because the term 〃existent〃 is ascribed;
Neither is it existent
because the term 〃existent〃 is applied。

393。 If everything is a convention
Because expressed by ordinary people;
How can anything which exists
As 'its own' suchness be a convention?

394。 If things are non…existent because
Things all do not exist;
In that case it is incorrect that all these
Concern the non…existence of things。

395。 Since a thing does not exist
A non…thing cannot exist。
Without a thing's existence;
How can a non…thing be established?

396。 If things are not empty because
They are empty by virtue of reasons;
The thesis would not be distinct from the reasons;
And thus the reasons would not exist。

397。 If things are not empty because
There are analogies for emptiness;
Can one say; 〃Just like the crow;
So too the self is black〃?

398。 If things exist inherently
What good is it to perceive emptiness?
Perception by way of conception binds。
This is refuted here。

399。 To say one exists and the other does not
Is neither reality nor the conventional。
Therefore it cannot be said
That this exists but that does not。

400。 Against one who holds no thesis that 'things'
Exist; do not; or do and do not exist;
Counter…arguements cannot be raised
No matter how long 'one tries'。

The sun's light dispels all darkness。
Darkness has no power to destroy the sun's light。
The correct view destroys all extreme conceptions;
Banishing any opportunity for controversy。

This is the sixteenth chapter from the Four Hundred on the Yogic Deeds;
showing how to meditate on settling 'the procedure between' spiritual
guides and students。

Colophon: This concludes the Treatise of Four Hundred Stanzas on the
Yogic Deeds of Bodhisattvas from the mouth of Aryadeva; the spiritual
son at the Exalted Naga's feet。 He was born miraculously from the heart
of a lotus on the island of Sinhala。 Having crossed the ocean of our own
and others' tenets himself; he made the Middle Way most clear by
distinguishing between correct and incorrect views。

It was translated and 'the meaning' settled in the temple of
Ratnaguptavihara in the center of the glorious Kasmicri city of
Anupamapura by the Indian abbot Suksmajana and the Tibetan translator
Ba…tsap Nyi…ma…rak。

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