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n…one of them I recognized as Assef s father。 Through the wall; I could hear the scratchy sound of Radio Kabul News。
Hassan killed the six and picked up the jacks。 On the radio; Daoud Khan was announcing something about foreign investments。
He says someday we ll have television in Kabul; I said。
Daoud Khan; you ass; the president。
Hassan giggled。 I heard they already have it in Iran; he said。 I sighed。 Those Iranians。。。 For a lot of Hazaras; Iran represented a sanctuary of sorts……I guess because; like Hazaras; most Iranians were Shi a Muslims。 But I remembered something my teacher had said that summer about Iranians; that they were grinning smooth talkers who patted you on the back with one hand and picked your pocket with the other。 I told Baba about that and he said my teacher was one of those jealous Afghans; jealous because Iran was a rising power in Asia and most people around the world couldn t even find Afghanistan on a world map。 It hurts to say that; he said; shrugging。 But better to get hurt by the truth than forted with a lie。
I ll buy you one someday; I said。
Hassan s face brightened。 A television? In truth?
Sure。 And not the black…and…white kind either。 We ll probably be grown…ups by then; but I ll get us two。 One for you and one for me。
I ll put it on my table; where I keep my drawings; Hassan said。
His saying that made me kind of sad。 Sad for who Hassan was; where he lived。 For how he d accepted the fact that he d grow old in that mud shack in the yard; the way his father had。 I drew the last card; played him a pair of queens and a ten。
Hassan picked up the queens。 You know; I think you re going to make Agha sahib very proud tomorrow。
You think so?
_Inshallah_; he said。
_Inshallah_; I echoed; though the God willing qualifier didn t sound as sincere ing from my lips。 That was the thing with Hassan。 He was so goddamn pure; you always felt like a phony around him。
I killed his king and played him my final card; the ace of spades。 He had to pick it up。 I d won; but as I shuffled for a new game; I had the distinct suspicion that Hassan had let me win。
Amir agha?
You know。。。 I _like_ where I live。 He was always doing that; reading my mind。 It s my home。
Whatever; I said。 Get ready to lose again。
The next morning; as he brewed black tea for breakfast; Hassan told me he d had a dream。 We were at Ghargha Lake; you; me; Father; Agha sahib; Rahim Khan; and thousands of other people; he said。 It was warm and sunny; and the lake was clear like a mirror。 But no one was swimming because they said a monster had e to the lake。 It was swimming at the bottom; waiting。
He poured me a cup and added sugar; blew on it a few times。 Put it before me。 So everyone is scared to get in the water; and suddenly you kick off your shoes; Amir agha; and take off your shirt。 There s no monster; you say。 I ll show you all。 And before anyone can stop you; you dive into the water; start swimming away。 I follow you in and we re both swimming。
But you can t swim。
Hassan laughed。 It s a dream; Am