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hill; thoughts were exploding in my head like the fireworks at _Chaman_。 _Best story you ve read me in a long time_; he d said。 I had read him a _lot_ of stories。 Hassan was asking me something。
What? I said。
What does that mean; fascinating ?
I laughed。 Clutched him in a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek。
What was that for? he said; startled; blushing。
I gave him a friendly shove。 Smiled。 You re a prince; Hassan。 You re a prince and I love you。
That same night; I wrote my first short story。 It took me thirty minutes。 It was a dark little tale about a man who found a magic cup and learned that if he wept
into the cup; his tears turned into pearls。 But even though he had always been poor; he was a happy man and rarely shed a tear。 So he found ways to make himself sad so that his tears could make him rich。 As the pearls piled up; so did his greed grow。 The story ended with the man sitting on a mountain of pearls; knife in hand; weeping helplessly into the cup with his beloved wife s slain body in his arms。
That evening; I climbed the stairs and walked into Baba s smoking room; in my hands the two sheets of paper on which I had scribbled the story。 Baba and Rahim Khan were smoking pipes and sipping brandy when I came in。
What is it; Amir? Baba said; reclining on the sofa and lacing his hands behind his head。 Blue smoke swirled around his face。 His glare made my throat feel dry。 I cleared it and told him I d written a story。
Baba nodded and gave a thin smile that conveyed little more than feigned interest。 Well; that s very good; isn t it? he said。 Then nothing more。 He just looked at me through the cloud of smoke。
I probably stood there for under a minute; but; to this day; it was one of the longest minutes of my life。 Seconds plodded by; each separated from the next by an eternity。 Air grew heavy damp; almost solid。 I was breathing bricks。 Baba went on staring me down; and didn t offer to read。
As always; it was Rahim Khan who rescued me。 He held out his hand and favored me with a smile that had nothing feigned about it。 May I have it; Amir jan? I would very much like to read it。 Baba hardly ever used the term of endearment _jan_ when he addressed me。
Baba shrugged and stood up。 He looked relieved; as if he too had been rescued by Rahim Khan。 Yes; give it to Kaka Rahim。 I m going upstairs to get ready。 And with that; he left the room。 Most days I worshiped Baba with an intensity approaching the religious。 But right then; I wished I could open my veins and drain his cursed blood from my body。
An hour later; as the evening sky dimmed; the two of them drove off in my father s car to attend a party。 On his way out; Rahim Khan hunkered before me and handed me my story and another folded piece of paper。 He flashed a smile and winked。 For you。 Read it later。 Then he paused and added a single word that did more to encourage me to pursue writing than any pliment any editor has ever paid me。 That word was _Bravo_。
When they left; I sat on my bed and wished Rahim Khan had been my father。 Then I thought of Baba and his great big chest and how g