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  〃I think I shall send him to Paris。〃
  〃So!〃 thought D'Artagnan; and it seemed to him that the moment for attack had arrived。
  〃Suppose;〃 he said; 〃we roughly chalk out a career for this young man。 I wish to consult you about some thing。〃
  〃Do so。〃
  〃Do you think it is time for us to enter the service?〃
  〃But are you not still in the service  you; D'Artagnan?〃
  〃I mean active service。 Our former life; has it still no attractions for you? would you not be happy to begin anew in my society and in that of Porthos; the exploits of our youth?〃
  〃Do you propose to me to do so; D'Artagnan?〃
  〃Decidedly and honestly。〃
  〃On whose side?〃 asked Athos; fixing his clear; benevolent glance on the countenance of the Gascon。
  〃Ah; devil take it; you speak in earnest  〃
  〃And must have a definite answer。 Listen; D'Artagnan。 There is but one person; or rather; one cause; to whom a man like me can be useful  that of the king。〃
  〃Exactly;〃 answered the musketeer。
  〃Yes; but let us understand each other;〃 returned Athos; seriously。 〃If by the cause of the king you mean that of Monsieur de Mazarin; we do not understand each other。〃
  〃I don't say exactly;〃 answered the Gascon; confused。
  〃e; D'Artagnan; don't let us play a sidelong game; your hesitation; your evasion; tells me at once on whose side you are; for that party no one dares openly to recruit; and when people recruit for it; it is with averted eyes and humble voice。〃
  〃Ah! my dear Athos!〃
  〃You know that I am not alluding to you; you are the pearl of brave; bold men。 I speak of that spiteful and intriguing Italian  of the pedant who has tried to put on his own head a crown which he stole from under a pillow  of the scoundrel who calls his party the party of the king  who wants to send the princes of the blood to prison; not daring to kill them; as our great cardinal  our cardinal did  of the miser; who weighs his gold pieces and keeps the clipped ones for fear; though he is rich; of losing them at play next morning  of the impudent fellow who insults the queen; as they say  so much the worse for her  and who is going in three months to make war upon us; in order that he may retain his pensions; is that the master whom you propose to me? I thank you; D'Artagnan。〃
  〃You are more impetuous than you were;〃 returned D'Artagnan。 〃Age has warmed; not chilled your blood。 Who informed you this was the master I propose to you? Devil take it;〃 he muttered to himself; 〃don't let me betray my secrets to a man not inclined to entertain them。〃
  〃Well; then;〃 said Athos; 〃what are your schemes? what do you propose?〃
  〃Zounds! nothing more than natural。 You live on your estate; happy in golden mediocrity。 Porthos has; perhaps; sixty thousand francs ine。 Aramis has always fifty duchesses quarreling over the priest; as they quarreled formerly over the musketeer; but I  what have I in the world? I have worn my cuirass these twenty years; kept down in this inferior rank; without going forward or backward; hardly half living。 In fact; I am dead。 Well! when there is some idea of being resuscitated; you say he's a scoundrel; an impudent fellow; a miser; a bad master! By Jove! I am of your opinion; but find me a better one or give me the means of living。〃
  Athos was for a few moments thoughtful。
  〃Good! D'Artagnan is for Mazarin;〃 he said to himself。
  From that moment he grew very guarded。
  On his side D'Artagnan became more cautious also。
  〃You spoke to me;〃 Athos resumed; 〃of Porthos; have you persuaded him to seek his fortune? But he has wealth; I believe; already。〃
  〃Doubtless he has。 But such is man; we always want something more than we already have。〃
  〃What does Porthos wish for?〃
  〃To be a baron。〃
  〃Ah; true! I forgot;〃 said Athos; laughing。
  〃'Tis true!〃 thought the Gascon; 〃where has he heard it? Does he correspond with Aramis? Ah! if I knew that he did I should know all。〃
  The conversation was interrupted by the entrance of Raoul。
  〃Is our little neighbor worse?〃 asked D'Artagnan; seeing a look of vexation on the face of the youth。
  〃Ah; sir!〃 replied Raoul; 〃her fall is a very serious one; and without any ostensible injury; the physician fears she will be lame for life。〃
  〃This is terrible;〃 said Athos。
  〃And what makes me all the more wretched; sir; is; that I was the cause of this misfortune。〃
  〃How so?〃 asked Athos。
  〃It was to run to meet me that she leaped from that pile of wood。〃
  〃There's only one remedy; dear Raoul  that is; to marry her as a pensation 〃 remarked D'Artagnan。
  〃Ah; sir!〃 answered Raoul; 〃you joke about a real misfortune; that is cruel; indeed。〃
  The good understanding between the two friends was not in the least altered by the morning's skirmish。 They breakfasted with a good appetite; looking now and then at poor Raoul; who with moist eyes and a full heart; scarcely ate at all。
  After breakfast two letters arrived for Athos; who read them with profound attention; whilst D'Artagnan could not restrain himself from jumping up several times on seeing him read these epistles; in one of which; there being at the time a very strong light; he perceived the fine writing of Aramis。 The other was in a feminine hand; long; and crossed。
  〃e;〃 said D'Artagnan to Raoul; seeing that Athos wished to be alone; 〃e; let us take a turn in the fencing gallery; that will amuse you。〃
  And they both went into a low room where there were foils; gloves; masks; breastplates; and all the accessories for a fencing match。
  In a quarter of an hour Athos joined them and at the same moment Charles brought in a letter for D'Artagnan; which a messenger had just desired might be instantly delivered。
  It was now Athos's turn to take a sly look。
  D'Artagnan read the letter with apparent calmness and said; shaking his head:
  〃See; dear friend; what it is to belong to the army。 Faith; you are indeed right not to return to it。 Monsieur de Treville is ill; so my pany can't do without me; there! my leave is at an end!〃
  〃Do you return to Paris?〃 asked Athos; quickly。
  〃Egad! yes; but why don't you e there also?〃
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