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the return of the king-第章

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of intricate shape; joined by a ring of steel。 'Now I thank you once more;' said Aragorn; 'and I bid 
you farewell。 May your forest grow again in peace。 When this valley is filled there is room and to 
spare west of the mountains; where once you walked long ago。'
     Treebeard's face became sad。 'Forests may grow;' he said。 'Woods may spread。 But not Ents。 
There are no Entings。'
     'Yet maybe there is now more hope in your search;' said Aragorn。 'Lands will lie open to you 
eastward that have long been closed。'
     But Treebeard shook his head and said: 'It is far to go。 And there are too many Men there in 
these days。 But I am forgetting my manners! Will you stay here and rest a while? And maybe there 
are some that would be pleased to pass through Fangorn Forest and so shorten their road home?' He 
looked at Celeborn and Galadriel。
     But all save Legolas said that they must now take their leave and depart; either south or west。 
'e; Gimli!' said Legolas。 'Now by Fangorn's leave I will visit the deep places of the Entwood 
and see such trees as are nowhere else to be found in Middle…earth。 You shall e with me and 
keep your word; and thus we will journey on together to our own lands in Mirkwood and beyond。' 
To this Gimli agreed; though with no great delight; it seemed。
     'Here then at last es the ending of the Fellowship of the Ring;' said Aragorn。 'Yet I hope that 
ere long you will return to my land with the help that you promised。'
     'We will e; if our own lords allow it;' said Gimli。 'Well; farewell。 my hobbits! You should 
e safe to your own homes now; and I shall not be kept awake for fear of your peril。 We will 
send word when we may; and some of us may yet meet at times; but I fear that we shall not all be 
gathered together ever again。'
     Then Treebeard said farewell to each of them in turn; and he bowed three times slowly and with 
great reverence to Celeborn and Galadriel。 'It is long; long since we met by stock or by stone; _A 
vanimar_; _vanimálion nostari!_' he said。 'It is sad that we should meet only thus at the ending。 For 
the world is changing: I feel it in the water; I feel it in the earth; and I smell it in the air。 I do not 
think we shall meet again。'
     And Celeborn said: 'I do not know; Eldest。' But Galadriel said: 'Not in Middle…earth; nor until 
the lands that lie under the wave are lifted up again。 Then in the willow…meads of Tasarinan we 
may meet in the Spring。 Farewell!'
     Last of all Merry and Pippin said good…bye to the old Ent; and he grew gayer as he looked at 
them。 'Well; my merry folk;' he said; 'will you drink another draught with me before you go?'
     'Indeed we will;' they said; and he took them aside into the shade of one of the trees; and there 
they saw that a great stone jar had been set。 And Treebeard filled three bowls; and they drank; and 
they saw his strange eyes looking at them over the rim of his bowl。 'Take care take care!' he said。 
'For you have already grown since I saw you last。' And they laughed and drained their bowls。
     'Well; good…bye!' he said。 'And don't forget that if you hear any news of the Entwives in your 
land; you will send word to me。' Then he waved his great hands to all the pany and went off 
into the trees。

     The travellers now rode with more speed; and they made their way towards the Gap of Rohan; 
and Aragorn took leave of them at last close to that very place where Pippin had looked into the 
Stone of Orthanc。 The Hobbits were grieved at this parting; for Aragorn had never failed them and 
he had been their guide through many perils。
     'I wish we could have a Stone that we could see all our friends in;' said Pippin; 'and that we 
could speak to them from far away!'
     'Only one now remains that you could use;' answered Aragorn for you would not wish to see 
what the Stone of Minas Tirith would show you。 But the Palantír of Orthanc the King will keep; to 
see what is passing in his realm; and what his servants are doing。 For do not forget; Peregrin Took; 
that you are a knight of Gondor; and I do not release you from your service。 You are going now on 
leave; but I may recall you。 And remember; dear friends of the Shire; that my realm lies also in the 
North; and I shall e there one day。'
     Then Aragorn took leave of Celeborn and Galadriel; and the Lady said to him: 'Elfstone; 
through darkness you have e to your hope; and have now all your desire。 Use well the days!'
     But Celeborn said: 'Kinsman; farewell! May your doom be other than mine; and your treasure 
remain with you to the end!'
     With that they parted; and it was then the time of sunset; and when after a while they turned and 
looked back; they saw the King of the West sitting upon his horse with his knights about him; and 
the falling Sun shone upon them and made all their harness to gleam like red gold; and the white 
mantle of Aragorn was turned to a flame。 Then Aragorn took the green stone and held it up; and 
there came a green fire from his hand。
     Soon the dwindling pany; following the Isen; turned west and rode through the Gap into the 
waste lands beyond; and then they turned northwards; and passed over the borders of Dunland。 The 
Dunlendings fled and hid themselves; for they were afraid of Elvish Folk; though few indeed ever 
came to their country; but the travellers did not heed them; for they were still a great pany and 
were well provided with all that they needed; and they went on their way at their leisure; setting up 
their tents when they would。
     On the sixth day since their parting from the King they journeyed through a wood climbing 
down from the hills at the feet of the Misty Mountains that now marched on their right hand。 As 
they came out again into the open country at sundown they overtook an old man leaning on a staff; 
and he was clothed in rags of grey or dirty white; and at his heels went another beggar; slouching 
and whining。
     'Well Saruman!' said Gandalf。 'Where are you going?'
     'What is that to you?' he answered。 'Will you still order my goings; and are you not content with 
my ruin?'
     'You know the answers;' said Gand
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