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  这可不是耸人听闻,具备这手本领的不乏其人,别说中国人行,外国人也行。F。A。 Hayek早就做到了,虽然他从来没研究过《周易》。
  很多人都读过F。A。 Hayek的The Road to Serfdom,其实还有人就这本书编过一个漫画版,把作者的高超预见明确地分成了十八个步骤,简单明了。我们可以把第一个步骤看作是“履霜”,然后根据已知的规律一步一步地推知以后的情况。我这里就只引步骤,不放漫画了——
1-War forces 〃national planning〃
To permit total mobilization of your country's economy; you gladly surrender many freedoms。 You know regimentation was forced by your country's enemies。

2-Many want 〃planning〃 to stay 。。。
Arguments for a 〃peace production board〃 are heard before the war ends。 Wartime 〃planners〃 who want to stay in power; encourage the idea。

3-The 〃Planners promise Utopias 。。。。
A rosy plan for farmers goes well in rural areas; a plan for industrial workers is popular in cities  and so on。 Many new 〃planners〃 are elected to office 。。。

4-but they can't agree on ONE Utopia
With peace; a new legislature meets; but 〃win the war〃 unity is gone。 The 〃planners〃 nearly e to blows。 Each has his own pet plan; won't budge。

5-And citizens can't agree either 。。。。
When the 〃planners〃 finally patch up a temporary plan months later; citizens in turn disagree。 What the farmer likes; the factory worker doesn't like。 

6-〃Planners〃 hate to force agreement 。。。
Most 〃national planners〃 are well…meaning idealists; balk at any use of force。 They hope for some miracle of public agreement as to their patchwork plan。

7-They try to 〃sell〃 the plan to all 。。。
In an unsuccessful effort to educate people to uniform views; 〃planners〃 establish a giant propaganda machine  which ing dictator will find handy。

8-The gullible do find agreement 。。。。
Meanwhile; growing national confusion leads to protest meetings。 The least educated  thrilled and convinced by fiery oratory; form a party。

9-Confidence in 〃planners〃 fades 。。。。
The more that the 〃planners〃 improvise; the greater the disturbance to normal business。 Everybody suffers。 People now feel  rightly  that 〃planners〃 can't get things done!

10-The 〃strong man〃 is given power 。。。
In desperation; 〃planners〃 authorize the new party leader to hammer out a plan and force its obedience。 Later; they'll dispense with him  or so they think。

11-The party takes over the country 。。。
By now; confusion is so great that obedience to the new leader must be obtained at all costs。 Maybe you join the party yourself to aid national unity。

12-A negative aim welds party unity 。。。
Early step of all dictators is to inflame the majority in mon cause against some scapegoat minority。 In Germany; the negative aim was Anti…Semitism。 

13-No one opposes the leader's plan 。。。
It would be suicide; new secret police are ruthless。 Ability to force obedience always bees the No。1 virtue in the 〃planned state。〃 Now all freedom is gone。

14-Your profession is 〃planned〃 。。。。
The wider job choice promised by now defunct 〃planners〃 turns out to be a tragic farce。 〃Planners〃 never have delivered; never will be able to。

15-Your wages are 〃planned〃 。。。。
Divisions of the wage scale must be arbitrary and rigid。 Running a 〃planned state〃 from central headquarters is clumsy; unfair; inefficient。

16-Your thinking is 〃planned〃 。。。。
In the dictatorship; unintentionally created by the planners; there is no room for difference of opinion。 Posters; radio; press  all tell you the same lies!

17-Your recreation is 〃planned〃 。。。。
It is no coincidence that sports and amusements have been carefully 〃planned〃 in all regimented nations。 Once started; 〃planners〃 can't stop。

18-Your disciplining is 〃planned〃 。。。。
If you're fired from your job; it's apt to be by a firing squad。 What used to be an error has now bee a crime against the state。 Thus ends the road to serfdom!
  女同志可能该有意见了:这不是赤裸裸的性别歧视么!可我们要知道,在古代男权社会里就是这个样子啊。还别说古代中国,就连当代西方,又何尝真正男女平等了?女作家Jane Smiley问过一个掷地有声的问题:“在黑暗房间里独处的女人是不是女人?”
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