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the last battle_c·s·刘易斯-第章

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jill made a face。 〃ugh!〃 she said。 〃thats the horrid part about ing  back to narnia。鈥

but eustace went on。

〃well now you know who we are; sire;〃 he said。 〃and it was like this。 the  professor and aunt polly had got all us friends of narnia together …鈥

〃i know not these names; eustace;〃 said tirian。

〃theyre the two who came into narnia at the very beginning; the day all  the animals learned to talk。鈥

〃by the lions mane;〃 cried tirian。 〃those two! the lord digory and the  lady polly!

from the dawn of the world! and still in your place? the wonder and the  glory of it! but tell me; tell me。鈥

〃she isnt really our aunt; you know;〃 said eustace。 〃shes miss plummer;  but we call her aunt polly。 well those two got us all together partly just for fun; so that  we could all have a good jaw about narnia (for of course theres no one else we can ever  talk to about things like that) but partly because the professor had a feeling that we  were somehow wanted over here。 well then you came in like a ghost or goodness…knows…what  and nearly frightened the lives out of us and vanished without saying a word。  after that; we knew for certain there was something up。

the next question was how to get here。 you cant go just by wanting to。 so  we talked and talked and at last the professor said the only way would be by the magic  rings。 it was by those rings that he and aunt polly got here long; long ago when they were  only kids; years before we younger ones were born。 but the rings had all been buried  in the garden of a house in london (thats our big town; sire) and the house had been  sold。 so then the problem was how to get at them。 youll never guess what we did in the end!  peter and edmund … thats the high king peter; the one who spoke to you … went up to  london to get into the garden from the back; early in the morning before people were  up。 they were dressed like workmen so that if anyone did see them it would look as if  theyd e to do something about the drains。 i wish id been with them: it must have been  glorious fun。

and they must have succeeded for next day peter sent us a wire … thats a  sort of message; sire; ill explain about it some other time … to say hed got the rings。  and the day after that was the day pole and i had to go back to school … were the only two  who are still at school and were at the same one。 so peter and edmund were to meet us at a  place on the way down to school and hand over the rings。 it had to be us two who were to  go to narnia; you see; because the older ones couldnt e again。 so we got into  the train thats a kind of thing people travel in in our world: a lot of wagons  chained together … and the professor and aunt polly and lucy came with us。 we wanted to keep  together as long as we could。 well there we were in the train。 and we were just getting to  the station where the others were to meet us; and i was looking out of the window to  see if i could see them when suddenly there came a most frightful jerk and a noise: and  there we were in narnia and there was your majesty tied up to the tree。鈥

〃so you never used the rings?〃 said tirian。

〃no;〃 said eustace。 〃never even saw them。 aslan did it all for us in his  own way without any rings。鈥

〃but the high king peter has them;〃 said tirian。

〃yes;〃 said jill。 〃but we dont think he can use them。 when the two other  pevensies … king edmund and queen lucy … were last here; aslan said they would never  e to narnia again。 and he said something of the same sort to the high king; only  longer ago。

you may be sure hell e like a shot if hes allowed。鈥

〃gosh!〃 said eustace。 〃its getting hot in this sun。 are we nearly there;  sire?鈥

〃look;〃 said tirian and pointed。 not many yards away grey battlements rose  above the tree…tops; and after a minutes more walking they came out in an open  grassy space。 a stream ran across it and on the far side of the stream stood a squat;  square tower with very few and narrow windows and one heavy…looking door in the wall that  faced them。

tirian looked sharply this way and that to make sure that no enemies were  in sight。 then he walked up to the tower and stood still for a moment fishing up his bunch  of keys which he wore inside his hunting…dress on a narrow silver chain that went  round his neck。

it was a nice bunch of keys that he brought out; for two were golden and  many were richly ornamented: you could see at once that they were keys made for  opening solemn and secret rooms in palaces; or chests and caskets of sweet…smelling wood  that contained royal treasures。 but the key which he now put into the lock of the door was  big and plain and more rudely made。 the lock was stiff and for a moment tirian began to  be afraid that he would not be able to turn it: but at last he did and the door swung open  with a sullen creak。

〃wele friends;〃 said tirian。 〃i fear this is the best palace that the  king of narnia can now offer to his guests。鈥

tirian was pleased to see that the two strangers had been well brought up。  they both said not to mention it and that they were sure it would be very nice。

as a matter of fact it was not particularly nice。 it was rather dark and  smelled very damp。

there was only one room in it and this room went right up to the stone  roof: a wooden staircase in one corner led up to a trap door by which you could get out on  the battlements。 there were a few rude bunks to sleep in; and a great many  lockers and bundles。 there was also a hearth which looked as if nobody had lit a fire  in it for a great many years。

〃wed better go out and gather some firewood first thing; hadnt we?〃 said  jill。

〃not yet; rade;〃 said tirian。 he was determined that they should not be  caught unarmed; and began searching the lockers; thankfully remembering that he  had always been careful to have these garrison towers inspected once a year and to  make sure that they were stocked with all things needful。 the bow strings were there in  their coverings of oiled silk; the swords and spears were greased against rust; and the  armour was kept bright in its wrappings。 but there was something even better。 〃look you!〃  said tirian as he drew out a long mai
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