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rely over; they propose to continue it。 if they were allowed their own way; every edy would have a tragic ending; and every tragedy would culminate in a farce。 they are charmingly artificial; but they have no sense of art。 you are more fortunate than i am。 i assure you; dorian; that not one of the women i have known would have done for me what sibyl vane did for you。 ordinary women always console themselves。 some of them do it by going in for sentimental colours。 never trust a woman who wears mauve; whatever her age may be; or a woman over thirty…five who is fond of pink ribbons。 it always means that they have a history。 others find a great consolation in suddenly discovering the good qualities of their husbands。 they flaunt their conjugal felicity in ones face; as if it were the most fascinating of sins。 religion consoles some。 its mysteries have all the charm of a flirtation; a woman once told me; and i can quite understand it。 besides; nothing makes one so vain as being told that one is a sinner。 conscience makes egotists of us all。 yes; there is really no end to the consolations that women find in modern life。 indeed; i have not mentioned the most important one。〃

〃what is that; harry?〃 said the lad listlessly。

〃oh; the obvious consolation。 taking some one elses admirer when one loses ones own。 in good society that always whitewashes a woman。 but really; dorian; how different sibyl vane must have been from all the women one meets! there is something to me quite beautiful about her death。 i am glad i am living in a century when such wonders happen。 they make one believe in the reality of the things we all play with; such as romance; passion; and love。〃

〃i was terribly cruel to her。 you forget that。〃

〃i am afraid that women appreciate cruelty; downright cruelty; more than anything else。 they have wonderfully primitive instincts。 we have emancipated them; but they remain slaves looking for their masters; all the same。 they love being dominated。 i am sure you were splendid。 i have never seen you really and absolutely angry; but i can fancy how delightful you looked。 and; after all; you said something to me the day before yesterday that seemed to me at the time to be merely fanciful; but that i see now was absolutely true; and it holds the key to everything。〃

〃what was that; harry?〃

〃you said to me that sibyl vane represented to you all the heroines of romancethat she was desdemona one night; and ophelia the other; that if she died as juliet; she came to life as imogen。〃

〃she will never e to life again now;〃 muttered the lad; burying his face in his hands。

〃no; she will never e to life。 she has played her last part。 but you must think of that lonely death in the tawdry dressing…room simply as a strange lurid fragment from some jacobean tragedy; as a wonderful scene from webster; or ford; or cyril tourneur。 the girl never really lived; and so she has never really died。 to you at least she was always a dream; a phantom that flitted through shakespeares plays and left them lovelier for its presence; a reed through which shakespeares music sounded richer and more full of joy。 the moment she touched actual life; she marred it; and it marred her; and so she passed away。 mourn for ophelia; if you like。 put ashes on your head because cordelia was strangled。 cry out against heaven because the daughter of brabantio died。 but dont waste your tears over sibyl vane。 she was less real than they are。〃

there was a silence。 the evening darkened in the room。 noiselessly; and with silver feet; the shadows crept in from the garden。 the colours faded wearily out of things。

after some time dorian gray looked up。 〃you have explained me to myself; harry;〃 he murmured with something of a sigh of relief。 〃i felt all that you have said; but somehow i was afraid of it; and i could not express it to myself。 how well you know me! but we will not talk again of what has happened。 it has been a marvellous experience。 that is all。 i wonder if life has still in store for me anything as marvellous。〃

〃life has everything in store for you; dorian。 there is nothing that you; with your extraordinary good looks; will not be able to do。〃

〃but suppose; harry; i became haggard; and old; and wrinkled? what then?〃

〃ah; then;〃 said lord henry; rising to go; 〃then; my dear dorian; you would have to fight for your victories。 as it is; they are brought to you。 no; you must keep your good looks。 we live in an age that reads too much to be wise; and that thinks too much to be beautiful。 we cannot spare you。 and now you had better dress and drive down to the club。 we are rather late; as it is。〃

〃i think i shall join you at the opera; harry。 i feel too tired to eat anything。 what is the number of your sisters box?〃

〃twenty…seven; i believe。 it is on the grand tier。 you will see her name on the door。 but i am sorry you wont e and dine。〃

〃i dont feel up to it;〃 said dorian listlessly。 〃but i am awfully obliged to you for all that you have said to me。 you are certainly my best friend。 no one has ever understood me as you have。〃

〃we are only at the beginning of our friendship; dorian;〃 answered lord henry; shaking him by the hand。 〃good…bye。 i shall see you before nine…thirty; i hope。 remember; patti is singing。〃

as he closed the door behind him; dorian gray touched the bell; and in a few minutes victor appeared with the lamps and drew the blinds down。 he waited impatiently for him to go。 the man seemed to take an interminable time over everything。

as soon as he had left; he rushed to the screen and drew it back。 no; there was no further change in the picture。 it had received the news of sibyl vanes death before he had known of it himself。 it was conscious of the events of life as they occurred。 the vicious cruelty that marred the fine lines of the mouth had; no doubt; appeared at the very moment that the girl had drunk the poison; whatever it was。 or was it indifferent to results? did it merely take cognizance of what passed within the soul? he wondered; and hoped that some day he would see the change taking place before his very eyes; shuddering as he hoped it。

poor sibyl! what a romance it had all been! she had often mimick
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