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she flushed。 〃what do you mean; jim?〃 she asked。
〃you have a new friend; i hear。 who is he? why have you not told me about him? he means you no good。〃
〃stop; jim!〃 she exclaimed。 〃you must not say anything against him。 i love him。〃
〃why; you dont even know his name;〃 answered the lad。 〃who is he? i have a right to know。〃
〃he is called prince charming。 dont you like the name。 oh! you silly boy! you should never forget it。 if you only saw him; you would think him the most wonderful person in the world。 some day you will meet himwhen you e back from australia。 you will like him so much。 everybody likes him; and i 。。。 love him。 i wish you could e to the theatre to…night。 he is going to be there; and i am to play juliet。 oh! how i shall play it! fancy; jim; to be in love and play juliet! to have him sitting there! to play for his delight! i am afraid i may frighten the pany; frighten or enthrall them。 to be in love is to surpass ones self。 poor dreadful mr。 isaacs will be shouting genius to his loafers at the bar。 he has preached me as a dogma; to…night he will announce me as a revelation。 i feel it。 and it is all his; his only; prince charming; my wonderful lover; my god of graces。 but i am poor beside him。 poor? what does that matter? when poverty creeps in at the door; love flies in through the window。 our proverbs want rewriting。 they were made in winter; and it is summer now; spring…time for me; i think; a very dance of blossoms in blue skies。〃
〃he is a gentleman;〃 said the lad sullenly。
〃a prince!〃 she cried musically。 〃what more do you want?〃
〃he wants to enslave you。〃
〃i shudder at the thought of being free。〃
〃i want you to beware of him。〃
〃to see him is to worship him; to know him is to trust him。〃
〃sibyl; you are mad about him。〃
she laughed and took his arm。 〃you dear old jim; you talk as if you were a hundred。 some day you will be in love yourself。 then you will know what it is。 dont look so sulky。 surely you should be glad to think that; though you are going away; you leave me happier than i have ever been before。 life has been hard for us both; terribly hard and difficult。 but it will be different now。 you are going to a new world; and i have found one。 here are two chairs; let us sit down and see the smart people go by。〃
they took their seats amidst a crowd of watchers。 the tulip…beds across the road flamed like throbbing rings of fire。 a white dust tremulous cloud of orris…root it seemedhung in the panting air。 the brightly coloured parasols danced and dipped like monstrous butterflies。
she made her brother talk of himself; his hopes; his prospects。 he spoke slowly and with effort。 they passed words to each other as players at a game pass counters。 sibyl felt oppressed。 she could not municate her joy。 a faint smile curving that sullen mouth was all the echo she could win。 after some time she became silent。 suddenly she caught a glimpse of golden hair and laughing lips; and in an open carriage with two ladies dorian gray drove past。
she started to her feet。 〃there he is!〃 she cried。
〃who?〃 said jim vane。
〃prince charming;〃 she answered; looking after the victoria。
he jumped up and seized her roughly by the arm。 〃show him to me。 which is he? point him out。 i must see him!〃 he exclaimed; but at that moment the duke of berwicks four…in…hand came between; and when it had left the space clear; the carriage had swept out of the park。
〃he is gone;〃 murmured sibyl sadly。 〃i wish you had seen him。〃
〃i wish i had; for as sure as there is a god in heaven; if he ever does you any wrong; i shall kill him。〃
she looked at him in horror。 he repeated his words。 they cut the air like a dagger。 the people round began to gape。 a lady standing close to her tittered。
〃e away; jim; e away;〃 she whispered。 he followed her doggedly as she passed through the crowd。 he felt glad at what he had said。
when they reached the achilles statue; she turned round。 there was pity in her eyes that became laughter on her lips。 she shook her head at him。 〃you are foolish; jim; utterly foolish; a bad…tempered boy; that is all。 how can you say such horrible things? you dont know what you are talking about。 you are simply jealous and unkind。 ah! i wish you would fall in love。 love makes people good; and what you said was wicked。〃
〃i am sixteen;〃 he answered; 〃and i know what i am about。 mother is no help to you。 she doesnt understand how to look after you。 i wish now that i was not going to australia at all。 i have a great mind to chuck the whole thing up。 i would; if my articles hadnt been signed。〃
〃oh; dont be so serious; jim。 you are like one of the heroes of those silly melodramas mother used to be so fond of acting in。 i am not going to quarrel with you。 i have seen him; and oh! to see him is perfect happiness。 we wont quarrel。 i know you would never harm any one i love; would you?〃
〃not as long as you love him; i suppose;〃 was the sullen answer。
〃i shall love him for ever!〃 she cried。
〃and he?〃
〃for ever; too!〃
〃he had better。〃
she shrank from him。 then she laughed and put her hand on his arm。 he was merely a boy。
at the marble arch they hailed an omnibus; which left them close to their shabby home in the euston road。 it was after five oclock; and sibyl had to lie down for a couple of hours before acting。 jim insisted that she should do so。 he said that he would sooner part with her when their mother was not present。 she would be sure to make a scene; and he detested scenes of every kind。
in sybils own room they parted。 there was jealousy in the lads heart; and a fierce murderous hatred of the stranger who; as it seemed to him; had e between them。 yet; when her arms were flung round his neck; and her fingers strayed through his hair; he softened and kissed her with real affection。 there were tears in his eyes as he went downstairs。
his mother was waiting for him below。 she grumbled at his unpunctuality; as he entered。 he made no answer; but sat down to his meagre meal。 the flies buzzed round the table and crawled over the stained cloth。 through the rumble of omnibuses; and the clatter of street…cabs; he could hear the droning voice devouring each minut