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prince caspian_c·s·刘易斯-第章

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se); and along each side at intervals  stood rich suits of armour; like knights guarding the treasures。 in between the suits of  armour; and on each side of the path; were shelves covered with precious things …  necklaces and arm rings and finger rings and golden bowls and dishes and long tusks of ivory;  brooches and coronets and chains of gold; and heaps of unset stones lying piled anyhow  as if they were marbles or potatoes … diamonds; rubies; carbuncles; emeralds; topazes; and  amethysts。

under the shelves stood great chests of oak strengthened with iron bars and  heavily padlocked。 and it was bitterly cold; and so still that they could hear  themselves breathing; and the treasures were so covered with dust that unless they had  realized where they were and remembered most of the things; they would hardly have known  they were treasures。 there was something sad and a little frightening about the  place; because it all seemed so forsaken and long ago。 that was why nobody said anything for at  least a minute。

then; of course; they began walking about and picking things up to look at。  it was like meeting very old friends。 if you had been there you would have heard them  saying things like; 〃oh look! our coronation rings … do you remember first wearing this?  … why; this is the little brooch we all thought was lost … i say; isnt that the armour  you wore in the great tournament in the lone islands? … do you remember the dwarf making that for  me? … do you remember drinking out of that horn? … do you remember; do you  remember?鈥

but suddenly edmund said; 〃look here。 we mustnt waste the battery:  goodness knows how often we shall need it。 hadnt we better take what we want and get out  again?鈥

〃we must take the gifts;〃 said peter。 for long ago at a christmas in narnia  he and susan and lucy had been given certain presents which they valued more than their  whole kingdom。 edmund had had no gift; because he was not with them at the time。  (this was his own fault; and you can read about it in the other book。)

they all agreed with peter and walked up the path to the wall at the far  end of the treasure chamber; and there; sure enough; the gifts were still hanging。  lucys was the smallest for it was only a little bottle。 but the bottle was made of  diamond instead of glass; and it was still more than half full of the magical cordial which  would heal almost every wound and every illness。 lucy said nothing and looked very solemn as  she took her gift down from its place and slung the belt over her shoulder and once more  felt the bottle at her side where it used to hang in the old days。 susans gift had been a  bow and arrows  

and a horn。 the bow was still there; and the ivory quiver; full of  wellfeathered arrows; but … 〃oh; susan;〃 said lucy。 〃wheres the horn?鈥

〃oh bother; bother; bother;〃 said susan after she had thought for a moment。  〃i remember now。 i took it with me the last day of all; the day we went hunting the  white stag。 it must have got lost when we blundered back into that other place … england; i  mean。鈥

edmund whistled。 it was indeed a shattering loss; for this was an enchanted  horn and; whenever you blew it; help was certain to e to you; wherever you were。

〃just the sort of thing that might e in handy in a place like this;〃  said edmund。

〃never mind;〃 said susan; 〃ive still got the bow。〃 and she took it。

〃wont the string be perished; su?〃 said peter。

but whether by some magic in the air of the treasure chamber or not; the  bow was still in working order。 archery and swimming were the things susan was good at。 in a  moment she had bent the bow and then she gave one little pluck to the string。 it  twanged: a chirruping twang that vibrated through the whole room。 and that one small  noise brought back the old days to the childrens minds more than anything that had  happened yet。 all the battles and hunts and feasts came rushing into their heads together。

then she unstrung the bow again and slung the quiver at her side。

next; peter took down his gift … the shield with the great red lion on it;  and the royal sword。 he blew; and rapped them on the floor; to get off the dust。 he  fitted the shield on his arm and slung the sword by his side。 he was afraid at first that it  might be rusty and stick to the sheath。 but it was not so。 with one swift motion he drew it  and held it up; shining in the torchlight。

〃it is my sword rhindon;〃 he said; 〃with it i killed the wolf。〃 there was a  new tone in his voice; and the others all felt that he was really peter the high king  again。 then; after a little pause; everyone remembered that they must save the battery。

they climbed the stair again and made up a good fire and lay down close  together for warmth。 the ground was very hard and unfortable; but they fell asleep in  the end。



the dwarf   

the worst of sleeping out of doors is that you wake up so dreadfully early。  and when you wake you have to get up because the ground is so hard that you are  unfortable。

and it makes matters worse if there is nothing but apples for breakfast and  you have had nothing but apples for supper the night before。 when lucy had said … truly  enough that it was a glorious morning; there did not seem to be anything else nice to be  said。 edmund said what everyone was feeling; 〃weve simply got to get off this island。鈥

when they had drunk from the well and splashed their faces they all went  down the stream again to the shore and stared at the channel which divided them from  the mainland。

〃well have to swim;〃 said edmund。

〃it would be all right for su;〃 said peter (susan had won prizes for  swimming at school)。

〃but i dont know about the rest of us。〃 by 〃the rest of us〃 he really  meant edmund who couldnt yet do two lengths at the school baths; and lucy; who could hardly  swim at all。

〃anyway;〃 said susan; 〃there may be currents。 father says its never wise  to bathe in a place you dont know。鈥

〃but; peter;〃 said lucy; 〃look here。 i know i cant swim for nuts at home …  in england; i mean。 but couldnt we all swim long ago … if it was long ago … when we were  kings 
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