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04道德经 中英对照(林语堂)-第章

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  In managing human affairs; there is no better rule 
  than to be sparing。 
  To be sparing is to forestall; 
  To forestall is to be prepared and strengthened; 
  To be prepared and strengthened is to be ever…victorious; 
  To be ever…victorious is to have infinite capacity; 
  He who has infinite capacity is fit to rule a country; 
  And the Mother (principle) of a ruling country can long endure。 
  This is to be firmly rooted; to have deep strength; 
  The road to immortality and enduring vision。 ??         
????Rule a big country as you would fry small fish。 
????Who rules the world in accord with Tao 
????Shall find that the spirits lose their power。 
????It is not that the spirits lose their power; 
????But that they cease to do people harm。 
????It is not (only) that they cease to do people harm; 
????The Sage (himself) also does no harm to the people。 
????When both do not do each other harm; 
????The original character is restored。                    
  A big country (should be like) the delta low…regions; 
  Being the concourse of the world; 
  (And) the Female of the world。 
  The Female overes the Male by quietude; 
  And achieves the lowly position by quietude。   
  Therefore if a big country places itself below a small country 
  It absorbs the small country。 
  (And) if a small country places itself below a big country; 
  It absorbs the big country。 
  Therefore some place themselves low to absorb (others); 
  Some are (naturally) low and absorb (others)。 
  What a big country wants is but to shelter 
  And what a small country wants is but 
  to be able to 
  e in and be sheltered。 
  Thus (considering) that both may have what they want; 
  A big country ought to place itself low。                    
  Tao is the mysterious secret of the universe; 
  The good man's treasure; 
  And the bad man's refuge。 
  Beautiful saying can be sold at the market; 
  Noble conduct can be presented as a gift。 
  Though there be bad people; 
  Why reject them?   
  Therefore on the crowning of an emperor; 
  On the appointment of the Three Ministers; 
  Rather than send tributes of jade and teams of four horses; 
  Send in the tribute of Tao。 
  Wherein did the ancients prize this Tao? 
  Did they not say; 〃to search for the guilty ones and pardon them〃? 
  Therefore is (tao) the treasure of the world。                    
  Acplish do…nothing。 
  Attend to no…affairs。 
  Taste the flavorless。 
  Whether it is big or small; many or few; 
  Requite hatred with virtue。 
  Deal with the difficult while yet it is easy; 
  Deal wit the big while yet it is small。 
  The difficult (problems) of the world 
  Must be dealt with while they are yet easy; 
  The great (problems) of the world 
  Must be dealt with while they are yet small。 
  Therefore the Sage by never dealing with great (problems) 
  Acplishes greatness。   
  He who lightly makes a promise 
  Will find it often hard to keep his faith。 
  He who makes light of many things 
  Will encounter many difficulties。 
  Hence even the Sage regards things as difficult; 
  And for that reason never meets with difficulties。                    
  That which lies still is easy to hold; 
  That which is not yet manifest is easy to forestall; 
  That which is brittle (like ice) easily melts; 
  That which is minute easily scatters。 
  Deal with a thing before it is there; 
  Check disorder before it is rife。 
  A tree with a full span's girth begins from a tiny sprout; 
  A nine…storied terrace begins with a clod of earth。 
  A journey of a thousand li beings at one's feet。   
  He who acts; spoils; 
  He who grasps; lets slip。 
  Because the Sage does not act; he does not spoil; 
  Because he does not grasp; he does not let slip。 
  The affairs of men are often spoiled within an ace of 
  By being careful at the end as at the beginning 
  Failure is averted。   
  Therefore the Sage desires to have no desire; 
  And values not objects difficult to obtain。 
  Learns that which is unlearned; 
  And restores what the multitude have lost。 
  That he may assist in the course of Nature 
  And not presume to interfere。                    
  The ancients who knew how to follow the Tao 
  Aimed not to enlighten the people。; 
  But to keep them ignorant。 
  The reason it is difficult for the people to leave in peace 
  Is because of too much knowledge。 
  Those who seek to rule a country by knowledge 
  Are the nation's curse。 
  Those who seek not to rule a country by knowledge 
  Are the nation's blessing。 
  Those who know these two (principle
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