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04道德经 中英对照(林语堂)-第章

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????The softest substance of the world 
????Goes through the hardest。 
????That…which…is…without…form penetrates that…which…has…no…crevice; 
????Through this I know the benefit of taking no action。 
????The teaching without words 
????And the benefit of taking no action 
????Are without pare in the universe。                    
  Fame or one's own self; which does one love more? 
  One's own self or material goods; which has more worth? 
  Loss (of self) or possession (of goods); which is the greater evil?   
  Therefore: he who loves most spends most; 
  He who hoards much loses much。 
  The contented man meets no disgrace; 
  Who know when to stop runs into no danger … 
  He can long endure。                    
  The highest perfection is like imperfection; 
  And its use is never impaired。 
  The greatest abundance seems meager; 
  And its use will never fail。 
  What s most straight appears devious; 
  The greatest skill appears clumsiness; 
  The greatest eloquence seems like stuttering。 
  Movement overes cold; 
  (But) keeping still overes heat。 
  Who is calm and quiet bees the guide for the universe。                    
  When the world lives in accord with Tao; 
  Racing horses are turned back to haul refuse carts。 
  When the world lives not in accord with Tao; 
  Cavalry abounds in the countryside。   
  There is no greater curse than the lack of contentment。 
  No greater sin than the desire for possession。 
  Therefore he who is contented with contentment 
  shall be always content。                    
  Without stepping outside one's doors; 
  One can know what is happening in the world; 
  Without looking out of one's windows; 
  One can see the Tao of heaven。   
  The farther one pursues knowledge; 
  The less one knows。 
  Therefore the Sage knows without running about; 
  Understands without seeing; 
  Acplishes without doing。 ??         
????The student of knowledge (aims at) learning day by day; 
????The student of Tao (aims at) losing day by day。 
????By continual losing 
????One reaches doing nothing (laissez…faire)。 
????He who conquers the world often does so by doing nothing。 
????When one is pelled to do something; 
????The world is already beyond his conquering。                    
  The Sage has no decided opinions and feelings; 
  But regards the people's opinions and feelings as his own。   
  The good ones I declare good; 
  The bad ones I also declare good。 
  That is the goodness of Virtue。 
  The honest ones I believe; 
  The liars I also believe; 
  That is the faith of Virtue。   
  The Sage dwells in the world peacefully; harmoniously。 
  The people of the world are brought into a munity of heart; 
  And the Sage regards them all as his own children。                    
  Out of life; death enters。 
  The panions (organs) of life are thirteen; 
  The panions (organs) of death are (also) thirteen。 
  What send man to death in this life are also (these) thirteen。 
  How is it so? 
  Because of the intense activity of multiplying life。   
  It has been said that the who is a good preserver of hi life 
  Meets no tigers or wild buffaloes on land; 
  Is not vulnerable to weapons in the field of battle。 
  The horns of the wild buffalo are powerless against him。 
  How is it so? 
  Because he is beyond death。                    
  Tao gives them birth; 
  Teh (character) fosters them。 
  The material world gives them form。 
  The circumstances of the moment plete them。 
  Therefore all things of the universe worship Tao and exalt Teh。 
  Tao is worshipped and Teh is exalted 
  Without anyone's order but is so of its own accord。   
  Therefore Tao gives them birth; 
  Teh fosters them; 
  Makes them grow; develops them; 
  Gives them a harbor; a place to dwell in peace; 
  Feeds them and shelter them。 
  It gives them birth and does not own them; 
  Acts (helps) and does not appropriate them; 
  Is superior; and does not control them。 
  … This is the Mystic Virtue。                    
  There was a beginning of the universe 
  Which may be regarded as the Mother of the Universe。 
  From the Mother; we may know her sons。 
  After knowing the sons; keep to the Mother。 
  Thus one's whole life may be preserved from harm。   
  Stop its apertures; 
  Close its doors; 
  And one's whole life is without toil。   
  Open its apertures; 
  Be busy about its affairs; 
  And one's whole life is beyond redemption。   
  He who can see the small is clear…sighted; 
  He who stays by gentility is strong。 
  use the light; 
  And return t
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