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04道德经 中英对照(林语堂)-第章

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  And the edge will not last long。 
  When gold and jade fill your hall; 
  You will not be able to keep them safe。 
  To be proud with wealth and honor 
  Is to sow seeds of one's own downfall。 
  Retire when your work is done; 
  Such is Heaven's way。                    
  In embracing the One with your soul; 
  Can you never forsake the Tao? 
  In controlling your vital force to achieve gentleness; 
  Can you bee like the new…born child? 
  In cleansing and purifying your Mystic vision; 
  Can you strive after perfection? 
  In loving the people and governing the kingdom; 
  Can you rule without interference? 
  In opening and shutting the Gate of Heaven; 
  Can you play the part of the Female? 
  In prehending all knowledge; 
  Can you renounce the mind? ??         
????Thirty spokes unite around the nave; 
????From their not…being (loss of their individuality) 
????Arises the utility of the wheel。 
????Mold clay into a vessel; 
????From its not…being (in the vessel's hollow) 
????Arises the utility of the vessel。 
????Cut out doors and windows in the house (…wall); 
????From their not…being (empty space) arises the utility 
????of the house。 
????Therefore by the existence of things we profit。 
????And by the non…existence of things we are served。                    
  The five colors blind the eyes of man; 
  The five musical notes deafen the ears of man; 
  The five flavors dull the taste of man; 
  Horse…racing; hunting and chasing madden the minds of man; 
  Rare; valuable goods keep their owners awake at night。   
  Therefore the Sage: 
  Provides for the belly and not the eye。 
  Hence; he rejects the one and accepts the other。                    
  〃Favor and disgrace cause one dismay; 
  What we value and what we fear are within our Self。〃   
  What does this mean: 
  〃Favor and disgrace cause one dismay?〃 
  Those who receive a favor from above 
  Are dismayed when they receive it; 
  And dismayed when they lose it。   
  What does this mean: 
  〃What we value and what we fear are within our Self?〃 
  We have fears because we have a self。 
  When we do not regard that self as self; 
  What have we to fear?   
  Therefore he who values the world as his self 
  May then be entrusted with the government of the world; 
  And he who loves the world as his self … 
  The world may then be entrusted to his care。                    
  Looked at; but cannot be seen … 
  That is called the Invisible (yi)。 
  Listened to; but cannot be heard … 
  That is called the Inaudible (hsi)。 
  Grasped at; but cannot be touched … 
  That is called the Intangible (wei)。 
  These three elude our inquiries 
  And hence blend and bee One。   
  Not by its rising; is there light; 
  Nor by its sinking; is there darkness。 
  Unceasing; continuous; 
  It cannot be defined; 
  And reverts again to the realm of nothingness。   
  That is why it is called the Form of the Formless; 
  The Image of Nothingness。 
  That is why it is called the Elusive: 
  Meet it and you do not see its face; 
  Follow it and you do not see its back。                    
  The wise ones of old had subtle wisdom and depth of understanding; 
  So profound that they could not be understood。 
  And because they could not be understood; 
  Perforce must they be so described: 
  Cautious; like crossing a wintry stream; 
  Irresolute; like one fearing danger all around; 
  Grave; like one acting as guest; 
  Self…effacing; like ice beginning to melt; 
  Genuine; like a piece of undressed wood; 
  Open…minded; like a valley; 
  And mixing freely; like murky water。   
  Who can find repose in a muddy world? 
  By lying still; it bees clear。 
  Who can maintain his calm for long? 
  By activity; it es back to life。   
  He who embraces this Tao 
  Guards against being over…full。 
  Because he guards against being over…full; 
  He is beyond wearing out and renewal。                    
  Attain the utmost in Passivity; 
  Hold firm to the basis of Quietude。   
  The myriad things take shape and rise to activity; 
  But I watch them fall back to their repose。 
  Like vegetation that luxuriantly grows 
  But returns to the root (soil) from which it springs。   
  To return to the root is Repose; 
  It is called going back to one's Destiny。 
  Going back to one's Destiny is to find the Eternal Law。 
  To know the Eternal Law is Enlightenment。 
  And not to know the Eternal Law 
  Is to court disaster。   
  He who knows the Eternal Law is tolerant; 
  Being tolerant; 
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