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cognition supplies from itself (sensuous impressions giving merely the
occasion); an addition which we cannot distinguish from the original
element given by sense; till long practice has made us attentive to;
and skilful in separating it。 It is; therefore; a question which
requires close investigation; and not to be answered at first sight;
whether there exists a knowledge altogether independent of experience;
and even of all sensuous impressions? Knowledge of this kind is called
a priori; in contradistinction to empirical knowledge; which has its
sources a posteriori; that is; in experience。
  But the expression; 〃a priori;〃 is not as yet definite enough
adequately to indicate the whole meaning of the question above
started。 For; in speaking of knowledge which has its sources in
experience; we are wont to say; that this or that may be known a
priori; because we do not derive this knowledge immediately from
experience; but from a general rule; which; however; we have itself
borrowed from experience。 Thus; if a man undermined his house; we say;
〃he might know a priori that it would have fallen;〃 that is; he needed
not to have waited for the experience that it did actually fall。 But
still; a priori; he could not know even this much。 For; that bodies
are heavy; and; consequently; that they fall when their supports are
taken away; must have been known to him previously; by means of
  By the term 〃knowledge a priori;〃 therefore; we shall in the
sequel understand; not such as is independent of this or that kind
of experience; but such as is absolutely so of all experience。 Opposed
to this is empirical knowledge; or that which is possible only a
posteriori; that is; through experience。 Knowledge a priori is
either pure or impure。 Pure knowledge a priori is that with which no
empirical element is mixed up。 For example; the proposition; 〃Every
change has a cause;〃 is a proposition a priori; but impure; because
change is a conception which can only be derived from experience。

  II。 The Human Intellect; even in an Unphilosophical State;
      is in Possession of Certain Cognitions 〃a priori〃。

  The question now is as to a criterion; by which we may securely
distinguish a pure from an empirical cognition。 Experience no doubt
teaches us that this or that object is constituted in such and such
a manner; but not that it could not possibly exist otherwise。 Now;
in the first place; if we have a proposition which contains the idea
of necessity in its very conception; it is a if; moreover; it is not
derived from any other proposition; unless from one equally
involving the idea of necessity; it is absolutely priori。 Secondly; an
empirical judgement never exhibits strict and absolute; but only
assumed and parative universality (by induction); therefore; the
most we can say is… so far as we have hitherto observed; there is no
exception to this or that rule。 If; on the other hand; a judgement
carries with it strict and absolute universality; that is; admits of
no possible exception; it is not derived from experience; but is valid
absolutely a priori。
  Empirical universality is; therefore; only an arbitrary extension of
validity; from that which may be predicated of a proposition valid
in most cases; to that which is asserted of a proposition which
holds good in all; as; for example; in the affirmation; 〃All bodies
are heavy。〃 When; on the contrary; strict universality characterizes a
judgement; it necessarily indicates another peculiar source of
knowledge; namely; a faculty of cognition a priori。 Necessity and
strict universality; therefore; are infallible tests for
distinguishing pure from empirical knowledge; and are inseparably
connected with each other。 But as in the use of these criteria the
empirical limitation is sometimes more easily detected than the
contingency of the judgement; or the unlimited universality which we
attach to a judgement is often a more convincing proof than its
necessity; it may be advisable to use the criteria separately; each
being by itself infallible。
  Now; that in the sphere of human cognition we have judgements
which are necessary; and in the strictest sense universal;
consequently pure a priori; it will be an easy matter to show。 If we
desire an example from the sciences; we need only take any proposition
in mathematics。 If we cast our eyes upon the monest operations of
the understanding; the proposition; 〃Every change must have a
cause;〃 will amply serve our purpose。 In the latter case; indeed;
the conception of a cause so plainly involves the conception of a
necessity of connection with an effect; and of a strict universality
of the law; that the very notion of a cause would entirely
disappear; were we to derive it; like Hume; from a frequent
association of what happens with that which precedes; and the habit
thence originating of connecting representations… the necessity
inherent in the judgement being therefore merely subjective。
Besides; without seeking for such examples of principles existing a
priori in cognition; we might easily show that such principles are the
indispensable basis of the possibility of experience itself; and
consequently prove their existence a priori。 For whence could our
experience itself acquire certainty; if all the rules on which it
depends were themselves empirical; and consequently fortuitous? No
one; therefore; can admit the validity of the use of such rules as
first principles。 But; for the present; we may content ourselves
with having established the fact; that we do possess and exercise a
faculty of pure a priori cognition; and; secondly; with having pointed
out the proper tests of such cognition; namely; universality and
  Not only in judgements; however; but even in conceptions; is an a
priori origin manifest。 For example; if we take away by degrees from
our conceptions of a body all that can be referred to mere sensuous
experience… colour; hardness or softness; weight; even
impenetrability… the body will then vanish; but the space which it
occupied still remains; and this it is utterly impossible to
annihilate in thought。 Again; if we take away; in like
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