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eh; and I am the least in my father's house。 The LORD said unto Gideon; The people that are with thee are too many for me; 。。。 lest Israel vaunt themselves against me; saying; Mine own hand hath saved me。 Not by might; nor by power; but by my Spirit; saith the LORD of hosts。 — My brethren; be strong in the Lord; and in the power of his might。 I COR。 1:27。 Judg。 3:15;31。 Judg。 7:2。 Zech。 4:6。 …Eph。 6:10。
八月十三日 早课
我若去为你们预备了地方,就必再来接你们到我那里去;我在哪里,叫你们也在哪里(约14:3)。可以得着不能朽坏、不能玷污、不能衰残、为你们存留在天上的基业(彼前1:4)。我们在这里本没有常存的城,乃是寻求那将来的城(来13:14)。 这离开你们被接升天的耶稣,你们见他怎样往天上去,他还要怎样来(徒1:11)。弟兄们哪,你们要忍耐,直到主来。看哪,农夫忍耐等候地里宝贵的出产,直到得了春雨秋雨。你们也当忍耐,坚固你们的心,因为主来的日子近了(雅5:7,8)。还有一点点时候,那要来的就来,并不迟延(来10:37,38)。 我们这活着还存留的人必和他们一同被提到云里,在空中与主相遇。这样,我们就要和主永远同在。所以,你们当用这些话彼此劝慰(帖前4:17,18)。 He hath prepared for them a city。 If I go and prepare a place for you; I will e again; and receive you unto myself; that where I am; there ye may be also。 — An inheritance incorrup…tible; and undefiled; and that fadeth not away; reserved in heaven for you。 — Here have we no continuing city; but we seek one to e。 This same Jesus; which is taken up from you into heaven; shall so e in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven。 — Be patient therefore; brethren; unto the ing of the Lord。 Behold; the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth; and hath long patience for it; until he receive the early and latter rain。 — Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the ing of the the Lord draweth nigh。 — Yet a little while; and he that shall e will e; and will not tarry。 We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds; to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord。 Wherefore fort one another with these words。 HEB。 11:16。 John 14:3。 …I Pet。 1:4。 …Heb。 13:14。 Acts 1:11。 …Jas。 5:7;8。 …Heb。 10:37。 I Thes。 4:17;18。
八月十三日 晚课
神拣选了世上卑贱的(林前l:28)。 不要自欺,无论是淫乱的、拜偶像的、奸淫的、作娈童的、亲男色的、偷窃的、贪婪的、醉酒的、辱骂的、勒索的,都不能承受神的国。你们中间也有人从前是这样;但如今你们奉主耶稣基督的名,并藉着我们 神的灵,已经洗净、成圣、称义了(林前6:9…11)。 你们死在过犯罪恶之中。那时,你们随从今世的风俗。我们从前也都在他们中间,随着肉体和心中所喜好的去行(弗2:1…3)。 他救了我们,藉着重生的洗和圣灵的更新。圣灵就是 神藉着耶稣基督我们救主厚厚浇灌在我们身上的(多3:5,6)。 耶和华说:我的意念非同你们的意念,我的道路非同你们的道路(赛55:8)。 Base things of the world hath God chosen。
Be not deceived: neither fornicators; nor idolators; nor adulterers; nor effeminate; nor abusers of themselves with
mankind; nor thieves; nor covet…ous; nor drunkards; nor revilers; nor extortioners; shall inherit the kingdom of God。 And such were some of you: but ye are washed; but ye are sanctified; but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus; and by the Spirit of our God。 You hath he quickened; who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world; among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh; fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind。 According to his mercy he saved us; by the washing of regeneration; and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour。 My thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways; saith the LORD。 I COR。 1:28。 I Cor。 6:9…11。 Eph。 2:1…3。 Tit。 3:5;6。 Isa。 55:8。
八月十四日 早课
靠耶和华而得的喜乐是你们的力量(尼8:10)。 诸天哪,应当欢呼!大地啊,应当快乐!众山哪,应当发声歌唱!因为耶和华已经安慰他的百姓,也要怜恤他困苦之民(赛49:13)。看哪! 神是我的拯救,我要倚靠他,并不惧怕;因为主耶和华是我的力量,是我的诗歌,他也成了我的拯救(赛12:2)。 耶和华是我的力量,是我的盾牌,我心里倚靠他,就得帮助;所以我心中欢乐,我必用诗歌颂赞他(诗28:7)。我因耶和华大大欢喜,我的心靠 神快乐。因他以拯救为衣给我穿上,以公义为袍给我披上。好像新郎戴上华冠,又像新妇佩戴妆饰(赛61:10)。 所以论到 神的事,我在基督耶稣里有可夸的(罗15:17)。我们藉着我主耶稣基督得与 神和好,也就藉着他以 神为乐(罗5:11)。我因救我的 神喜乐(哈3:18)。 The joy of the Lord is your strength。 Sing; O heavens; and be joyful; O earth; and break forth with singing; O mountains: for the LORD hath forted his people and will have mercy upon his afflicted。 — Behold; God is my salvation; I will trust; and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is bee my salvation。 — The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him; and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him。 — My soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness; as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments; and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels。 I have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ those things which pertain to God。 — We 。。。 joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom we have now received the atonement。 — I will joy in the God of my salvation。 NEH。 8:10。 Isa。 49:13。 …Isa。12:2。 …Psa。 28:7。 …Isa。 61:10。 Rom。 15:17。 …Rom。 5:11。 …Hab。 3:18。
八月十四日 晚课
神却与我立永远的约。这约凡事坚稳(撒下23:5)。 我深信他能保全我所交付他的,直到那日(提后1:12)。 愿颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父 神,他在基督里曾赐给我们天上各样属灵的福气。就如 神从创立世界以前,在基督里拣选了我们,使我们在他面前成为圣洁,无有瑕疵。又因爱我们,就按着自己意旨所喜悦的,预定我们藉着耶稣基督得儿子的名分(弗1:3…5)。 我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱 神的人得益处:就是按他旨意被召的人。因为他预先所知道的人,就预先定下效法他儿子的模样,使他儿子在许多弟兄中作长子。预先所定下的人又召他们来,所召来的人又称他们为义,所称为义的人又叫他们得荣耀(罗8:28…30)。 He hath made with me an everlasting covenant; ordered in all things; and sure。 I know whom I have believed; and am per