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 at the old man。 〃Zedd; I promise I will remember your lesson。 I won't let you down。 I won't let all those people who died be forgotten。〃
 Zedd smiled and gave Richard's back an affectionate rub。
 The two friends sat in silence; sharing the stillness of the night and the quiet of each other's understanding; thinking about what they could not know: what was to e。
 Richard thought about what needed to be done; about Panis
 Rahl; and about Darken Rahl。 He thought about how hopeless everything seemed。 Think about the solution; he told himself; not the problem; you are the Seeker。
 〃I need you to do something; wizard。 I think it is time for us to disappear。 Rahl has followed us long enough。 What can you do about that cloud?〃
 〃You know; I think you're right。 I only wish I knew how it was hooked to you; so I could unhook it; but I can't figure it out
 So; I will have to do something else。〃 He contemplatively drew his finger and thumb down the sharp sides of his jaw。 〃Has it
 rained; or been overcast since it first started following you?〃'
 Richard thought back; trying to remember every day。 Most of the time he had been in a fog over his father's murder。 It seemed so long ago。 〃The night before I found the snake vine; it rained in the Ven; but by the time I got there; it had cleared off。 No; no rain。 I don't remember it being cloudy since my father's murder。 At least; nothing more than a few high; thin clouds。 What does that mean?〃
 〃Well; it means I think there is a way to fool the cloud; even if I can't unhook it。 Since the sky has been clear all that time; that means Rahl probably has been responsible。 He has moved the other clouds away so he could easily find this one。 Simple; but effective。〃
 〃How could he move the clouds away?〃
 〃He put a spell on this one to repel other clouds; and somehow hooked this one to you。〃
 〃Then why don't you put a stronger spell on it to attract other clouds; before he realizes it; it will be lost; and he won't be able to find it to try to outdo your magic。 If he does use stronger magic to move the clouds away to find this one; he won't know what you have done; and the stronger spell that pushes the clouds away will break the hook。〃
 Zedd gave him an incredulous look; his eyes blinked。 〃Bags; Richard; you have gotten it exactly right! My boy; I think you would make an excellent wizard。〃
 〃No; thanks。 I already have one impossible job。〃
 Zedd drew back a little and frowned; but didn't say anything。 His thin hand reached into his robes and pulled out a rock; tossing it on the ground in front of them。 He stood and his fingers spun around in a circle over the little rock until; suddenly; it popped into a large rock。
 〃Zedd! That's your cloud rock!〃
 〃Actually; my boy; it's a wizard's rock。 My father gave it to me; long ago。〃
 The wizard's finger stirred faster and faster until light came forth; sparkles and colors; swirling around。 He continued to stir; mixing and blending the light。 There was no sound; only the pleasant smell of a spring rain。 At last the wizard seemed satisfied。
 〃Step up on the rock; my boy。〃
 Unsure at first; Richard stepped into the light。 It tingled and felt warm against his skin; as if he were lying in the hot summer sun without clothes; after a swim。 He let himself bask in the warm; safe feeling; gave himself over to it。 His hands floated outward from his sides until they were horizontal。 He tilted his head back; took deep breaths; and closed his eyes。 It felt wondrous; like floating in water; only he was floating in light。 Exhilaration soaked through him。 His mind felt a buoyant; timeless connection to everything around him。 He was one with the trees; the grass; the bugs; the birds; the animals all around; the water; the very air itself; not a separate being; but part of a whole。 He understood the interconnection of everything in a new way; saw himself as inconsequential and empowered at the same time。 He saw the world through the eyes of all the creatures around him。 It was a shocking; marvelous insight。 He let himself soar into a bird that flew overhead; saw the world through its eyes; hunted with it; hungry and needful; for mice; watched the campfire below; the people sleeping。
 Richard let his identity scatter to the wind。 He became no one and everyone; felt the heat of their needs; smelled their fear; tasted their joy; understood their desires; and then let it all melt away into nothingness; until there was a void where he stood; alone in the universe; the only living thing; the only thing existing at all。 Then he let the light flood through him; light that brought forth the others that had used this very rock: Zedd; Zedd's father; and the wizards before that; for untold years; thousands of years; one and all。 Their essence flowed through him; shared themselves with him as tears streamed down his cheeks at the wonder of it all。
 Zedd's hands sprang forward; loosing his magic dust。 It swirled about Richard; glittering fluidly; until he was at the center of its vortex。 The sparkles tightened their rotation and gathered at his chest。 With a tinkling sound like a crystal chandelier in the wind; the dust climbed away into the sky as if climbing a kite string; taking the sound with it as it went; higher and higher; until it reached the cloud。 The cloud took in the magic dust and was lit from within by roiling colors。 All across the horizon lightning flashed; ragged streaks ripping this way and that; called forth; eager; expectant。
 All at once the lightning stopped; the illumination in the cloud faded and was gone; and the light from the wizard's rock pulled itself inward until it was extinguished。 There was sudden silence。 Richard was there again; standing on a simple rock。 He looked; wide…eyed; at Zedd's smiling face。
 〃Zedd;〃 he whispered; 〃now I know why you stand on this rock all the time。 I've never felt anything like that in my life。 I had no idea。〃
 Zedd smiled knowingly。 〃You're a natural; my boy。 You held your arms just right; your head had the proper tilt; you even arched your back correctly。 You took to it like a d
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