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 〃Right now。〃
 Denna gave a sigh。 〃Constance; would you finish the session?〃
 Constance looked into Richard's eyes and smiled。 〃Why; of course; Denna。〃
 Richard was terrified; but didn't dare say a word。
 〃His time is nearly up; just take him back to my quarters and leave him there。 I'm sure I won't be long。〃
 〃My pleasure; Denna。 You can count on me。〃
 Denna started to leave。 Constance grinned at him wickedly; her face close to his。 She grabbed his belt and yanked it open。 Richard couldn't breathe。
 〃Constance〃…Denna had e back in…〃I don't want you doing that。〃
 Constance was caught off guard。 〃In your absence; I'm in charge of him; and I'll do as I wish。〃
 Denna came and put her face close to the other's。 〃He is my mate; and I said I don't want you to do that。 And I don't want you to put the Agiel in his ear either。〃
 〃I'll do as I 。 。 。〃
 〃You will not。〃 Denna gritted her teeth as she looked down to the shorter Woman。 〃I am the one who took the punishment when we killed Rastin。 Me。 Not you and me; only me。 I have never made a point of it before; but I do now。 You know what they did to me; and I never told them you had a part in it。 He is my mate; and I am his Mord…Sith。 Not you。 Me。 You will respect my wishes or there is going to be trouble between us。〃 〃All right; Denna;〃 she huffed。 〃All right。 I'll mind your wishes。〃
 Denna still glared at her。 〃See that you do; Sister Constance。〃
 Constance finished the session with all the effort she could bring forth; although she kept the Agiel mostly where Denna wanted it。 Richard knew it went on for longer than it should have。 When she took him back to Denna's quarters; she spent a good hour slapping him around; then hooked the chain over the footboard of the bed and told him he was to stand until Denna came back。
 Constance put her face close to his; as best she could; considering her height; and grabbed him between the legs。
 〃Take good care of this for me;〃 she sneered。 〃You aren't going to have it much longer。 I have reason to believe Master Rahl will shortly be reassigning you to me; and when he does; I'm going to alter your anatomy。〃 A grin spread on her face。 〃And I don't think you're going to like it。〃
 His anger flashed; bringing on the pain of the magic。 It took him to his knees。 Constance laughed as she left the room。 He managed to get the anger under control; but the pain wouldn't stop until he stood。
 Warm sunlight was streaming in the window。 He hoped Denna would be returning soon。 The sun set。 Dinnertime came and went。 Still Denna did not return。 Richard began to worry。 He had a feeling that something was wrong。 He heard the peal of the bell for the evening devotion; but couldn't go to it; being chained to the bed。 He wondered if he was supposed to kneel where he was; but realized he couldn't do that either; he had been told to stand。 He thought maybe he should still chant the devotion; but decided there was no one to hear him; and it wouldn't matter。
 It was long since dark out the window; but thankfully the lamps were lit and at least he didn't have to stand in the dark。 The two bells announced the end of evening devotion。 Still Denna was not back。 His training time came and went。 Still no Denna。 Richard was fraught with worry。
 At last; he heard the door push open。 Denna's head was bowed; her posture stiff。 The braid was undone and her hair disheveled。 She laboriously pushed the door closed。 He saw that her skin was ashen; her eyes wet。 She didn't look at him: 〃Richard;〃 she said in a small voice; 〃fill my bath for me。 Please? I need a bath; I feel very dirty right now。〃
 〃Of course; Mistress Derma。〃
 He dragged the tub in and ran as fast as he could to fill it。 He didn't think he had ever done it more quickly。 She stood and watched as he brought in bucket after bucket。 When he was finished; he stood panting; waiting。
 Her trembling fingers started unbuttoning the leather。 〃Help me with this? I don't think I can do it by myself。〃
 He unbuttoned it for her as she shivered。 Wincing; he had to peel it off her back; some of her skin came with it。 His heart was pounding。 Denna was covered with welts from the back of her neck to the back of her ankles。 Richard was frightened; and he ached with hurt for her; for the pain she was in。 Tears came to his eyes。 The power roared up in him。 He ignored it。
 〃Mistress Denna; who did this to you?〃 he demanded。
 〃Master Rahl。 It is nothing I did not deserve。〃
 He held her hands and helped her into the tub。 She let out a little sound as she sank slowly into the hot water; sitting stiffly。
 〃Mistress Denna; why would he do this to you?〃
 She winced when he put the soapy cloth to her back。。 〃Constance told him I was being too easy on you。 I deserve what was done to me。 I have been lax in your training。 I am Mord…Sith。 I should have done better。 I received only that which I deserve。〃
 〃You do not deserve this; Mistress Denna; it is me who should have taken the punishment。 Not you。〃
 Her hands trembled as she held the sides of the tub and he carefully washed her。 He gently wiped the sweat off the white skin of her face。 She stared ahead the whole time he worked; a few tears rolling down her cheeks。
 Her lip quivered。 〃Tomorrow; Master Rahl will see you。〃 His hand stopped washing for a second。 〃I'm sorry; Richard。 You will answer his questions。〃
 He glanced up at her face; but she didn't look back。 〃Yes; Mistress Denna。〃 He rinsed her off with water cupped in his hands。 〃Let me dry you off。〃 He did it as gently as he could。 〃Do you wish to sit; Mistress Denna?〃
 She gave an embarrassed smile。 〃I don't think I would like that; just now。〃 She turned her head stiffly。 〃Over there。 I will lie on the bed。〃 She took his hand when he put it out for her。 〃I can't seem to stop shaking。 Why can't I stop shaking?〃
 〃Because it hurts; Mistress Denna。〃
 〃I've had much worse than this done to me。 This was only a small reminder of who I am。 But still; I can't stop shaking。〃
 She lay facedown on the bed; her eyes on him。 
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