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a light stroke; a swath of beard fell away。
 〃You just used Subtractive Magic! You made some of the edge go away to sharpen it。〃
 Zedd arched an eyebrow。 〃No; I used what was already there; and re…formed the edge; making it sharp again。〃
 Richard shook his head and went about gathering up their things while Zedd shaved off the beard。 Kahlan helped put things away。
 〃You know; Zedd;〃 Richard said as he picked up the bowls; 〃I think you're getting too obstinate in your ways。 I think when this is over; you need someone。 Someone to take care of you; help keep your perspectives straight。 Put the light of day to your imagination。 I think you need a wife。〃
 〃A wife?〃
 〃Sure。 I think that's what you need。 Maybe you should go back and take another look at Adie。〃
 〃Yes; Adie;〃 Richard scolded。 〃You remember Adie。 The woman with one foot。〃 。
 〃Oh; I remember Adie quite well。〃 He gave Richard his most innocent look。 〃But Adie has two good feet; not one。〃
 Richard and Kahlan both came to their feet in a rush。 〃What?〃
 〃Yes;〃 Zedd smiled; turning away。 〃Seems it grew back。〃 He bent; pulling an apple from Richard's pack。 〃Quite unexpectedly。〃
 Richard took Zedd's sleeve and turned him around。 〃Zedd; you 。 。 。
 The wizard smiled。 〃Are you thoroughly sure you wouldn't like to be a wizard?〃 He took a bite of the apple; pleased at seeing the astonishment on Richard's face。 Zedd handed him the knife; the blade as sharp as he had ever seen it。
 Richard shook his head and turned to his work。 〃I just want to go home and be a guide。 Nothing more。〃 He thought awhile; then asked; 〃Zedd; all the time I grew up with you; you were a wizard and I never knew。 You didn't use the magic。 How could you stand not to? Why didn't you?〃
 〃Ali; well; there are dangers to using the magic。 Also; pain。〃
 〃Dangers? Like what?〃
 Zedd regarded him for a moment。 〃You have used magic; with the sword。 You tell me。〃
 〃But that's the sword; that's different。 What dangers are there for a wizard in using the magic? And what pain?〃
 Zedd gave a small; sly smile。 〃Only just finished with the first lesson; and already he is eager for the second。〃
 Richard straightened。 〃Never mind。〃 He hoisted the pack onto his back。 〃All I want to be is a woods guide。〃
 Apple in hand; Zedd started toward the trail。 〃So you have told me。〃 He took a big bite。 〃Now; I want you two to tell me everything that has happened since I was knocked unconscious。 Don't leave out a thing; no matter how trivial。〃
 Richard and Kahlan exchanged a crimson look。 〃I won't tell if you don't;〃 he whispered。
 She held him back with a hand on his arm。 〃I swear; not a word about what happened in the spirit house。〃
 By the look in her eyes; he knew she meant to keep her word。
 For the rest of the day as they trudged along the trails; keeping off the main roads; the two of them told Zedd the stories of everything that had happened since they Were attacked that day at the boundary。 Zedd made them go back to previous events at the oddest places in a story。 Working off each other's words; Richard and Kahlan managed to weave the story of the Mud People without mention of anything that happened between them in the spirit house。
 As they drew nearer to Tamarang; they crisscrossed roads; and began to see refugees carrying their belongings on their backs; or on small carts。 Richard saw to it that they didn't stay long in the sight of people; and placed himself between them and Kahlan whenever he could。 He didn't want anyone recognizing the Mother Confessor。 He was relieved each time they were back in the woods。 The forest was where he was most fortable; even though it had proven its dangers to them。
 Late in the day; they had to take to the main road in order to cross the Callisidrin River。 It was too big and swift to risk fording; so they took the big wooden bridge。 Zedd and Richard kept Kahlan protectively between them as they walked among the people crossing the bridge。 Kahlan kept the hood of her cloak up so people wouldn't see her long hair。 Most of the people were headed for Tamarang; seeking shelter and safety from the marauding forces; supposedly sweeping in from Westland。 Kahlan said that they would reach Tamarang by the middle of the next day。 From now on they would have to travel most of the time on the road。 Richard knew that they would have to move far from the road at night to be clear of any people。 He began watching the sun so as to leave them time to move deep enough into the forest before it became too dark。
 〃Does that feel good?〃
 Rachel pretended Sara answered that it did; and tucked a little more grass around her doll to be doubly sure she was warm enough。 She nestled the loaf of bread with the cloth tied around it next to Sara。
 〃You'll be warm for now。 I have to go get some wood before it's too dark; and then we'll have a fire。 Then we can both be warm。〃
 She left Sara with the bread in the wayward pine and went outside。 The sun was down; but it was still light enough to see。 The clouds were a pretty pink。 She looked at them once in a while as she picked up sticks; holding them against her body with the other arm。 She checked her pocket to be sure the fire stick was still there。 She had almost forgotten it last night; and was scared now; unless she checked to make sure she hadn't forgotten it again。
 She looked up again at the pretty clouds。 Just as she did; some big dark thing swooped low over the trees a little way up the hill
 It must be some big bird; she thought。 Ravens were big; and dark。 It must be one of those noisy ravens。 She picked up some more sticks。 Then she saw a bunch of blueberry bushes; low against the ground in an open place; their leaves starting to turn a flaming red。 She threw the sticks down。
 She was so hungry; she sat down on the berry bushes and started eating them as fast as she could pick。 It was getting late in the year; and the berries were starting to get dry and shriveled; but they were still good。 In fact; they tasted wonderful。 She started putting one in he
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