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 She rolled over on one elbow and looked at the doll。 〃Help Giller?〃
 The doll nodded。 〃Help Giller。〃
 Rays from the setting sun ahead reflected off the layer of leaves; making the path bright and shiny between the dark mass of woods to each side。 Richard could hear Kahlan's boots scuffing across rocks hidden under the colorful mat。 A light scent of rot was in the air: fallen leaves beginning to depose in the low damp places and the thick piles in the laps of rocks; where the wind had collected them。
 Even though it was getting cold; neither Richard nor Kahlan wore their cloaks; being warm from the exertion。 of the pace Old John was setting。 Richard kept trying to think about Zedd; but his train of thought was constantly being interrupted by having to lope to keep up。 The realization that he was getting winded finally made him push Zedd from his mind。 But one thought wouldn't leave him: something didn't feel right。
 At last; he allowed that caution to blossom in his mind。 How could an old man be out walking him like this; yet look fresh and relaxed? Richard felt his forehead; wondering if he was sick; or had a fever。 He did feel hot。 Maybe he wasn't well; maybe there was something wrong with him。 They had been pushing hard for days; but not this hard。 No; he felt fine; simply winded。
 For a while; he watched Kahlan walking ahead of him。 She; too; was having difficulty keeping up。 She pulled another spiderweb off her face; then trotted to keep up。 He could see that; like him; she was breathing hard。 For some reason; Richard's caution was igniting into foreboding。
 He caught a brief glimpse of something off to the left; in the woods; keeping pace。 Just a small animal; he thought。 But it looked like something with long arms; skittering along the ground; then it was gone。 His mouth felt dry。 It must just be his imagination; he told himself。
 He turned his attention back to Old John。 The path was wide in some places; narrow in others with branches that reached in tight。 When Kahlan and Richard went past; they both sometimes brushed against them; or simply pushed them out of the way。 Not the old man。 He stayed to the center of the trail; avoiding any errant limb; his arms clutching his cloak tightly to him。
 Richard's eye was caught by the strands of a spiderweb; glistening golden in the setting sun; stretched across the path in front of Kahlan。 The web parted against her upper leg when she walked through it。
 The sweat on his face instantly turned ice cold against his skin。
 How could Old John not have broken the web?
 He looked up and saw a branch; its tip sticking out in the path。 The old man skirted it。 But not the tip。 The tip passed through his arm as it would pass through smoke。
 Breathing faster; he glanced down at the footprints Kahlan made through an open patch of soft ground。 There were none from Old John。
 Richard's left hand shot forward; seized a fistful of Kahlan's shirt; and yanked her behind him; causing her to cry out in surprise。 He tossed her backward as his right hand pulled the sword free。
 Old John stopped and half turned at the sound of the sword's ringing。
 〃What is it; my boy? See something?〃 His voice came like the hiss of a snake。
 〃Indeed。〃 Richard gripped the sword in both hands; his legs set in a defensive stance; his chest heaving。 He felt the anger flooding his fear。 〃How is it that you don't break spiderwebs when you walk through them; or leave footprints?〃
 Old John gave a slow; sly smile; appraising him with one eye。 〃Did you not expect that an old friend of a wizard would have special talents?〃
 〃Maybe;〃 Richard said; his eyes darting left and right; checking。 〃But tell me; Old John; what is your old friend's name?〃
 〃Why; it's Zedd。〃 His eyebrows lifted。 〃How else would I know; if he weren't my old friend。〃 His cloak was pulled tightly around him。 His head had sunken into his shoulders。
 〃I'm the one who foolishly told you his name was Zedd。 Now; you tell me your old friend's last name。〃 Old John watched him with a dark frown; his eyes moving slowly; appraising; measuring。 Eyes of an animal。
 With a sudden roar that made Richard flinch; the old man turned; his cloak flinging open。 In the time it took to plete the turn; he mushroomed to twice his previous size。
 An impossible nightmare came to life: fur and claws and fangs; where an old man had been an instant before。
 A creature of snarl and snap。
 Richard gasped as he looked up at the gaping maw of the beast。 It roared and abruptly took a giant step forward。 Richard took three back。 He gripped the sword so hard it hurt。 The woods echoed with the earsplitting cry of the thing; deep; savage; vicious。 The mouth stretched wide with each roar。 It leaned over him; deep…set red eyes glowing; snapping its huge teeth。 Richard urgently backed up; retreating behind the sword。 He took a quick glance; but didn't see Kahlan behind him。
 All at once; it came for him。 Richard didn't have a chance to swing the sword。 He tripped on a root; falling backward; sprawling across the ground。 He couldn't get his breath。 Instinctively; he brought the sword up to impale the thing; expecting it to fall on him。
 Sharp; wet teeth reached over the sword; snapping viciously at his face。 He drove the sword up; but the beast stayed clear。 Furious red eyes glared at the sword。 It backed away and looked toward the woods to its right。 Its ears lay back as it snarled at something。
 It picked up a rock twice the size of Richard's head; put its blunt snout high in the air; took a deep breath; and with a roar squeezed the rock in its claw。 Corded muscles tightened。 The rock split with a loud crack that reverberated through the forest。 Dust and flakes of rock tilled the air。 The beast looked about; turned; and swiftly slipped into the trees。
 Richard lay on his back; panting; watching the woods with wide eyes; expecting the beast to reappear。 He called out Kahlan's name。 She didn't answer。
 Before he could scramble fully to his feet; something ashen; with long arms; leapt on him; knocking him to his 
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