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do you and Adie do when you are alone together all night?’
Zedd straightened。 ‘Well 。。。’ He cleared his throat。 ‘Well; we 。。。’ He lifted his chin and pointed a finger skyward。 ‘We talk。 That’s what we do; we talk。’
Kahlan shrugged。 That’s what we did; too。 Just like you and Adie do all night。 We talked。’
A sly grin stole onto his face。 He hugged her tightly in his thin arms; patting her back。 ‘I’m so happy for you; dear one。’
Zedd took her hands in his and danced around the room。 Ahern smiled and pulled out a little flute; playing a bouncy tune。 ‘My grandson is a wizard! My grandson will be a great wizard! Just like his grandfather!’
The celebration went on for a few minutes; with everyone joining in the laughing。 They all clapped in time with the tune as Zedd danced with her around the room。
Kahlan saw one person not joining in。 Adie sat in a rocking chair in the corner。 She had a small; sad smile on her face as she turned her ear to follow them。
She went to the old woman and knelt before her。 Kahlan took up her frail hands。
‘I be happy for you; child;’ Adie said。
Adie;’ Kahlan said in a soft voice; ‘the spirits sent a message for you。’
She shook her head regretfully。 ‘I be sorry; child; but it would mean nothing to me。 I not remember being this woman Adie。’
‘I promised to deliver the message。 It’s important to one beyond that you have it。 Will you hear the message?’
Tell me then; though I be sorry I won’t know its meaning。’
‘It’s a message from one named Pell。’
The room was silent behind her。 Adie’s rocking came to a halt。 She straightened the littlest bit。 Her eyes filled with tears。
Adie’s hands tightened around Kahlan’s。 ‘From Pell? A message from my Pell?’
‘Yes; Adie。 He wants you to know that he loves you; and that he is in a place of peace。 He said to tell you that he knows you never betrayed him。 He knows how much you love him; and he is sorry you have had to suffer。 He said to tell you to be at peace; knowing all is well between your spirits。’
Adie turned her ear away and looked at Kahlan with her white eyes。 Tears rolled down her cheeks。
‘My Pell knows I did not betray him?’
Kahlan nodded。 ‘Yes; Adie。 He knows; and loves you as always。’
Adie pulled Kahlan into her arms as she wept。 Thank you Kahlan。 You could never know how much this means to me。 You have given me back everything。 You have given me back the meaning of life。’
‘I know how much it means; Adie。’
Adie stroked the back of Kahlan’s head as she held her close。 ‘Yes; child; perhaps you do。’
Jebra and Chandalen cooked breakfast while the rest of them talked and planned。 Though it would be a grisly job clearing Ebinissia of all the bodies; at least it was still winter; and not the task it would be in spring。 From Ebinissia; they would pull the Midlands back together。
Kahlan told them that Richard would try to meet up with them in the Galean Crown city; and that he said that then he might need to take Zedd back to Westland; to see about the Sisters of the Dark。 But for now; they were safely out to sea。
After a good meal; filled with joy and happy conversation that had been missing for so long; they started packing up their things。 Chandalen; with an uneasy expression; pulled Kahlan aside。
‘Mother Confessor; I wish to ask you something。 I would not ask you; except I know no one else to ask。’
‘What is it; Chandalen?’
‘How do you say ‘breasts’ in your tongue?’
‘What is the word for breasts? I wish to tell Jebra that she has fine breasts。’
Kahlan rolled her shoulder self…consciously。 ‘Chandalen; I’m sorry; but I meant to have a talk with you about that。 I guess with everything that happened; I never got around to it。’
‘So talk now。 I wish to tell Jebra how much I like her fine breasts。’
‘Chandalen; with the Mud People; that is a proper thing to say to a woman。 It’s a pliment。 But in other places; it is not taken as a pliment; but as improper。 Very improper; until two people know each other。’
‘I know her well。’
‘Not well enough。 Will you trust me in this? If you really like her; then you must not tell her this; or she will not like you。’
‘But; women here do not like to hear the truth?’
‘It’s not that simple。 Would you tell a woman in your village you would like to see her with the mud washed from her hair; even though it is the truth?’
He lifted an eyebrow。 ‘I see what you mean。’
‘Do you like other things about her?’
He nodded enthusiastically。 ‘Yes。 I like everything about her。’
‘Then tell her you like her smile; or her hair; or her eyes。’
‘How do I know which is the proper thing to pliment?’
Kahlan sighed。 ‘ Well; for now; just stick to anything that isn’t covered by clothes; and you will be safe。’
He nodded thoughtfully。 ‘ You are wise; Mother Confessor。 I am glad you have Richard back as your mate; or you would surely have chosen Chandalen。’
Kahlan laughed and gave him a hug。 He returned it warmly。
Outside; she saw to the men: Captain Ryan; Lieutenant Hobson; Brin and Peter; and others she knew。 They were infected by her smile and good cheer。
In the stables she checked on Nick。 Chandalen had stolen him back when they fled Aydindril。 The big warhorse neighed softly at her approach。
Kahlan rubbed his gray nose as he nudged his head against her。 ‘How you doing; Nick?’ He nickered。 ‘How would you like to carry the queen of Galea to the palace in Ebinissia?’
Nick tossed his head enthusiastically; anxious to be out of the stables and off into the brightening day。
Water dripped from melting icicles at the edge of the stable roof。 Kahlan looked out over the hills。 It was going to be a rare; warm day in the winter。 But soon it would be spring。
Mistress Sanderholt was surprised when Richard took another bowl of soup and chunk of bread。
‘Mistress Sanderholt; you make the best spice soup in the world; after min