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of the spirit house。 She could hear the screaming howls of laughter。
Kahlan threw her shoulder against the door and rolled out into the night。 As she sprang to her feet she saw a small; dark form hurtling toward her。 She slashed with her knife and missed。
It came again; but before it was on her; Richard kicked it; slamming it back against the short wall。 In the moonlight the Sword of Truth flashed toward the shadow。 The blade caught only the wall。 A shower of mud…brick fragments and plaster exploded into the air。 The thing howled in laughter。
Richard snatched her back just as the dark shape flew past。 She caught it with her blade; ripping through something hard … bone hard。 A claw flashed past her face; the sword following; missing。
She could hear Richard panting as he searched the darkness。 The shadow came out of nowhere and knocked him to the ground。 Dark forms tumbled across the dirt。 She couldn’t tell which was Richard and which was the attacker。 Claws flung dirt into the air as it flailed at him。
With a grunt; Richard heaved it over the wall。 Instantly it sprang to the top; and stood there; eyes flashing golden in the moonlight; cackling that awful laugh as the two of them backed away。 It fell silent as it watched them walking backward。
The air was suddenly alive with the zip of arrows。 Within the space of a heartbeat; a dozen thudded into the black body。 Not one missed。 A breath later an equal number followed。 The thing panted in laughter。 It stood on the wall looking like a black pincushion。
Kahlan’s jaw dropped as she saw it snap off a handful of arrows that stuck out of its chest。 The thing snarled a cackling laugh at them; then blinked as it watched them backing away。 She couldn’t understand why it just stood there。 Another flight of arrows thudded into the black body。 It paid no attention; but dropped from the wall to the ground。
A dark figure ran forward; spear in hand。 From the shadow of the wall; the thing sprang at the runner。 The hunter let the spear fly。 With impossible speed; the black form ducked to the side and with its teeth snatched the spear from the air。 Laughing; it bit the shaft in half。 The hunter who had thrown it backed away; and the thing seemed to lose interest; turning to again watch her and Richard。
‘What in the world is it doing?’ Richard whispered。 ‘Why did it stop? Why is it just watching us?’
With a cold shock; she knew。
‘It’s a screeling;’ Kahlan whispered more to herself than to him。 ‘Oh; dear spirits protect us; it’s a screeling。’
She and Richard were clutching each other’s shirtsleeves as they walked backward; watching the screeling。
‘Get away!’ she yelled at the hunters。 ‘ Walk! Don’t run!’
They answered with another useless flight of arrows。
‘This way;’ Richard said。 ‘Between the buildings; where it’s dark。’
‘Richard; that thing can see better in the dark than we can see in the light。 It’s from the underworld。’
He kept his eyes on the screeling standing in the open; in the moonlight。 ‘I’m listening。 What else can we do?’
She shook her head。 ‘I don’t know。 But don’t run; and don’t stand still。 That attracts its attention。 I think the only way to kill it may be to hack it apart。’
He looked over to her; his eyes angry in the moonlight。 ‘What do you think I’ve been trying to do?’
Kahlan looked around at the small passageway they were entering。 ‘Maybe we should go through here after all。 Maybe it will stay there and we can get away。 If not; at least we can lead it away from the others。’
The screeling watched them backing away; and then started loping after them; panting a wicked laugh。
‘Nothing is ever easy;’ Richard muttered。
They backed through the narrow passageway of smooth; plastered walls; the screeling following。 Kahlan could see the dark knot of hunters following it in; could feel the pounding of her heart。
‘I wanted you to stay in the spirit house。 Why didn’t you stay there where you were safe?’
She recognized the tone of rage from the sword’s magic。 Her hand holding his shirtsleeve felt wet and warm。 She looked over and saw blood running down his arm; over her hand。 ‘Because I love you; you big ox。 And don’t you dare do anything like that again。’
‘If we get out of this alive; I’m going to put you over my knee。’
They kept backing down the twisting passageway。 ‘If we get out of this alive; I will let you。 What happened to your headache?’
Richard shook his head。 ‘I don’t know。 One second I could hardly breathe; and the next; it was gone。 As soon as it was gone; I could feel that thing on the other side of the door; and I heard it make that awful laugh。’
‘Maybe you just thought you could sense it because you heard it。’
‘I don’t know。 That could be。 But it was the strangest feeling。’
She pulled him by his shirtsleeve down a side passage。 It was darker。 Moonlight fell high up on a wall to their left。 With a start; she saw the dark shape of the screeling skittering across the moonlit wall; like some huge; black bug。 Kahlan had to force herself to draw a breath。
‘How can it do that?’ Richard whispered。
She had no answer。 Behind them; torches appeared。 Hunters were closing in around them; trying to bottle up the attacker。
Richard looked around。 ‘If these people try to get this thing; its going to kill the lot of them。’ They stepped into a moonlit intersection of passageways。 ‘Kahlan; I can’t let that happen。’ He looked to his right; down toward a group of hunters ing with torches。 ‘Go to those men。 Get behind them。’
‘Richard; I’m not leaving。 。。。’
He shoved her。 ‘Do as I say! Now!’
His tone made her jump。 Involuntarily; she backed away。 Richard stood still in the moonlight; holding the sword in both hands; the tip resting on the ground。 He looked up at the screeling hanging on the wall。 It howled a laugh; as if suddenly recognizing the figure standing before it。
The screeling let go with its claws; dropping straight down; landing in the darkness with a