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tg.stone of tears-第章

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h a part of her the magic was; until it was gone。 She wondered if this dull bleakness was the way people without the power felt all the time。 She couldn’t imagine living without the magic。
 She longed for death; now; to end this dead feeling。 Only Richard had accepted her with her power。 She never pletely accepted it herself; but Richard had。 Now it was too late。 She grieved more for the loss of her magic than her life。 She knew; now; what the other creatures of magic would feel; when it happened to them。 She grieved for them。
 Ranson’s hand on her arm jerked her to a halt; jerked her to awareness; before an iron door in a dim corridor。 One of the guards worked at a rusty lock on the iron door。 Kahlan recognized the door。 She had taken confessions down here。
 ‘And now; to my second promise; Mother Confessor;’ Ranson said with a sneer。 ‘You will be stripped of your dignity。’
 Kahlan gasped as his fist grabbed what was left of her hair and jerked her head back。 As she was held helpless; her wrists bound painfully behind her back; and her hair in his fist; Ranson kissed her neck。
 Right where Darken Rahl had kissed her neck。
 The same horrors coursed through her mind as when Darken Rahl had done it。 She shuddered with revulsion; with the horror of the visions。 In her mind; she saw the young women in Ebinissia; only this time; she was one of them。
 ‘I would rape you myself;’ Ranson whispered in her ear; ‘but I find your sense of honor disgusting。’
 The door squeaked open; and without any further word; Ranson shoved her through the doorway; into the pit。
 Kahlan gasped at the feeling of falling through space; but before she had a chance to fully consider what would happen when she hit the floor; rough hands caught her。 They pushed her down to the cold stone。 She saw the light of the doorway above disappear when the door clanged closed。 In the light of a sputtering torch in a bracket; she saw grinning men all about; pushing in at her。
 The rope cut into her wrists。 Her feelings of terror and helplessness gave way to desperate action。 Kahlan kicked a man in the groin。 She was on her back on the floor; so she had leverage to do damage。 She rammed her heel into the face of another man leaning over her。 He fell back with a cry。 She kicked frantically at the others。
 The grasping hands caught her ankles。 She kicked her legs but the men held tight。 She rolled to the side; breaking the grip; and skittered into a corner。 Her freedom was only momentary。 They seized her flailing legs again。
 In the back of her mind; as she fought; Kahlan desperately tried to think。 A spark of thought tried to get her attention。 It was something about Zedd; but she couldn’t think clearly。
 The men fighting to get at her pushed her white dress up her legs。 Hands pawed at her thighs。 Big; meaty fingers hooked her smallclothes; stripping them down her legs and off her feet。 She felt rough hands and cold air on her flesh。 She fought the men and; at the same time; her own panic。
 Two men were on the floor; one holding his crotch; the other sprawled out; blood gushing from his ruined face。 His nose was crushed。 There were ten others; all trying to get at her at once。 They threw each other back; trying to force themselves on top of her; the biggest working his way in。 Kahlan couldn’t get her breath。
 With frantic effort; the spark of thought sprang forth。 She remembered asking Zedd if he could remove her power。 She had wanted to be free of it so she could be with Richard。 Zedd had told her that it wasn’t possible to rid a Confessor of her power; that she was born with the magic; and it couldn’t be separated from her as long as she was alive。
 How could Ranson have stripped her of her power? Zedd was a wizard of the First Order; there was no wizard with more power than a wizard of the First Order。 Why wouldn’t Ranson have wanted to rape her first? He said she disgusted him。 But he said he wanted to strip her of her dignity。 Why wouldn’t he want to do it?
 Unless he was afraid。
 Afraid she would figure it out。 Figure what out?
 It came to her。 The Wizard’s First Rule。
 People would believe anything; if they wanted to believe。 Or if they were afraid it was true。 She was afraid it was true that he had stripped her of her power。 Maybe he had used magic to give her pain and mask her ability to sense her own magic; to try to trick her into believing what she feared。
 As the men groped at her; she groped for her power。 She tried to find the calmness; the place of her magic; but it just wasn’t there。 All she felt was emptiness。 Where she always felt the swell of magic before; she now felt only a numb; hollow void。
 She wanted to cry at the feel of the men’s hands on her legs; and between them; but she couldn’t allow herself to lose control; her only chance。 Try as she might; she couldn’t find the magic; couldn’t call it forth。 It was simply gone。 She desperately wanted her hands free。
 ‘Wait!’ she screamed。
 The men all stopped for a moment; their faces pulling back; looking at her。 She gasped to catch her breath。
 Talk; she ordered of herself; while you have the chance。 ‘You’re doing it all wrong!’
 They laughed。 ‘We think we’ll figure it out;’ one said。
 Kahlan struggled to control her fear; and think。 They were going to do what they were going to do; and she couldn’t stop them。 Fighting them in this way was going to acplish nothing; except to feed her panic。 She had only one chance; and that was to use her head。 She had to slow them down and give herself time to think。
 ‘If you do it this way; you will just be denying yourselves the full satisfaction of it。’
 They frowned。 ‘What do you mean?’
 ‘If you’re all fighting each other; and me; you won’t be able to really enjoy me as a woman。 Wouldn’t it be more enjoyable if I cooperated?’
 They all looked at one another。 One to the side spoke up。 ‘She has a point。 The queen wasn’t nearly so much good after she went numb on us。’
 ‘Queen?’ Kahlan asked。 ‘What queen? You men ar
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