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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘Seems a long way to go;’ Ruben said。 ‘Why did I want you to take us there?’
 ‘You said you had to go to the Wizard’s Keep。 You said that it takes magic to get in; but you don’t have any magic; now; so you told me how to get you in。 Seems you were a troublesome child; and had a secret way to sneak in and out of the Keep without triggering the magic。’ Ruben drew his finger and thumb down his smooth jaw。 ‘And you say I told you it was urgent?’
 Ahern gave a grim nod。
 ‘Then we’d best be on our way。’
 Just as she had been smiling to people all evening; Kahlan smiled to the woman in an elaborate dark blue gown before her。 The woman was relating how concerned everyone had been for the Mother Confessor。 Her insincerity was as transparent as the hypocrisy from everyone else。 Kahlan had spent her whole life listening to duplicitous people try to mask their avaricious nature with words of altruism and amity。 It sickened her。
 Kahlan wished that just once; one of these people she lived and worked with would have the honesty to admit how strongly they hated her and how it infuriated them that she wouldn’t allow them to rape the Midlands and its people for their own benefit。 She admonished herself that they were not all like that。
 Kahlan idly wondered; as she half listened; what this dignified wife of an ambassador would think if instead of seeing the Mother Confessor standing before her in a sparkling white dress; wearing a choker of jewels worth half her kingdom; she were to see her on a horse; naked; painted white and drenched in blood; as she hacked with a sword at the faces of men trying to kill her。 Kahlan decided the woman would probably faint。
 When the woman finally paused for a breath; Kahlan thanked her for her concern; and moved away。 It was getting late and she was tired。 She had an early appointment with the council。 Seeing herself as she passed a mirror; Kahlan felt as if she had been dreaming for a very long time; and had awakened; the same as she was before; the Mother Confessor; in her white Confessor’s dress; at the Confessors’ Palace in Aydindril。
 But she wasn’t the same as the last time she had been here。 She felt a hundred years older。 She smiled; at least the bath had been wonderful。 She couldn’t remember finding a bath so luxurious。 She had almost forgotten what it was like to be clean。
 Near the doorway; another finely dressed lady approached。 A twitch of a frown touched Kahlan’s brow。 The woman’s sandy hair seemed too short … out of character with the other women’s hair; which brushed their shoulders。 But her dress certainly was in character; it was a costly looking black gown; letting her shoulders; and the sparkling emerald necklace; show。
 The woman blocked the doorway just before Kahlan stepped through。 She dropped a hurried curtsy; her blue eyes darting about as she came up。
 ‘Mother Confessor; I must speak to you。 It’s urgent。’
 ‘I’m sorry; but I’m afraid I don’t remember you。’
 The woman’s blue eyes never looked up; they were constantly checking the other people。 ‘You don’t know me。 We have a friend in mon。 。。。’
 When the woman caught sight of a sour…faced; older woman looking in their direction; she put her back to the woman。
 ‘Mother Confessor; did you e to Aydindril alone; or did you bring someone with you?’
 ‘I have a friend; Chandalen; who came with me; but he is in the woods to the south for the night。 Why?’
 ‘That is not the name I was hoping to hear。’ She looked up into Kahlan’s eyes。 ‘You must。。。’
 Her words trailed off。 Her intense blue eyes slowly opened wider。 She stood as if turned to stone。
 ‘What is it?’ Kahlan asked。
 The woman seemed to be seeing specters。 ‘You 。。。 you 。。。’
 The color had drained from her in a sickening rush。 The woman staggered back a step。 The sudden whiteness of her shoulders against the black fabric of her gown made her look like a spirit in a dress。 Her jaw trembled as she tried without success to bring words forth。 Her face was a mask of terror。
 Her blue eyes rolled back into her head。 Too late; Kahlan reached out for her。 The woman crumpled into a heap on the floor。
 People nearby gasped。 Kahlan; along with others; bent to the woman。 Men and women crowded around; murmuring to each other about too much wine。
 The sour…faced woman elbowed her way through to the front。 ‘Jebra! I thought it was Jebra!’
 Kahlan looked up。 ‘You know this woman? And who are you?’
 The woman abruptly realized who she was speaking to。 She flashed a sudden smile and curtsied awkwardly。 ‘I am the Lady Ordith Condatith de Dackidvich; Mother Confessor。 I’m so pleased to meet you; at last。 I’ve been wanting to talk 。。。’
 Kahlan cut her off。 ‘Who is this woman? Do you know her?’
 ‘Know her?’ Her sour expression returned。 ‘She is my body servant。 Her name is Jebra Bevinvier。 I’ll have the lazy wench thrashed!’
 ‘Body servant?’ a man said。 ‘I don’t think so。 I’ve had dinner with Lady Jebra; and I can assure you; she is a lady。’
 Lady Ordith sniffed。 ‘She’s an imposter。’
 ‘Then you must pay her well;’ the man said sarcastically。 ‘She stays in the finest inns; and pays with gold。’
 Lady Ordith gave the man another haughty sniff and snatched a guard’s arm。 ‘You! Take this wench to my quarters。 I’m staying at the Kelton Palace。 I’ll get to the bottom of this。’
 Kahlan came to her feet and gave the Lady Ordith a withering glare。 ‘You will do no such thing。 Unless you are presuming to tell the Mother Confessor what to do in her own palace?’
 Lady Ordith stammered an apology。 Kahlan snapped her ringers to the side while holding Lady Ordith’s gaze。 Guards jumped forward。
 Kahlan turned。 ‘Take Lady Jebra to a guest room。 Have a servant bring her some ginger tea; cold towels for her head; and anything else she wants。 I do not want her disturbed by anyone; and that includes the Lady Ordith。 I’m retiring for the night; and I do not wish to be disturbed by anyone; either。 I have an early session with the counci
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