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tg.stone of tears-第章

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ppened to it?’
 ‘What happened to it? I killed it; that’s what happened to it。 What sort of thing is a mriswith?’
 Her big brown eyes came to his。 ‘What do you mean; you killed it? You can’t kill a mriswith。 No one has ever killed a mriswith。’
 Her face was a picture of consternation。
 ‘Well; someone has killed one now。’
 ‘You killed it at night; didn’t you。’
 ‘Yes。’ Richard frowned。 ‘How do you know that?’
 ‘Mriswith are rarely seen outside Hagen Woods; but there have been reports over the last few thousand years。 Reports given by people who somehow managed to live long enough to tell what they saw。 The mriswith always take on the color of what is around them。 In one report; one rose up in the tidal flats; and was the color of mud。 One time in the sand dunes; it was the color of the sand。 One report noted that in the light of a golden sunset; the mriswith was golden。 When they kill at night; they’re never seen; because they are black; like the night。 We think they have the ability; maybe the magic; to assume the color of their surroundings。 Since this one is black; I guessed that you killed it at night。’
 Richard took her arm; gently pulling her away。 She seemed transfixed by the creature。 He could feel her trembling under his hand。
 ‘Pasha; what are they?’
 ‘Things that live in the Hagen Woods。 I don’t know what they are。 I’ve heard it said that in the war that separated the New World from the Old; the wizards created armies of the mriswith。 Some people believe the mriswith are sent by the Nameless One。
 ‘But the Hagen Woods are their home。 And the home of other things。 They are why no one lives out in the country on this side of the river。 Sometimes; they e out of the woods; and hunt people。 They never devour their kills; they seem simply to kill for the sake of killing。 Mriswith disembowel their victims。 Some live long enough to tell what got them; that is how we know as much as we know。’
 ‘How long have the Hagen Woods; the creatures; been here?’
 ‘As far as I know; at least as long as the Palace of the Prophets; nearly three thousand years。’
 She took a fistful of his shirt。 ‘In all that time; no one; not once; has ever killed a mriswith。 Every victim said that they never saw it until after it slashed them open。 Some of those victims have been Sisters; and wizards; and not even their Han warned them。 They said they were blind to its ing; as if they were born without the gift。 How is it you were able to kill a mriswith?’
 Richard remembered seeing it ing in his mind。 He took her hand from his shirt。 ‘Maybe I was just lucky。
 Someone was bound to get one sooner or later。 Maybe this one was just a half…wit。’
 ‘Richard; please; e away with me。 This is not the way to have a test of wills with the palace。 This could get you killed。’
 ‘I’m not testing anyone’s will; I’m taking responsibility for my actions。 It’s my fault Sister Verna was demoted; I’ve got to set it straight。 I’m taking a stand for what’s right。 If I don’t do that; then I am nothing。’
 ‘Richard; if the sun sets on you in the Hagen Woods …’
 ‘You are wasting precious time; Pasha。’
 It was late afternoon when he heard them ing。 He heard the sound of only one horse; and Pasha’s voice calling out the direction。 At last they broke into the clearing。
 Richard sheathed his sword。 ‘Bonnie!’ He gave the horse’s neck a scratch。 ‘How you doing; girl?’
 Bonnie nuzzled his chest。 Richard pushed his fingers in the side of her mouth and felt the bit while Sister Maren frowned at him。
 ‘I’m glad to see you use a snaffle bit; Sister。’
 ‘The stableboys said they couldn’t find the spade bits。’ She glared down at him suspiciously。 ‘Seems they vanished。 Mysteriously。’
 ‘That so?’ Richard shrugged。 ‘Can’t say I’m sorry。’
 Pasha was panting with the effort of having kept up with the Sister on her horse。 Her white blouse was soaked with sweat。 She fussed hopelessly with the matted; tangled mess of her hair。 The Sister must have made Pasha walk; as punishment。 Sister Maren; in her plain brown dress buttoned to her neck; looked cool and fortable atop the horse。
 ‘So; Richard;’ Sister Maren said; as she dismounted; ‘I am here; as you requested。 What is it you want?’
 She knew very well what he wanted; but Richard decided to restate it in a pleasant tone。 ‘It’s quite simple。 Sister Verna is to be restored to Sister。 At once。 And you are also to return her dacra to her。’
 She gestured dismissively。 ‘And here I thought you would want something unreasonable。 This is simple。 It is done。 Verna is returned to Sister。 It makes no difference to me。’
 ‘And when she asks why; I don’t want you to tell her about this business with me。 Just say you reconsidered; or something; and decided to reinstate her。 If you want; you can tell her you prayed for guidance from your Creator; and it came to you that she should remain a Sister。’
 She brushed some of her fine; sandy hair back from her face。 That would suit me。 Are you satisfied? Is everything to your liking?’
 ‘That would end it; and keep our truce。’
 ‘Good。 Now that the trifling matters are dispensed with; show me this dead bear。 Pasha has half the palace in an uproar with some babble about you killing a mriswith。’ Pasha furiously studied the ground as Sister Maren directed a scolding frown in her direction。 The foolish child never sets her slippered foot on anything that hasn’t been swept; scrubbed; or polished。 The only time she sticks her head out…of…doors is go see the latest bolt of lace to e to Tanimura。 She wouldn’t know a rabbit from an ox; and she certainly wouldn’t know a 。。。 What is that smell?’
 ‘Bear guts;’ Richard said。
 He held out his arm; showing her the way。 Pasha deferentially stepped aside。 Sister Maren straightened her dress at her hips and marched toward the trees。 Pasha peeked up at him; and when they heard Sister Maren gasp; her head came the rest of the way up and she smiled。
 When Sister Maren st
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