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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 She gestured with her hand。 ‘This camp is well hidden。 I’m safe up here。’
 He leaned forward insistently。 Ten or twelve men are not going to make any difference to us; and I would be better able to put my mind to our task if I’m not worrying about you all alone back here。’
 She didn’t have the energy to argue。 ‘All right 。。。’
 She flopped back down。 With a troubled frown; Tossidin pulled the mantle up over her。 She was sinking back into the blackness as the two of them crawled out the opening。 She tried to keep herself from going into that unfeeling place; but she was helplessly swept away。
 The crushing weight of the void closed in around her。 She tried to escape its grasp; tried to e back up; but the darkness was too thick; like being encased in mud。 She was trapped; still being sucked deeper。 She felt a surge of panic。
 She tried to think; but could not form thoughts into coherent concepts。 She had the sense that something was wrong; but could not bring her mind to bear on the solution。
 This time; instead of surrendering; she focused all her strength on thoughts of Richard; on her need to help him; and the darkness then was not a total void。 She had an inkling of time; sensing its incremental passing。 She felt as if she were sleeping her whole lifetime away as she tenaciously kept Richard in her thoughts。
 Her concern for him; and her anxiety over the strangeness of the depthless sleep; let her slowly; methodically; claw her way back。 Yet it seemed to take hours。
 With a desperate gasp; she came awake。 Her head swirled with a throbbing ache。 Her whole body tingled with sharp little pricks of pain。 She laboriously pushed herself up; to sit; staring about her dark shelter。 The candle was burned almost all the way down。 Quiet hummed in her ears。
 She thought maybe she needed cold air to wake up。 Her arms and legs felt thick and heavy as she crawled through the opening of the shelter。 Outside; it was dusk。 She looked up at the first stars winking through the trees。 Her breath fogged before her face as she stood on wobbly legs。
 Kahlan took a step; and promptly tripped over something; falling on her face in the snow。 Her cheek still against the ground; she opened her eyes。 Inches away; glassy eyes were staring at her。 The side of a young man’s face was lying against the snow; close to hers。 It was his leg she had tripped over。 It felt as if her bones wanted to leap out of her skin and run。
 His throat was gaping open; his neck nearly sliced in two; letting his head bend back from his body at an impossible angle。 She could see the opening of his severed windpipe。 Clotted blood covered snow。 A bloom of bile rose up into her throat。 She swallowed; forcing it back down。
 Slowly lifting her head; she saw the dark forms of other bodies。 They were all Galean。 Every sword still rested in its scabbard。 They had died without the chance to fight back。
 Kahlan’s legs tensed; wanting to run; but she strained to be still。 In the dull fog of the halfsleep she couldn’t throw off; she struggled to think。 Her mind seemed to be mired in a dreamlike stupor; unable to concentrate。 Someone had killed these men; and could still be around; she somehow had to force herself to think。
 She touched her fingers to the dead soldier’s hand。 It was still warm。 This must have just happened。 Maybe that was what had wakened her。
 She peered up; among the trees。 Men moved in the shadows。 They had seen her; and were moving into the clearing around her。 They laughed and hooted as they came forward; and she saw who they were … close to a dozen D’Harans; and a couple of Keltans。 Men of the Imperial Order。 With a gasp; Kahlan sprang to her feet。
 One man; the one closest; had a puffy red wound down the left side of his face; from his temple to his jaw; where Nick’s hoof had caught him。 Ragged stitches held the black and red flesh closed。 He gave a sneering smile with the good side of his mouth。 It was General Riggs。
 ‘Well; well; I have found you at last; Confessor。’
 Kahlan flinched with the rest of the men when a dark form screaming a battle cry crashed through the underbrush。 As the men turned; Kahlan bolted the other way。
 Before she turned; she had seen the fading light glint off a huge war axe。 The crescent…shaped blade struck down two men in one swing。 It was Orsk。 He must have been searching for her; too; so he could protect her。 One touched by a Confessor never gave up。
 Her legs felt thick; and tingled as if she had slept on them; but she ran as hard as she could。 Yelling and screaming erupted behind her。 Steel rang against steel。 Orsk roared as he tore into the men after her。
 Spruce branches slapped her face as she staggered through the trees。 Dead limbs and brush snagged her pants and shirt。 Dizzy; she stumbled through the drifts。 Snow splashed against her face as she crashed through drooping boughs。 She couldn’t make her legs run fast enough。
 The man on her heels grunted as he dove for her。 His arms snared her legs and she went down hard。 She spit snow out as she kicked and struggled to get away。 The man clawed his way up her legs; grabbing hold of her belt and throwing himself on top of her。
 The red face with the angry wound down one side hovered right over hers。 In triumph; he grinned wickedly。 Back through the trees; she could hear the sounds of furious battle。 She and Riggs were alone as she struggled to squirm away。
 One fist grabbed her hair and held her head to the ground。 His other fist punched her in the side; knocking the wind from her lungs。 He hit her again。 Nausea swept through her in a hot wave as she fought to get her breath。
 ‘I’ve got you now; Confessor。 You’ll not get away again。 You may as well resign yourself to it。’
 He was alone。 What was he thinking? She slapped a hand to his chest。 It seemed a puzzle to her that alone man would think he could take a Confessor。
 ‘You have no one; Riggs;’ she managed to say under the weight of him。 ‘You’ve lost。 You are mine。’
 ‘I don’t think so。’ He sneered。 ‘He said you can’t use your power; no
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