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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘What would you do to defeat this enemy;’ she asked as she moved her gaze among the three; ‘if you had to?’
 At last Tossidin leaned in again。 ‘There are too many。 It cannot be done。’
 Chandalen angrily backhanded Tossidin’s shoulder。 ‘We are Mud People fighters! We are smarter than these men who ride in wagons and murder women。 Do you think them better fighters than us?’
 The two brothers shuffled their feet as they averted their eyes。 ‘Well;’ Prindin said; ‘we know that the way they want to do it will only get them killed。 There are better ways。’
 Chandalen smiled。 ‘Of course there are。 The spirits taught my grandfather how to do such things。 He taught my father and my father taught me。 The numbers may be larger; but it is the same problem。 We know better than these men what to do。’ He looked Kahlan in the eye。 ‘You; too; know better than these men what to do。 You know you must not fight the way the enemy wants。 That is what these men are about to do。’
 Kahlan smiled at him and nodded。 ‘Maybe we can help these men protect other innocent people。’
 She turned to Captain Ryan。 He had been watching her speak in a foreign tongue with the three strange men。
 ‘All right; Captain。 We are going to go after this army。’
 He gripped her shoulders。 ‘Thank you; Mother Confessor!’ He jerked his hands back; realizing with a fright that he had actually touched her。 He instead rubbed his hands together。 ‘It will work。 You’ll see。 We’ll have the jump on them。 We’ll surprise them and have them all on a pike。’
 She leaned toward him。 He backed away。 ‘Surprise them? Surprise them!’ She grabbed him by his collar and pulled his face close。 ‘They have a wizard; you idiot!’
 The captain’s face paled。 ‘A wizard?’ he whispered。
 She released his collar with an angry shove。 ‘You were at Ebinissia; didn’t you see the hole melted through the wall?’
 ‘Well 。。。 I guess I didn’t pay attention。 I only saw the dead。’ His eyes darted about; as if seeing them now。 They were everywhere。’
 She cooled at the pained expression on his face。 ‘I understand。 They were your friends and family。 I can understand why you wouldn’t have noticed。 But that is no excuse for a soldier。 A soldier must notice everything。 Missing details can get you killed; Captain。 This is a good example of a little detail that would have done you in。’
 He swallowed and then nodded。 ‘Yes; Mother Confessor。’
 ‘Do you want to kill the men who destroyed Ebinissia?’ The three soldiers spoke up that they did。 Then I am taking mand of this legion。 If you want to stop the men who are up there; then you will do as I say。 And as Chandalen; Prindin; and Tossidin say。
 ‘You may know about battle tactics; but we know about killing people。 This is not a battle; Captain; this is killing people。 We are only going to help you if you really want to stop those men。 If you are interested in having a battle; then we will leave you right now so you can get yourselves slaughtered。’
 Captain Ryan fell to a knee。 The two lieutenants followed his example。 ‘Mother Confessor; it would be my greatest honor to serve under you。 You have my life; and the lives of every one of my men。 If you know how to stop those men from murdering any more people; we will do whatever you ask。’
 She nodded down to the three men。 This is no war game; Captain。 For us to win; every man must do as he is ordered。 Anyone who doesn’t do as we order is aiding the enemy。 That is treason。 If you want to stop those men; then you all are going to have to turn mand over to me; and you can’t change your mind if the task bees grim。 Do you understand?’
 ‘Yes; Mother Confessor。 I understand。’
 She looked to the other two。 ‘And you?’
 ‘I am honored to serve under you; Mother Confessor。’
 ‘As am I; Mother Confessor。’
 Kahlan motioned them up and then drew her fur mantle closed。 ‘I must get to Aydindril。 It is of the utmost importance; but I will help you begin this。 We will tell you what must be done。 I can give you only a day or two; we will help you begin the killing; and then we must be on our way。’
 ‘Mother Confessor; what of the wizard?’
 Kahlan looked at him from under her eyebrows。 ‘You leave the wizard to me。 Do you understand? He is mine。 I will handle it。’
 ‘All right。 What do you want us to do first?’
 Kahlan walked between the captain and one of the lieutenants。 ‘The first thing you have to do is get me a horse。’
 Chandalen leapt forward and gripped her arm; slowing her as he put his head close to hers。 His tone was angry with suspicion。 ‘Why do you want a horse? Where are you going?’
 She came to a halt; pulling her arm free。 She took in all six men。 ‘Do you have any idea what it is I’m about to do? I’m about to choose sides。 I am the Mother Confessor。 If I choose sides; I choose sides for all the Midlands。 I mit all the Midlands to war。’ She met Chandalen’s eyes。 ‘I cannot do that on the word of these men。’
 Chandalen erupted in fury。 ‘What more proof do you need! You saw what they did back at that city!’
 ‘What I saw does not matter。 I must know why。 I cannot simply declare war。 I must know who these men are; for whom they fight。’ She had another reason to go; a more important reason; but she didn’t speak it。
 They are killers!’
 ‘You’ve killed people。 Would you not want others to know the reason before they sought vengeance?’
 ‘You foolish woman!’ Prindin put a cautionary hand on Chandalen’s arm; attempting to bring a little prudence to Chandalen’s words。 Chandalen angrily wrenched his arm away。 ‘You say these men are foolish; and they have thousands。 You are one! You have no chance to escape if they decide to kill you!’
 ‘I’m the Mother Confessor。 None may lay a weapon to me。’
 She knew it was an absurd pretext; but she had to do this; and could think of no other justification to allay his fears。 Chandalen was too angry to speak。 He finally turned away with a growl。 She knew that in the past he would have been angry because if she
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