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e Richard had told her of their close family packs; she had e to feel an affection for them。 She hadn’t wanted the two brothers to kill wolves to make the warm cape; but they insisted that it was necessary and; in the end; she had acquiesced。
It had sickened her to watch the carcasses being skinned; revealing the red muscle beneath; and white of bone and sinew; the substance of being; so elegant when filled with life and spirit; so suddenly morbid when left with neither。
As the brothers went about the grisly task; she could think only of Brophy; the man she had touched with her power; only to have it prove him innocent。 He had been turned to a wolf by her wizard; Giller; to release him from the power of a Confessor’s magic; so he could start over in a new life。 She had wondered at how saddened these wolves’ families must have been when they never returned; as she knew Brophy’s mate and pack must have been when he was killed。
She had seen so much killing。 She was weary nearly to tears of it; at the way it seemed to go on without an end in sight。 At least the three men had felt no pride or joy at having killed the magnificent animals; and had said a prayer to the spirits of their brother wolves; as they had called them。
‘We should not be doing this;’ Chandalen grumbled。
He was leaning on his spear; watching her; she knew; but she didn’t take her eyes from the silent city below; the too…still scene。 His tone was not as sharp as it usually was。 It betrayed his awe at seeing a city the size of Ebinissia。
He had never before been far from the Mud People’s lands; had never seen this many buildings; especially none of such grand scale。 When he had first taken in the size of it; his brown eyes had stared in silent wonder he could not conceal; and his acid tongue; for once; had forsaken him。 Having lived his whole life in the village out on the plains; it must look to him as if he were seeing the result of magic; not mere human effort。
She felt a small pang of sorrow for him and the two brothers; that their simple view of the outside world had to be shattered。 Well; they would see more; before this journey was ended; that would astonish them further。
‘Chandalen; I have spent a great effort; nearly every waking moment; teaching you and Prindin and Tossidin to speak my language。 No one where we go will speak yours。 It is for your own good that I do this。 You are free to believe that I am being spiteful; or that I am doing as I say: being mindful of your safety outside your land; but either way; you will speak to me in the tongue I have taught you。’
His tone tightened; but still could not disguise how humbled he was at seeing a great city for the first time。 It was far from the greatest he would see。 Perhaps; too; it betrayed something she had never before sensed from him: fear。
‘I am to take you to Aydindril; not this place。 We should not be using our time at this place。’ His inflection implied he thought a place such as this could be only evil。
Squinting against the blindingly bright sun on white snow; she saw the two figures; far below; starting up the slope。 She let the round bone slip from her fingers。 ‘I’m the Mother Confessor。 It’s my duty to protect all the people of the Midlands; the same way I work to safeguard the Mud People。’
‘You bring no help to my people; only trouble。’
His protest seemed more habit than a heartfelt challenge。 She answered it in a quiet; tired murmur。 ‘Enough; Chandalen。’
Thankfully; he didn’t press the argument; but turned his anger elsewhere。 ‘Prindin and Tossidin should not e up the hill in the open like that。 I have taught them not to be so stupid。 If they were boys; I would strike their bottoms。 Anyone can see where they go。 Will you do as I say; and e out of the open now?’
She let him shepherd her back into the shroud of trees; not because she thought it necessary; but because she wanted to let him know she respected his efforts to protect her。 Despite his animosity at being forced to go on this journey; he had done his duty; watching over her constantly; as had the two brothers; they with smiles and concern; he with a scowl and suspicion。 All three made her feel like a precious; fragile cargo that must be tended at all times。 The brothers; she knew; were sincere。 Chandalen; she was sure; saw his mission only as a task that must be performed; no matter how onerous。
‘We should go quickly from here;’ he pressed; again。
Kahlan withdrew a hand from under the fur mantle and pulled a stray strand of her long hair back from her face。 ‘It is my duty to know what has happened here。’
‘You said your duty was to go to Aydindril; as Richard With The Temper asked。’
Kahlan turned away without answering; moving deeper into the snow…crusted trees。 She missed Richard more than she could bear。 Every time she closed her eyes; she saw his face as it had looked when he thought she had betrayed him。 She wanted to drop to her knees and let out the scream that seemed to be always there; trapped just below the surface; trying to find a way past her restraint; a scream born of her horror at what she had done。
But what else could she have done? If what she had learned was true; and the veil to the underworld was torn and Richard was in fact the only one who could close it; and if the collar was the only thing that could save his life and give him the chance to close the veil; then she had had no choice。 How could she have made any other decision? How could Richard ever respect her if she didn’t face her responsibilities to the greater good? The Richard she loved would eventually realize that。 He had to。
But if any of it was not true; then she had delivered the man she loved into his worst nightmare; for nothing。
She wondered again if Richard often looked at the lock of her hair she had given him; and thought of her。 She hoped that he could find it in himself to understand and forgive her。 She wanted so much to tell him how much she loved him。 She yearned to hold him to her。 She wanted only to get to Aydindril; to Zedd; for help。
But she had t